
Unlike what the word "apologetics" implies, it doesn't have to do with apologizing but rather it is a buzz word used often in Catholic and Christian circles and essentially means, 'speaking in defense' of  the faith.

Another title I wanted to give this section was "when they say...you say."; This section will have examples from other more qualified people from different sources that gives you a good idea of what to say when people say things like "what do you mean, I owe a debt to God', 'what do you mean aborted babies don't go straight to heaven'? ; 'is there really a hell?' and 'how can we prove there is a soul/afterlife'? etc.

ATTENTION:  The newest resources are posted with the date and at the top.  Please don't forget that there are tons of great resources that you just have to scroll down to access.  Thanks.

March 27, 2020
Do you ever come across people who say things like, "Corona virus, human trafficking, terrorism attacks...where is God in all of this?.  Here is a great video by Fr. Cedric Pisegna that can help us engage people like this and help us all move from "Superficial to Supernatural".

Here's the video.


More Tools
Added April 9, 2019
"Why do I have to go to a priest for confession"

Fr. Mike Schmitz is high energy and an amazing resource.
Here's his video about going to a priest for confession

(you can click on YOUTUBE in the video and it will
take you to the Youtube channel).

Here's a link to Fr. Mike's youtube channel with SO MANY resources!
His page is called Ascension Presents:

(click here) Ascension Presents

Here's one from Fr. John Muir:


Added March 29, 2019
Here is a first weapon/tool that you can use: (aside:  I realize using words like 'weapon' seems harsh and fear monger'ish, but I use these stronger terms because we have to realize that we are in a spiritual battle and that, THE ENEMY HAS DECLARED WAR ON US!  We should know who and what we are up against.  Most of us don't see the demons like Rachel does but the enemy uses people to fight us and challenge us and get us unhinged.  With this in mind I hope to provide tools through talks, youtube videos and references to teachings God has given Rachel.  BUT, I also must caution you that there are often times where no video or teaching will cut it because the person is just using arguments to defend their never changing hard heart; "for those who believe, no proof is necessary; for those who don't believe, NO PROOF IS POSSIBLE!

1.  It's called "the epidemic" and it is from Matthew Kelly an amazing Catholic writer and evangelist.   It's a great video to show your kids or anyone who says that Mass is boring or 'why should I go"'.

You can check out his website as well at: https://dynamiccatholic.com/

I suggest you use this when people say 'what do you mean we owe a debt to God or we have to give money to God":  (this will be developed more specifically answering the dilemma when we owe God a specific amount in relation to our spiritual debts or sins particularly expressed from the Lord through Rachel.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seBdKiM14ws

Excellent resources:
a) EWTN is the biggest Catholic media outlet (TV, WEB, Radio etc) station founded by Mother Angelica (and true to the faith: imho)

b) This next resource is called Battle Ready and it is geared towards men and how to be the spiritual leader and protector of the household.  Doug Barry is an excellent evangelist.

Another one geared towards men is Crossing the Goal:  

c) This next link has a gallery with MANY options for great Catholic entertainment, apologetics and also devotional materials like the daily homily, rosaries and the chaplet.  I suggest for REAL Catholic News instead of MSM fake news, watch News Nightly, The World Over, Pro Life Weekly etc.  For other great content you can check out Scripture and Tradition, a bible study hosted by Fr. Mitch Pacwa, one of the best 'apologists' alive right now.  I also recommend for kicks and giggles and some entertainment you could check out Mother Angelica Live Classics. For great talk show type entertainment you can check out Icons, At Home with Jim and Joy, Living Right with Dr. Ray and even Life on the Rock.

d) For conversion story type shows you have The Journey Home and a few others.

FR. SPITZER'S UNIVERSE: He deserves his own section!

e) In the gallery link above (c) I direct you to "Fr Spitzer's Universe" if you are interested in a more elaborate and deeper explanation of the faith.  Fr. Spitzer has a background in understanding the universe and big bang theory and could literally stand toe to toe with Stephen Hawking, Richard Dawkins and the modern atheists.  He was the president of Gonzaga university in the States and has a vast academic career but delivers in a humble and clear manner.  He also has an amazing website of his own where he gives tools and powerpoint presentations that one can use to teach kids or adults about the faith in a systematic and logical way.  I provide this because there are some that are converted by people's testimony and emotional tugs at the heart (most common) but there are some that reach enlightenment because they focus so much on reason and logic and this priest shines brighter than a supernova in this regard.
Here are the two links regarding this priest.  
First regarding the show he has on EWTN called Fr Spitzer's Universe:  

and the next link is his own website that has all the resources called the Magis Center: https://www.magiscenter.com/meet-fr-spitzer/

If you want specific documented verifiable evidence and proof of demonic activity and the increase and rise of exorcisms right now, click this link.  Here from the crediblecatholic.com website there are fantastic teaching tools and it is more for those who are doing serious inquiry and want to back it up with more academic and reason oriented evidence.  

He also does incredible research (even as a legally blind priest) with Near Death Experiences as proof of the soul, and the afterlife etc.

This website crediblecatholic.com deserves its own link.  If you click this https://www.crediblecatholic.com/programs/ you will see options for different areas of study and proofs of all kinds of things like; the historicity of Jesus, true happiness, why is there suffering, why be catholic etc:

For example, here is a link from the above website, if someone says 'well, near death experience is just a product of a rush of endorphins etc. to the brain, or a result of anoxia (lack of oxygen) or from morphine'.  This link brings you directly to Fr. Spitzer's "Big Book", Volume 2, Chapter One - Evidence of the Soul and Heaven from Near Death Experiences:


f)  For those who want the best tools for actual 'apologetics' you can refer to Catholic Answers or 
Called to Communion with Dr David Anders.  This next link is a gallery of the programming and I actually invite you to check out whatever you are drawn to.   There are some talk show type series like Women of Grace, At Home with Jim and Joy, Living Right with Dr. Ray, ICONS and others.  GREAT STUFF! GREAT CONTENT!
I have literally watched episodes from all or at least most of these options and found them helpful and fruitful even after being in the seminary 8 years, the ministry for 10 years and doing this 'religious' thing for at least 30 years I never stop learning something new and being fed on a daily basis.  We never stop learning even after we die.  So much amazing content that is trustworthy, especially in today's confusing times where unfortunately some of the representatives of the church have mislead and been afraid of sharing the truth to the faithful.  This content is 'unapologetic' (pun intended) and a absolutely trustworthy!  Here's the link for what I blabbed on about above.

In case you think I am criticizing the Church I want to clarify that I am only saddened by some of the members of the hierarchy going right up to the top.  But I will never ever abandon the Church rather, I will pray that the cleansing be done and that the wounds heal so that we may also, like St. Francis of Assisi, hear the Lord saying to us: 'rebuild my Church'.  Here is a perfect short video that summarizes what I was just trying to say:   (click this) Why I am not Leaving the Church