Friday, September 27, 2019

Hello Everyone,
Sunday September 29, 2019.

So, just a heads up about what was added.  The teaser that I spoke of regarding the new teaching about FAIRIES, is in the 'Important Media' section.  The 'Latest Post' was updated with all the day to day updates from the Ontario trip that we just finished.  The 'Photo' section was updated.  The 'Video' section was updated.  What I am writing here and below is the "HOME" section and just the short update of what was done and the changes to the update...
Thanks for your patience and sorry in advance for what you are about to read...

Updated since Friday:

So, today it is Sunday and I am adding the MP3 of the voice memo about the Fairy.  Yes, if you missed the email updates there is a species like angels that God created to serve humanity.  Fairies are real!  The long voice memo will explain it more fully.  You will find it in the "IMPORTANT MEDIA" section.   Also, I will try to put some of the videos and make a few tweaks from this past trip and they will be in the "VIDEO" section.    The photos of the trip were added to the PHOTO section (and NOT the Latest Post' like usual) and the written updates will be added to "latest post".

As I have exasperatedly (yes I make up words) stated multiple times, this ministry makes demands on people that are absolutely almost unbearable.  Those bug bites I thought I got from the murder motel were actually a reaction that I had to the stress, like shingles and I actually caused them to myself.  Being overwhelmed is what happens almost every time we get together to do this work.  There will always be three or four things going on at once and we can never finish them all here I always have to bring my work home with me.  Friday was another example.  I have not slowed down yet from the trip and feel like I have mono (weak and shortness of breath and dizzy) and the last few days Rachel has been so sick and had multiple visitors and maintenance to fix her bathroom fan, sink and screen door and still today it flooded AGAIN!  It NEVER ENDS and that is why we need teams of people taking shifts helping her.  There is no question God is using her because she comes home and just hits the ground running and God gives her the supernatural strength to do it.

Thanks again for the prayers and keep checking the blog every once in a while because we will make changes whenever we get a chance.  I promise in the future the blog posts will be shorter, concise, less complaining in tone and with much less venting.   I realize that it is unprofessional but maybe they are veiled cries for help.  The last time I sent out smoke signals when her banking information was 'almost' infiltrated, we got four responses to help us out with money, another person offered to help driving and another suggested that we insist on asking money on a monthly basis.  Maybe people could give LESS money but more regularly.  I know that some can only afford maybe 25 a month and some maybe 200 who knows?   God keeps telling me not to worry about money but in the end it is me that suffers.  If I don't throw a tantrum and ask ahead of time then I pay for it in other ways.  For example, Rachel had every intention of NOT telling anyone about this last trip, which cost over 3000 by the way (just for HER motel, hotels, some food and gas) and she had no intention also of asking for her 3 week trip coming up in Baltimore in December.  So, back to the point.  God says stop worrying about it, the money that is.  Well, I think God allowed this banking fiasco to wake us all up and Rachel as well, that we have to do this as a family and come together because we all suffer and we are all helped by this same small but mighty ministry.  Well, I suffer if I have to ask people before or I suffer because I had to spend hours and days sorting out all her banking stuff, getting new cheques, going to the police station, going back and forth to CIBC, spending hours on the phone, and all the struggle because she doesn't understand this complicated financial and technical stuff, so I had to come over here and I couldn't even get ready for a 12 day trip that killed me after only getting back from the Rome trip that also killed both of just three weeks before.  Absolutely this is a cry for help.  And most of the time everything I have to do I have to pretend not to do as much as I do or Rachel will feel guilty or others in the ministry are jealous, and some are offended rightfully so, because almost anyone could do a better job with this blessed blog.

Some positive things to report:  If you recall a while back when we pleaded for help I added there was an option to donate the money towards 'tech' endeavours.  So, because I put certain donations aside we were able to replace the broken photocopier with a new Laser Printer that does it all.  We are also looking into updating the 9 year old computer so it can run a little faster and I have an envelope aside for the sound card adapter so that when we take videos the sound will be more professional.  A few people are already looking forward to and have suggested that we make podcast type teaching videos and I hope to also have rosary videos or mp3s to which you can benefit from.  Thanks again and hopefully this will all help to get God's special message out so that many more can know the truth and the truth will set them free.

And yes, although I was hoping he would remove the whole middle part, God said to 'send it as it is'.
God help us all!