UPDATED: MAY 12, 2023
Day 12 - April 29, 2023
Today we have to head to the airport by bus and train. Across from Piazza Monte Genaro where we got off from the first bus Rachel is seeing a man jumping down (in the spirit) from a 20 foot wall, he is escaping and running away because he just killed a man.
On the train to the airport Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) a giant Lizard. Someone who it entered into in the station brought it onto the train. Rachel is saying: “The Lizard is around 7-8 feet tall and stands on its two back legs like the Devil in the Garden of Eden before God cursed him to crawl on his belly the rest of his days.” Rachel is also saying: “There is also a Vampire on the train”.
Once we got off the train at Fiumicino Airport we went down to where the restrooms were. Rachel went in but came out a few minutes later and said: “There’s a little baby girl here we have to wait a little bit longer until she’s ready.”
Graphic warning: God speaking: “She’s a little girl about one year’s old with dark black curly hair, and bright blue green eyes. She’s a beautiful little girl. The mother was raped. The mother didn’t want to be reminded of this trauma so Rachel didn’t want to keep the baby. Rachel gave the baby away to the first man Rachel knew. The man then did terrible things to the baby and, then killed her.” Her name before was Thomasina, but God said to change it to LUCY because of her eyes. Saint Lucy is the patron saint of the eyes and of the blind. Lucy has really long black eyelashes and shel is wearing a red velvet embroidered dress. Rachel placed Lucy in her walker and she is sitting beside two of the other little (spiritual) babies and they will be her brother and sister. Lucy was killed in 1945, Lucy was born April 15. Graphic warning ends.
(God said ‘Perfect so far’)
We then went back upstairs to the coffee shop and had a Cappuccino and Pizza slice to kill time while God was doing His work.
After sitting here for only 20 minutes, Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) a large serpent that someone had in their lineup and they left it here right near where all the people get on and off the train. Rachel said: “That usually if the serpent is grey, then it will make people sick (but they will survive), but if the serpent is black (this is how Rachel sees it in the spirit) then it will kill them.” Rachel also mentions: “That this spiritual serpent can present itself as white as well and it will make people sick but not as bad as the grey one.” God said: “That this particular snake/serpent is grey but has spots of black on it and, it is a danger to people.” Rachel says: “It is probably as thick as a giant Boa Constrictor or even thicker than an Anaconda and very long, maybe 8-12 feet.”
At this point, Jesus has collected at least 50 souls from here and the surrounding area. Jesus only collects those who “are ready”, meaning they have let go of whatever happened to them while they were alive and, he is putting them on the path or they are too violent and need to be taken away.
Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) there is the soul of a man who was a billionaire when he was alive. God speaking: “He is fighting with the Angels and rebelling because he did not want to die and was so attached to his money and possessions that even now after 50 years in this spot, he still doesn’t want to move. The man is about 50-55 years old.” (He must have died in the early 1970’s). The Angels are also collecting a lot of negative forces and pools of negativity and other gross evil stuff with a large white net and then they will drag it to the black hole to go down to the underworld.
Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) there are two other souls here that are controlled by a fallen Angel and, another controlled by Lucifer himself. There are five murderers who are going to go straight to and, Rachel is also seeing (in the spirit) there are two prostitutes here as well. God speaking: “Because they ruined families, they will go down to Hell as well.” If you do the math just from what Rachel just told me 10 out of the 50 are heading straight to Hell or worse.
God is telling Rachel since we are in the middle of doing statistics here, that there are only three out of these 50 that will go to a decent place a few planets above the Earth, the rest will go lower into Purgatory or down to Hell or even below. Rachel then said: “There are two more souls that did what is unspeakable to God.” Rachel did not explain what that is, but said: “They will go down to the second realms of the First Universe where no souls hardly ever go because they are half human and half beasts. They will be tormented and torn apart forever and it makes Purgatory feel like a vacation/spa in comparison.”
God told Rachel that: “After the day was done that there were four Witches and one Warlock that Rachel encountered during the day.” This was on top of what Rachel explained above.
Here at the GTH Ministry the pay is awful, the work is exhausting and seems almost always “Un-accomplishable”, BUT, the pension is OUT OF THIS WORLD.
Rachel asked God: “Can it go as it is?” God said: “Yes.” (This is Jehovah El-Elyon). Rachel said: “Wow, He’s tough.
God speaking: “People have to know that God saves souls and, no one else but God alone.”
Rachel has been in the crucifix form since early this morning around 7 a.m. Rachel couldn’t sleep even though Rachel only went to her room at 2:00 a.m. Rachel got up around 8 a.m to wash up but her mom came (in the spirit) and said: “You have to go back to bed”, and then God told Rachel: “Go back to the bed or you will break the cycle”. Rachel is explaining: “That once God starts His work it has to continue a certain way in HIS own manner or else if we do things on our own then it will disrupt what God wants.” An example of this is if Rachel is driving in an area near her relative and they say: “Oh you should come and visit.” Rachel often says: “If I leave the chain that God has started then it will disrupt or break the cycle.” That is why Rachel usually cannot visit a relative on any of her trips even if Rachel is near where they live unless it is within the chain that God has designated for her to be on.
I only knew of Rachel in this condition around 11a.m. when I came to check on her and saw her like this. Rachel had some orange juice and I propped her up a little higher. I’ve been here about an hour trying to pray and spraying her with holy water, but I know it’s too early to ask others from Canada/USA to pray because it’s only 6 a.m. I was thinking of documenting it and taking a picture but I knew Rachel wouldn’t want me to. Then after an hour God said: “To take pictures and let people know what God does for them.” God kept saying: “God saves souls. Only God can save souls.”
(Rachel is quite reserved and shy, especially regarding pictures like these below, but God insisted that we put them in because HE keeps saying that "everyone has to know who Rachel is and how God is using her.")
Rachel is stretching out her arms and God does this every once in a while because when Rachel does this: “The enemy cannot touch her” as God says. But it is a method God uses once in a while to get a lot more done in a shorter time. Rachel picked up so many souls and bad things on our trip to the airport on the train yesterday that God had to do this.
Now, Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) a boy, only his head is outside of the ground and from his neck down its all skeleton, but his head still has all the flesh, he has dark black hair. Rachel thinks he is maybe Filipino, South American or a native Indian, now Rachel knows, God just told her he is from Brazil.
God is saying now (four days after the previous section was written) that: “He will take this boy and wrap him in a blanket and help him to heal but it will take a long time.” We do not know if after all this he will become part of the GTH’s adopted children but we will pray for him anyway. Rachel is saying that: “Rright now he is very, very fragile so God will take him somewhere special to heal.” Rachel asked God more about this poor boy because of her “thirst for souls” but God said that it is TOO GRAPHIC to explain. Maybe after a lot of time and after the Angels work on him he might be able to come to Rachel at her apartment and join the rest of the kids (in the spirit). We will name him Xavier. He is roughly about 11-12 years old and we will pray for him and hope for the best.
Graphic warning: Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) a black slimy animal like a hippopotamus but not an animal, you would find on the earth much more vicious. It was eating this man tearing his flesh apart. God just told Rachel: “That while he was alive this man was a Cannibal.” God says: “Do not do to others what you would not want done to you. You live by the sword, you die by the sword.”
Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) a woman who delivered a 5 month old baby prematurely. The baby died. We are asking the Lord what to do with the baby and the boy from Brazil who was buried in the hole. We are to leave those two to be dealt with by God. We are to leave it alone.
Right now God is using Rachel and taking her in the spirit somewhere in central Europe, near where the Nazis did the most awful atrocities. Rachel remembers when Rachel was really sick and in the hospital about 10 to 15 years ago. Rachel had a big operation, where part of the intestines was taken out. There were holes in the intestines and that’s the part that had to be removed about a foot and a half. But while Rachel was undergoing the suffering, Rachel could see Mother Mary and Joseph and Jesus, putting together all the bodies that were cut into pieces by the Nazis and those who helped them. Jesus, Mary and Joseph had all had aprons on while they were working hard, putting these poor souls back together. This is what Rachel is reminded of while God is doing this work and bringing her (in the spirit through bilocation) somewhere in Poland or Germany.
This is why God insisted that Rachel have breakfast while staying in bed and, to get her energy and strength back because HE knew Rachel was going to undergo this difficult work. Rachel has been sitting there since 7 a.m. so right now it’s already seven hours.
Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) eyes rolling on the ground. This is why some people go blind because they have ancestors who had their eyes taken out like this or are related to those in the holocaust, etc.,
Graphic warning ending.
Jesus just took her by the hand and said: “Come now”. HE is leading Rachel towards something.
Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) some kind of Captain of the army, there are two men and there’s a cliff. The captain was pushed off the cliff and he was crushed. He looked a little like this but the pant legs were different.
The Captain witnessed the atrocities of the Nazis and didn’t want to go along with it, so they killed him. He was going to rescue two Jewish prisoners. God took this soul, this Captain, and put him on the path.
Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) a line-up of souls, Jewish, Italian and even some Germans who were killed by the Nazis. God removed the demons that were attacking them and now they are going towards the path.
Their souls are still technically on German soil near where they were killed. God is saying: “They have to keep walking and make the sacrifice and follow the path until they get out of the land of Germany or, wherever it is that they were killed, they have to be removed from the land so they can be free.”
Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) a huge cliff, and they have to get across somehow. God is going to show them the way and, they have to go around it. Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) that there is a huge serpent that is following this group of people. As they walk, God is gathering more and more souls.
Jesus put a rope stepladder for them to cross over and HE is helping them. Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) the light from God is flooding into the abyss of darkness that is in the cliff. As they are walking across these stepladders and ropes, the darkness is shedding from them and falling into the abyss like when a reptile sheds its skin.
Most of these souls are going up a few planets above us but there are some who will go down as well. Rachel is watching them as they progress.
Jesus is saying: “Everyone is welcome at my Father’s table, but, if they don’t live a holy life while they are alive then they don’t make it.”
Rachel is now seeing (in the spirit) a wall made of broken Cement. Rachel is feeling pain in her palms where Rachel feels the nails of the crucifixion.
Jesus took the rope ladder and lifted and extended it and joined the area where they were and where they are supposed to end up on the path. God is saying: “Anyone can be healed, but it is what is in their heart that allows it or stops it. If the heart is not open you will never be healed.”
Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) there are some souls that are trying to climb this ladder but are not meant to go across, they do not have enough light in them, these souls fell off the ladder. On the other hand, Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) there are some souls that climbed the wall on their own, further down closer to the light, God actually accepted them. These souls probably were more ready to be accepted. Their hearts were more open.
When Rachel was doing this spiritual work in Germany, later on I showed her a map and God told her that it was in the Berlin area. God is now bringing Rachel back to the same rough area and going towards Poland.
Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) that there is a man that the Angel chained, he is very dangerous and, he has to be brought down.
Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) that there is a man and a woman who did a lot of bad things while they were on earth. The Angel is taking them away to go down to the fires of Hell.
Now Rachel is in this area and there is some light. Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) the Archangel chaining a man who is almost falling into the cliff, he is going to be brought into Hell, he hurt many people while on earth.
Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) that there is another man did what was unspeakable to God and, he is going to go down to the second realm of the First Universe. He will be attacked by those beasts that are half human/half animal. It is essentially the worst place in all of the 21 realms of the 3 Universes that a person can go. Maybe one day Rachel will have to dedicate an entire video with diagrams as well to explain: “What is this world made of” and how the universe or universes are laid out. For now you can check the chapter on the First Universe from the book called “the Woman of the Seven Stars Travelling Through the Universe”. It is the larger book on Heaven, Hell and Purgatory that the Ministry published.
Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) there is a soul who did a lot of work to help and save people when he was alive and, God wants to take him out of the world and put him higher. His name is Ralph, when he is more cleansed God will take him into Heaven. There are seven realms in each of the three universes. The lowest is the First Universe Hell (and, it gets worse the further down the realms you go). It is worth refreshing your memory or reading for the first time the chapters in the book on Heaven Hell and Purgatory. The Earth is in the Second Universe and as you go higher from the first realm (of the 2nd Universe) where we are, and it goes upward six more realms until you reach another dome of water which separates the Third Universe (where God is) from us. Rachel knows this is incredibly complicated and very difficult to grasp and that is why hopefully in the future Rachel can explain it more.
By roughly late afternoon Rachel rested and I went to the local church for mass. On a lighter note, wherever we go it seems that Pope John Paul is there helping us, in some form or another.
This portrait was right behind where I sat during mass while Rachel was at home resting.
Click HERE for another video of PAPA
Day 14 - May 1, 2023
We started off the day taking bus 341 south. It’s raining and yucky outside. As we looked for when the bus will arrive I noticed two advisories. One is that today is their “Labor Day” so many things are closed and people have the day off. The second advisory unfortunately will affect us more directly there is a planned strike for all transportation happening tomorrow (May 2, 2023) tomorrow.
The first part of our ride today is what we were going to do yesterday but because Rachel did that really difficult job at home (day 13) until well into the afternoon, it was postponed.
Once we were on the bus after about ten minutes or so, Rachel was seeing (in the spirit) that there was a little baby sitting near the entrance. The baby is about a few months old and was stolen to sell to a couple who couldn’t have kids. The baby is wearing an off-white dress with a touch of pink.
There happens to be a young couple with a dog right in that same spot as you can see from the picture below. There is a yellow arrow where Rachel could see the baby.
Somehow, before the man could bring the baby to this couple, the baby died. This happened 45 years ago. The mother and the father did so much to search for this baby, they never found the baby.
Graphic warning: God speaking: “The man dropped the baby when he was carrying it, and then a car ran over her. The baby was all wrapped up tightly and there was no one around at that time, not too many homes. The man just gathered up the baby and left her in the forest, and he put her in a bag. Graphic warning ends.
The baby’s name is Lily. I asked Elizabeth the 9 year old birthday girl (one of the spiritual adopted children) to choose a name for her. God said we can change the name and the birthday. Rachel chose the name Allie and her birthday will be June 15.
We went to the end of the line from 341 to Ponte Mammolo then took 350 to that end of the line. Then we had to wait in the rain even further in the outskirts of Rome for almost an hour.
We got off exactly where God told Rachel and not our usual spot. I questioned whether this made sense but Rachel insisted that we get off a stop later. As soon as we got off not even twenty seconds later, Rachel started staring into the park to the left. Rachel was seeing (who is alive) a six year old girl who was actually there and playing with her friends. Rachel said that she was seeing (in the spirit) a four-year-old girl similar in shape to that girl Rachel was looking at what was actually there.
Graphic warning: Rachel was seeing (in the spirit) that someone is taking this little girl and smacking her head against the pavement in the park. This four year old girl’s soul is from Ecuador and it was one of her relatives who did it, he was in a rage but also he did it out of revenge on his brother-in-law, the husband of his sister. Graphic warning ends.
This picture shows the park where Rachel was looking when Rachel saw the soul of the little girl.
Just before we got off that stop, we passed a building on the left and Rachel was seeing (in the spirit) there was a man whose throat was slit and he was killed. Rachel wants me to document it.
I asked about the little girl again and God said: “She’s a little bit less than 3 1/2 years old and the Angel is bringing her with us. Her name is Matilda, her birthday is September 4. This is why God wanted us to get off at a bus stop that didn’t make sense at the time. We had to walk an extra 20 minutes but at least we got this little girl which is exactly what God wanted and HE gets His way every time thank God.
God said it didn’t happen to Matilda in that spot but the Angel led her to that spot because He knew we were going to be passing by.
As we walked along this path towards the apartment, Rachel was seeing (in the spirit) the soul of a man, who is chained everywhere, the neck, the arm, the legs, his entire body. The Angels are chaining him up because he is a violent soul. God said: “You have to walk by without talking to him.” Rachel obeyed of course. This man destroyed families and once they bring him out of there he will be put on the path to go down to the underworld.
After this we went to a large grocery store and then went home.
Rachel asked God if this is fine to send it as is and He said “Perfect”.
St. Lawrence Outside the Walls
We had a later start today and we thought we wouldn’t be doing any bus routes because there was a country wide organized strike for public transport. Thank the Lord it was only a four hour strike and it was done by the time we usually start at 2 p.m. so it didn’t interrupt God’s plan for today.
We had to take our usual bus and go to a spot we knew. This time we took the #90 bus north (instead of our usual south to Termini) to the end of the line then from there we had take the 88. This was the bus that showed up four times instead of ours yesterday while waiting in the rain.
We took bus #88 south the entire route until we got to an area called San Lorenzo, which is not far from Termini, the main train station. It is named after St. Lawrence the Martyr who was grilled alive for his martyrdom. He was so full of the Holy Spirit and humility that while they were grilling him he said: “You can turn me over, I’m done on this side”. It might just be an urban legend but there could be some truth to it.
We got off this bus and right in front of us was the Basilica of San Lorenzo Fuori le Mure (St Lawrence outside the walls in Italian). We were just in time for the 6:30 p.m. Mass and it was an unexpected gift and blessing the Lord allowed us. This beautiful 12th century Romanesque Basilica contains the relics and resting place of not just Saint Lawrence the Martyr mentioned earlier, but also St. Stephen the first martyr from the Acts of the Apostles, they were both deacons.
It was a beautiful church and beyond words and pictures. You really have to be there in person to see its beauty and architectural marvels.
St. John Paul II, with the permission of God of course, has appeared many times to Rachel and expressed great joy and honour to be able to help God by helping in the GTH ministry.
Click HERE for the video of St. John Paul II
Here is a video of the Mass that we made it to just in time at St. Lawrence:
After we went to Mass, God said we could make our own way home. It is a real struggle to get home after the work because it take sometimes an hour or even almost 2 hours just to get home after we’ve done the work. All the other times that we have been to Rome it has always been central for us so that when the work is done we are not far from home. In this case, it is so much more difficult because we often work until 8 or 9 o’clock then we don’t get home until sometimes 10 or 11 then we have to start making dinner. It is a much more difficult mission trip than usual.
We asked again if it is okay to send out and God said “Yes, it’s fine. This time it happens to be Jehovah Jireh saying 'it is fine to send it'.
St. Mary Major Basilica
Rachel has it in her mind that we have to go to Santa Maria Maggiore (Saint Mary Major one of the four main Basilicas in Rome). God confirmed that we do have to go to that particular church.
This is the famous Basilica that she used to stay near a few times in the past (2013, 2015 and 2019 and other times as well). Rachel had this priest in mind that God sent her to speak to a few times over the last few trips.
Rachel had it in her heart to go find Fr. Angelo this is just his first name to protect his identity. He used to be stationed at Mary Major Basilica. Rachel said it's fine to keep it as Fr. Angelo because there are a few Fr Angelo’s in this particular parish. He is not stationed here anymore but the one of the people who works here, remembered Rachel and went to get the details of where this Fr. Angelo was sent, it was somewhere else in Italy.
Even though we found out that Fr. Angelo had been transferred, there were other reasons why God wanted her to go to Saint Mary Major, a few hours later after we left, God told her that: “There was a Witch in the Church'. We were blessed enough to get there at 5 p.m. and stayed for the Rosary which was at 5 o’clock then at 5:45 p.m. we just hung around and prayed until the Mass started at 6 o’clock.
Right after the mass we went to where you can leave your intentions with a donation and we thought of all of you and your intentions. If you remember the last time we came in 2019 we also did the same. We wrote down "for all the intentions of The Gate to Heaven Ministry, family and intentions of everyone connected to the Gate to Heaven." We put a donation on behalf of all of you for all these intentions and you can pray from wherever you are and God will accept them in unison with this offering. Rachel just asked the Lord if this is okay with HIM how we did it regarding the prayer intention and He said “Perfect”.
The intentions were placed in front of the statue of “Maria Regina Della Pace” (Mary, Queen of Peace) pictured below.
This picture below is important to Rachel and God showed her this statue when Rachel was there in person years ago. God used it to demonstrate that there was a little girl named Theresa. She looks like this little child beside Jesus in the statue. The little girl, Theresa was always standing (in the spirit) at The Gate to Heaven where Jesus stands and kept begging Jesus to be her father. This picture is very important to Rachel because it lead to her adopting the very first child named “little Theresa.”
After this, I kept asking her to ask the Lord: “What do we do next?” It was around 7p.m. and we weren’t sure whether to head home or do a specific job. Earlier Rachel mentioned that we had to take a taxi or take a bus that crossed the highway. At this point, God put bus #341 in Rachel’s head. We had to take the subway to Ponte Mammolo and then from there take the 341 which will cross over the highways a few times and it also ran alongside of it as well which is what God wanted.
We had a lot of difficulty in the Subway because as usual, the elevators don’t work but God finds a way.
As you can see from the picture below, the elevator is fuori servizio AGAIN.
We went down the escalator which is really difficult for Rachel because of balance issues and once we were down there, we found out that the next elevator was out of service as well. I thought all hope was lost and of course Rachel’s first instinct is let’s ask someone. This time it was actually the right thing to do as he redirected us towards an area we didn’t see that has an escalator (which was better than having to climb back up two sets of steps.
God of course planned all of this and it was in HIS plan. We went across to head towards the eastbound metro to Ponte Mammolo where there was a bus station. At this bus station there was an upper level to take buses from a different company that went much further outside of Rome, then we had to go back down to the actual bus station. We found the platform for bus #341. God wanted this because there was this large Ape like monster that was lurking around in the upper level first. Then on the other end of the station there was a Vampire demonic spirit and also a demon that looked like Dracula.
When we got off this last bus, we both thought of just getting a Pizza to eat with our leftovers. There is the Pizza place right beside us. This of course was also part of God’s plan. While Rachel was in there she picked up the soul of a man, this soul was the son of a woman who went with many men and had many abortions, which she aborted them herself.
Graphic Warning: God said she made her own remedy to kill the babies. God said she consulted a Warlock to get this remedy. This woman also went with many men who were married. The soul that Rachel picked up in the Pizzeria was very angry at his mother. God speaking: “Right now as you talk about it, this son was a survivor of one of the abortions that the woman tried to peform, someone found the fetus, this son, and raised him herself. The woman tried to abort him at eight months, so he had a better chance of surviving, but didn’t know that he was still alive when she left him.
When he grew up, the new mother revealed to him what happened. She told him she had found him on the bus and brought him to the hospital and he survived, but he is full of anger and he had the full line up of his mother so he has a lot of struggle to overcome. Graphic Warning ends
His name is Manuele, he died at the age of 45. He died of a disease. Rachel keeps saying that he has a Lot of anger. He died of cancer because he never let go of what happened to him as a child. He is so angry the Angels have to chain him. We were pleading with God because this poor man suffered so much and he let anger and unforgiveness consume him, but it’s not his fault. We begged God if He would not let him go to hell. God speaking: “That if agrees then I YOUR GOD will let him benefit from the prayers of all the GTH prayers. He will have to spend a lot of time way down where he should be permanently but once in a while the Angel will bring him up to Rachel’s apartment where he can get relief from the prayers said.”
(We are writing this section the next day)
We asked the Lord: “Is this okay the way we wrote it?” God said: “It is fine but there is one more thing, in the Pizzeria, there was also another soul, that soul is ready to be put on the path, he was at the back of the Pizzeria.” Because we were close enough, the Angel took the soul and put it on the path. Now God said “Perfect”.
A beautiful video of them doing the rosario at St. Mary Major:
Day 17 - May 4, 2023 - Day off
We just did laundry and worked quite a bit on the updates and Ministry stuff.
Day excursion to Subiaco
The only thing Rachel knew when she woke up today was that we had to leave the house by 3 p.m. We actually left the house right at exactly 3 p.m. We walked to the bus station. There was a man there, who was maybe slightly autistic and in his early 20’s and he was picking up all the cigarette butts from the ground or garbage to smoke them later. He also put some in his mouth, you could see he was a little bit off. He was waiting for the same bus and of course sat right beside Rachel.
As usual, God is enlightening her and directing her where and when to go and often the why is a little later or sometimes not at all. From this particular bus we had to go back to the same station that we were in two nights ago called Ponte Mammolo (the same place where Rachel saw a Vampire and a monster (in the spirit) that looked like Dracula and another that walks like an Ape.
We had a big struggle as we had to ask someone for a destination but we didn’t have a particular destination, which made it harder to get information. We went to ask two different people in the booth and they couldn’t give her an answer because of course they ask the obvious: “Where are you going?” God only tells Rachel that we have to do circles around Rome or other abstract and impossible directions. But in this case there was an actual destination (now that we are writing this after the fact it’s easier to make sense of it). It is a constant battle that can only be explained by saying: “God’s ways are not our ways.”
Unfortunately, the guy working at the bar where we bought the tickets was very impatient with Rachel. For the most part we have found that only in extreme examples where I am obviously struggling to help her get into the bus and then go back and catch the walker that is rolling away into traffic because it has not brakes, then people help. Very often people are not helpful and it seems like anywhere else they just want to get where they are going or bury their heads in their phones.
Our destination was Subiaco, which is a good solid hour outside of Rome. It is way in the countryside and the roads are all winding but the view was nice at least.
Once we arrived in the little town of Subiaco, to kill some time and see what God wanted next we sat down in the outside seating area of this coffee bar. We got cappuccinos as usual and I got out my phone so we could continue to write additional things God wants to reveal about this job.
Rachel told me that just in the roughly one hour trip from Rome to this spot Jesus and the Angels went out and retrieved 150 souls to be put on the path. As I write this Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) near this spot that someone threw themselves off a bridge. In one of the fields and, Rachel could see (in the spirit) a big Angel floating in circles around the field like a butterfly. Rachel was happy to see this Angel and also knowing that God was bringing all these souls and cleaning the area.
Rachel also had a twenty minute conversation with a woman who sat beside her from almost the moment we left until about halfway when the lady got off the bus. Rachel is sure that she (Rachel) was sent not only for the young man at the bus stop who was a little disturbed but also this same woman who spoke to Rachel on the way to Subiaco. The woman was open to whatever Rachel was saying. Before Rachel even introduced herself she saw the woman make the sign of the cross when they passed a Catholic Church on the highway, this was Rachel’s moment to begin speaking about God and the things she is called to do.
Back to Subiaco
God told Rachel that where we had coffee: “That spot or area is controlled by a Witch.” Rachel is also saying that she is seeing (in the spirit) that: “There is a spirit of disorder there,” but, she is seeing it everywhere she goes and especially in Toronto, where Rachel lives. This spirit of disorder is dominating many people’s homes and lives.
We just passed a field where God is saying: “A woman was forced into the sex trade, and because she was a little older now, she was killed and discarded.”
(Video of landscape and surrounding) see:
This is a picture of Subiaco. We couldn’t go into town unless we would have taken a taxi and that wasn’t our job for the day.
Another interesting fact is that when St. Francis came from Assisi to Rome to ask the Pope for permission to be a religious order, he was welcomed and given hospitality by the Benedictine Monks here in Subiaco.
On the way home God is showing Rachel different things and Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) that there is a Vampire that is going from one spot to another. Now Rachel is seeing Jesus (in the spirit) gathering souls from areas beyond where we are and collecting these souls even in the most remote areas. They will all be put on the path. To clarify, some go up and some go down. Rachel is adding that God said: “Plenty will go to Hell plenty will go to Purgatory, and to Heaven, very few”. (Jehovah Jireh is saying this). Unfortunately there’s no way to sugarcoat that.
Rachel is seeing (in the spirit) there are some spots here, even though it’s in the middle of the countryside with almost no population, that are so dense and thick with negative forces and negativity that God has to shoot down a beam of light from The Gate to Heaven. God does this to break it and scatter it. Once it is broken down, then the Angels and Archangels will gather what they need to, with the big white net.
As we get closer to the periphery of Rome proper, Rachel is seeing (in the spirit), there are two men standing on a cliff and one of them is about to push the other.
We got back to the station and then took the bus home.
Day 19 - May 6, 2023
Hop on Hop off bus Tour
We were having our breakfast/lunch and preparing for the day when God allowed an Angel to speak to Rachel. This is the same Angel who is taking care of little baby Alexander. We call him our little “Astronaut” because ever since we got him the Angel put this suit on him to keep him cool and it looks like an Astronaut’s suit (if you read the graphic warning from Day 7, regarding this baby boy then you know why he needs to be cooled). Everything is covered even up to half of his face.
The Guardian Angel of this boy said to Rachel: ”Since I have been with you, I am looking at you carefully and I see how you do things beautifully.” Then the Angel said, “with this trip in Rome, Jesus is telling me (the Angel) that they are starting to build the foundation of your Villa at the 7th level in Heaven”. Meaning, all this hard work and suffering that Rachel is enduing is: “Building up her treasure in Heaven.” “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and vermin destroy and where thieves break in and steal but store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven” (Matthew 6:19-20). Rachel asked God and HE confirmed that, what HE allows for Rachel, HE can also allow for us because we are part of this special Ministry of God. Rachel confirmed it and asked: “Is this right Lord?” And God said: “It is fine.”
Regarding the actual work for today, we have to take one of those tour buses (Double Decker) and it is actually called a “hop on, hop off’ bus.” We did it the last time we were here in 2019. This is a picture from the last trip from 2019. As you can see Rachel does not like to be photographed.
And this years trip (2023):
We got to the Termini at 4:30 p.m. and there was the tour bus right there. We bought the tickets and then the usual GTH Murphy’s law happened where it wasn’t the right bus so we had to walk across the entire Piazza. This city is incredibly inhospitable to those who cannot walk well. Thank God at least it’s not a full wheelchair and Rachel can still walk to some degree but Rachel cannot rush and has a lot of balance issues.
We are just to sit on the bus and do whatever God says and stay until HE tells us to get off. Thank the Lord its air conditioned and, we get to take in the sights as well even if it’s by accident. Today it’s hotter at 27 Celsius.
We are passing the touristy spots and blending in -
Here’s the coliseum
Victor EmanueIe II Monument
We did the whole loop and it took a little over an hour. We got off and went on the same route but this time the bus was red. When we were on the yellow bus God was telling Rachel that HE is collecting a lot of souls. There are still souls lingering around from WWII and Rachel asked: “Even WWI Lord?” and God said: “Yes”. There are also souls that died in the Holocaust.
Among the souls that God is collecting there are some that were murderers and violent criminals that the Angels have chained for safety. The Archangel has to keep them separate from the other souls and in chains because they are violent. They are disturbing the people that are alive and in this area. They can affect them physically and mentally.
The Angels are collecting a lot of the little babies (fetuses) that were dumped in the Tiber River, only the ones that are ready. The ones that are bigger and are ready to be put on the path are saying: “Mommy killed me, Mommy killed me.”
Graphic warning ends.
We just passed the Coliseum and God said: “There are a lot of souls in that area. Some are still not ready even though it goes back to the Roman Empire when they were killing Christians.” This is between 1800 and 2000 thousand years ago.
Rachel is saying: “The negative forces that are in Rome now and the amount of demons, I’ve never seen it before”.
We returned back to Termini by bus #8 and we prepared for the kids what they wanted for dinner.
There was a woman who slipped on the pavement right before getting on the bus, it was awful but she died mostly of embarrassment. Later on, God showed Rachel that it was one of those demons that leave’s slime as well. It was a Dragon and it pushed her feet. She was okay and people helped her to get a seat.
God said: “well done, it is okay to send out.”
Here's a video of the Monument of JPII in front of the famous Terimini bus station.
Shopping Mall
The day before, Rachel knew that today we had to go to the big shopping mall, it is called Porta de Roma, and is a few kilometers north of where we are staying. God said to leave at 3 p.m. and on other days he has done the same thing, so we try to obey as best we can as possible. We left almost exactly at 3 p.m. and went to the bus stop which would take us there. While waiting at the stop, there was a young woman who we asked about the bus and she was quickly drawn to Rachel. Rachel started talking to her right away about spiritual things and she was very receptive. This woman’s name is Sonia and we will mention more about her later.
We arrived at the mall about 20 minutes later with our new friend and then talked with her for a while before she left and we continued on to do the work at the mall. Once we were in the mall God directed Rachel which way to go and where to stop etc. Shortly after, we went into a larger department store and Rachel asked me: “Who is that Priest who was killed in South America, the bishop”. I told her who it was and then he spoke to Rachel (in the spirit). God allowed Archbishop Oscar Romero to speak and he said to Rachel: “I was killed with Jesus in my hands. I was martyred for being righteous. I’m here, I will not leave you. God brought me here. He has allowed this.” He was killed for opposing the tyrannical government in San Salvador in 1980.
These are pictures from the movie about Archbishop Oscar Romero that can be found free on YouTube, he is played by Raul Julia. The second picture is after he was shot, which shows what he said to Rachel: “I was killed with Jesus in my hand” celebrating the Mass.
We walked down more of the hallways of this “pagan cathedral” this is how Rachel describes it. It was sad to see that when we went to Mass anywhere, it was almost always empty and yet, here on a Sunday this mall was packed. I noticed the following picture below and immediately thought that it could be used to demonstrate what the enemy is subtly doing. However, I thought, “nah” I already put way too much. Then five seconds later, after Rachel caught up to me, she said: Did you see that picture with all the arms?” Then I knew I had to go back and take a picture and make the connection.
Which demon do you think this advert summons or a better word, “conjures”, this is just an attempt to help us all see things the way God lets Rachel see them, which pales in comparison, but we are mostly visual in this age. As I was reading this to Rachel she also noticed that in one of the arms below, you can see the pitchfork, or “Trident” like the one that Neptune has.
We walked around all five or six corridors of the mall over two levels. It took a few hours and we are now waiting out in front at the main entrance.
God is telling Rachel that HE assigned 100 Archangels to take out the demons and souls that are destined for hell out of this mall and the surrounding area. God keeps reminding Rachel of what He has told her many times: “That in Hell they are going in like flies, but to find a soul in Heaven you really have to search.” Luckily there are many in Purgatory as well which means that they can eventually make it to Heaven.
There are people here from all over the world and they bring with them baggage and negativity from their original country so a lot of that accumulates. There are 25 Angels collecting all the negative forces.
This is the main entrance where we had to wait.
Rachel is saying: “If we don’t stop sinning and change our hearts, the demons in us will keep growing and reproducing and spreading.”
Rachel was stressing that earlier today, it was definitely a divine appointment with that woman at the bus stop (Sonia). She stayed with us for almost two hours. She talked with Rachel for at least 25 minutes before we got on the bus then got off the bus with us where she talked for over an hour and a half. She had never let go of her boyfriend who was killed violently in 2017. They had a fight the day he left and later that day he was beaten, stabbed in the back and attacked beyond all recognition. Rachel is quite sure that it is gang or Mafia related and this woman Sonia said “he had very bad friends and acquaintances”. Rachel knows that it was very difficult for this woman and that she never really let go. See how far God goes to reach out to HIS people.
We are now just waiting at the entrance for the Angels to gather and sort etc.
God is saying that: “Archbishop Romero (in the spirit) is going to introduce to Rachel another Priest who was killed, his name is Marcos.” God said: “That he brought him here to see if Rachel will accept him.” Meaning, that Rachel will suffer some of his suffering and then he will be part of the Ministry family. In this way he will eventually heal and move on with prayer etc., just like many other souls whom God brings on a daily/weekly basis.
Rachel asked God: “Lord, is it okay like that, the way he wrote it?” God said: “Yes”.
The Priest (Fr. Marcos) was killed also for justice, he is from Africa. God is saying that: “The government eats everything.” Rachel is elaborating and saying that anything they (the government) do is for their own interest and they get richer and richer while the poor suffer.
Fr. Marcos, the soul that Archbishop Romero introduced to Rachel, is telling her, in Italian: “That there was a Priest in his parish in Africa that used to speak to him and teach him Italian.”
A little while later we left and walked to the bus stop and went home.
Today we did about 5700 steps/ 2.5 miles worth of walking.
God said: “Well done, you can send it.”
We have to go to Trastevere today. It is one of the oldest neighbourhoods in Rome.
The famous river in Rome is called the Tiber or in Italian Tevere. This area is across or “Tras (Latin for across)” Tevere meaning it is across the Tiber from the newer part of Rome. Here is a picture of Rachel’s last trip in this area.
There are numerous challenges in this area as the roads are very, very, tight so there are no buses running through the inner areas and the roads are all cobblestones so it’s very difficult for Rachel with the walker. But it is a very beautiful area and is the favourite backdrop for many movies and advertisements.
Back to todays task: Once we got on the bus Rachel could hear (in the spirit), one of the little adopted souls from the past named Stephanie (Dolly, Dolly #2). She was saying: “Mommy, Mommy, fend, fend”, she was upset because we left someone back at the bus stop. It must be another little soul of a child that we have not encountered yet. This will be the 11th little soul on this trip to Rome.
I asked Rachel if she could ask the Lord to send an Angel back to that spot to pick up whatever soul is there.
The little girl’s name is Cora. She was 1 year old on April 19. “Daddy you lick-lick she”, meaning can you get this new girl ice cream. This beautiful little girl God said: “She is Filipino.” The baby’s father is Caucasian (God showed Rachel he is Belgian) and that’s why the baby has blond hair. While we were editing this the next day God confirmed that the father was ‘very blond’. Cora walks like a little doll. Without assuming anything I asked Rachel if we can adopt her.
Cora’s family were going to come to Rome but while traveling she was lost. Someone else found her and these people didn’t want her and gave her to someone else. Then the next family took her and it was too much for them as well and while they were on a train in Madrid someone stole her. She was taken by a man who had his eye on stealing her while riding the train.
Graphic warning:
Cora was killed in Madrid but the Angel guided her to get to this spot because God knows all things. This happened 89 years ago. Rachel was in Rome at least 5-7 times in the last 20 years but in God’s providence it happens to be this trip that she encountered this baby girl. Only God knows, but He has revealed to Rachel many times that: ”Souls are only gathered when they are ready and in many cases that means they have to let go of the trauma and not cling to the spot of the trauma or cling to their body.”
We had a lot of trouble getting onto the first bus, even if we pushed ourselves we couldn’t get on, then we had to wait 25 minutes for the second bus. After this second bus came we had to fight like it was life or death to get on. While we waited I took the photos below. The one on the bus, it took about 15 minutes until we crossed the Tiber (Tevere) river into Trastevere. Where we took this second bus was called Piazza Venezia and it is also a famous spot where they have the big Vittorio Emanuele II memorial that looks like a typewriter or wedding cake (See pics below).
And this one:
There are many Angels and Archangels collecting all the negativity because the streets are so narrow they’re using their nets and it’s taking a while because there’s so many people.
Rachel passed the museum right outside of Trastevere, and she can hear (in the spirit) another soul saying: “They killed me. They killed me.” He was killed in the basement in one of the hidden rooms of a museum that we are walking beside. God showed Rachel (in the spirit) that someone from a gang had a key for the basement and they tied this guy up in there and they tortured him because they wanted him to do something for them, he said “no”, so in some way, he died and was a sort of “martyr” for justice. This happened 45 years ago. It seemed like we were going on the wrong road and Rachel asked the Lord: “Lord is this why you wanted us to go down this extra street? to help this soul?” God confirmed it and told her to: “Keep walking forward on that same street but soon turn right.”
We made a right and went up to the street that goes along the river. As we were walking along the river God was making a chain. God says that: “They threw lots of fetuses in the river.”
Right at this spot (pictured below) Rachel sees (in the spirit) a big square hole that’s pouring light onto the surface here onto the street and in this area. Rachel says: “There’s a lot of stuff here, a lot of junk and negative spirits but the light pouring in is washing away this darkness.”
This is just one of the pictures we took today that shows how beautiful and quaint this area is even on a cloudy day.
At this point we walked back to the same area to take the bus back. Again, we had so much trouble with the bus and had to wait almost 45 minutes. We had to fight like gladiators, even though we were there first and Rachel obviously had a walker. People piled in and pushed and didn’t have a single regard for her, so I spoke up and forced my way thru and created a pocket. They STILL weren’t giving her enough space to actually get into a seat. We are so fed up with the lack of basic decency and humanity. All we can say with joy and hope is “just three more days.”
We are just getting home just now at 10:15 p.m. and it’s been a long and difficult day. Thanks again for your support.
Just a note for housekeeping, usually Rachel writes in her notebook on every trip but this time we are so overwhelmed between the work and all the other stuff (cleaning, cooking, chores etc.) that when we compile the notes, unfortunately they have to also include everything Rachel would have written in her book. This is on top of all the written notes for updates. We don’t have time to write different versions, unfortunately between that and the fact that I go on way too much, the updates have been very long. I’ll try to abridge them if I ever have to do updates again but it’s pretty much a personality flaw so it’s hard to change. Thank you so much for your patience and kindness.
If the blog does remain or if it takes a different shape, then you can always choose to read more and have an additional option to find out more about the Ministry and mission of God.
There is so much that God is revealing and so much that makes this Ministry special and chosen, but, on the other hand, it is so incredibly difficult to make sense of and explain because of its depth and “otherworldliness.” How can God, HIS teachings or, the “Works” of God, be put in a box, or email, or blog or video for that matter?
Even so, Rachel hopes to make videos for explanation and have other more visual teaching aids besides the weekly written updates received through the usual prayer list email and Ministry updates. The best part of it is that we don’t have to think of anything, God guides it and constructs it in whatever manner HE wants and HE is very hands on. The difficulty is that HE has to relay it through Rachel who is the biggest gift to this Ministry, but also presents one of the hardest challenges because of her innocence, simplicity and lack of education etc.
Again, look how long this took just to say we are trying our best and we hope to improve.
Just some visuals to leave you with regarding today’s job:
It didn’t seem like it at the time but we walked more today than yesterday at the mall with 6650 steps/3.0 miles.
Now, to reward you for your patience, God has allowed us to put this video to lighten the mood a little because it’s difficult to always read about murder and rape and sex trade etc. Thanks again for all your prayers.
CLICK HERE for Rachel's entrance to Trastevere
Day 22 - May 9, 2023
Long Walk
Today we had to go walking. We spent the first few hours doing the updates but it’s now about 5:30 in the afternoon and we’re walking up Fucini Avenue.
(Juan Diego)
After only ten minutes of walking Rachel stopped and said ‘I see a little boy’ (in the spirit). He is about four years old a little chubby, he looks Mexican. Lots of thick dark hair with a little wave to it. Dark eyes.
Rachel sees in the spirit that someone is grabbing him by the neck. She’s sees that he was playing by himself in this underground or storage area.
Graphic Warning:
This man grabbed him by the neck and threw him on the ground and raped and killed him. The soul is here.
Graphic end:
His birthday is September the 8th. He was born at the end of Panama closest to Costa Rica.
His name was something like Fabianos, but we thought it would be really nice to honour him with the same name of Juan Diego from Guadalupe.
We made a left on a road that we’ve never gone on before and there’s a park across the street call Talenti Park. God assigned 50 archangels to chain all the demons in there. In the beginning of 1944 there was a huge massacre in that area. It’s actually a blessing that no houses were built on that spot and it just remains a park.
Many men and women were massacred. Rachel is asking God ‘why were they massacred? What does it have to do with? Was it the war? Was it gangs?
God told Rachel that it was the German soldiers who killed the Italians, who didn’t go along with them and didn’t support Nazi rule.
God is going to put these souls on the path.
We are walking past the park now.
Further down towards the right, she sees the soul of a man that was beaten up by a gang. He was actually in the gang already, but wanted to leave it and that’s why they killed him.
The gang is made up of Italian and German people, and this murder happened about 50 years ago.
In that direction there, where she’s pointing there was a man and a woman who were tortured and killed, and one of them was still alive when they were buried. By pointing out these things that happen, it’s also Gods way of saying that he’s dealing with it, and these souls will be put on the path.
We left the park area and headed towards another suburb where there was also a small shopping plaza. Once we were close to there she feels that there’s a soul that just drowned. This soul was brought to Rachel so they could be set free. When it happened, they thought this boy drowned on his own, but actually someone held his head down and killed him. He was only nine years old. It was his fathers friend who did it. This man was so jealous of the boy’s father. He let this demon of jealousy, grow until the point where he was possessed by it and he killed this poor innocent boy. We’ll keep his birthday, November 11. He doesn’t mind changing his name. Rachel feels like the name he wants is Domenic. He’s from a town not far from here.
We went across the street to the Shopping plaza. We were in there a little while, and we asked the Lord ‘are we supposed to be in here, Lord?’ Then God told Rachel that ‘there is a mad man who died and his soul was here. He killed people.’ He’s trying to talk to Rachel, but she’s ignoring him and asking God for help. God said ‘do not talk to him’. She didn’t of course. We continued to walk around until God finished His work. We stopped for a drink and then left. We were going to take the bus back because we were so exhausted but we decided to just offer it up and we walked home. I can’t believe that this was one of the longest walks we did and it came to just under 4 miles. When we got close to home, Rachel got these coughing and choking fits and even if she drinks water it is awful to hear and see cause you can’t do anything to help her. I don’t know if it’s a coincidence but she said “it was a vampire that was near” but it seems like every time there is a vampire it is that particular coughing/choking that I will have to confirm with her. Unfortunately another factor is that this boy we just got was choked and killed and this could be a factor as well as when she takes on a soul she also helps take on their suffering. God just told her now, (a few days later while we are editing this), that there is a person being used by a vampire right there in that area where she always chokes and coughs. This woman that is being used by a vampire spirit, leads her to do potions and spells and many types of things and even makes things for sale. A vampire in the spiritual is very dangerous and can hurt people. Rachel is saying that often when she gets these coughing and choking fits it is usually a vampire but not always and it could be other powerful demonic spirits. It also depends on where it attacks you.
This pic shows that we walked almost 4 miles
Day 23 - May 10, 2023
We left the house at 2:30 p.m. and since yesterday she already knew that we had to go to St. Peter’s Basilica (Vatican) for the last job of this Rome trip.
We took the bus to the metro station. From that train until where we had to get to Termini, Rachel could see in the spiritual that there was a gigantic Dragon with huge whiskers. It was staring at Rachel she said that he looked like he was ready to attack, but she was doing the rosary.
Then, once we changed from the blue line to the orange line to get to the Vatican, she saw a huge mouth that was sucking all the demons and darkness and negative spirits/forces out from the train. Then there was another mouth that was shooting out light and breaking up all the darkness as well. This lasted almost the whole time we were on this train. Then of course as soon as we left this station we had to go up four sets of stairs and as usual there was no elevator. Some people did help thank God but its been extremely difficult to do this work every day consistently with very little rest.
We had to walk for about half an hour from the metro to get to Saint Peter. Because everything is so big and you can see the dome of St Peter from a mile away, it doesn’t feel like you are walking as far as you actually are.
It took a while to get in the Basilica because there are checkpoints and metal detectors just like at an airport. We were lucky because Rachel has the walker, so they let us skip the line and we went to the side where they have the elevator. Rachel went to confession, and then we were a little bit late, but they still let us in for the 5:00pm Mass.
During the Mass, I couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that I was so relieved that we will be going home and how I don’t have to write anymore. It’s been quite a burden not just because of the time involved but because it’s very difficult, for me at least, to write it in a manner where I completely remove myself and my own experiences from the writing. This is how it should be, however I get excited and I really don’t know how to use these opportunities to explain what is happening before me without connecting it to lived experience or movies or analogies from the world to help grasp these GTH teachings that seem beyond comprehension. So, I was kind of despairing but relieved that I don’t have to do it anymore. I only mentioned this last part because Rachel thinks it’s connected to what happened to her during this Mass at exactly the same moment I was having these thoughts.
While I was having those thoughts Rachel could see in the spiritual, that this statue pictured below, was like coming alive for her. It had a scroll in its hand was trying to make her notice the writing. She knew that God was trying to say something to her but it was different than usual.
This is the statue.
Then shortly after, she saw another statue to her right and the Saint was holding a book or scroll as well and she knew something was happening.
This is the second ‘vision’ or instance (pictured below).
Rachel was praying and God came so strongly to her and said, “Make sure you write everything. For I am your God, the Mighty One, the Omnipotent One, the Alpha and the Omega. For I am your God, do not jeopardize my work”.
This really seemed to be coming from nowhere. For both of us. But once she told me what God said, then it was clear. We knew it had to do with writing what happens to her and with the every day happenings of life in the ministry in general (which are usually documented by her in her notebooks and are then expressed through the emails or the updates or blog or videos etc). She usually writes things in her notebook even if someone is doing the updates, but this trip has been so incredibly difficult and exhausting that she hasn’t written hardly anything. I was explaining in another update that this is why the updates were longer because I was writing her share as well the updates for the records. Basically God wants His ministry and His works to be documented and accounted for.
Also during the Mass there was this huge demonic spirit with a hunched back and the body was twisted and distorted. This same demon pestered Rachel almost the whole night while she tried to sleep. Also, once we left the Vatican Rachel went off on her own for a little bit and while she was in there, a voice kept saying (in the spiritual) ‘you think you know everything, you think you know it all eh?”. Rachel quickly said ‘I rebuke you in the name of Jesus’ and then once she said this the archangel took over to chain him up. Rachel is asking God now what this demon was (we are writing this the next day while editing). God said that this soul who was speaking to Rachel was ‘the son of a gladiator’. They had to chain him up. He could’ve been there from 1500-2000 years or at least while the Roman Empire existed. He affected many people that were alive in that area and this is one of the main reasons why Rachel is sent to help God. God uses her sacrifice and suffering and then angels do the chaining and the removing of the souls.
If there is anything to report while on the way home then there will be a follow up conclusion email. However God is telling Rachel now that there were 285 Archangels working on this trip, 58 Angels and there were 558 souls put on the path. Then on top of that are the 13 souls of the children that we adopted.
God picked up souls from way back during the time when Christians in the Coliseum and Circus Maximus were martyred (during the times of the Acts of the Apostles and later of course: maybe between 33 - 350 A.D.) as well as up to WW1 and the holocaust and those that were ready from WW2. Always only those that are ready.
Here is a video that shows the beauty and vastness of the Basilica of St Peter and also it shows Michelangelo’s Pieta (statue of Mary holding Jesus).
Rachel and the Grandiosity of the Basilica of Saint Peter's)
St. Peter Interior CLICK HERE!
La Pieta (Michaelangelo's statue of Mother Mary and Jesus)
Day 24 - May 11, 2023