Pics from Ontario Trip - Sept 2019
These are all in jumbled order but some have been grouped thematically...
We were just having our breakfast and then God started to show her what was happening at the waterfront (below) and I have to always be ready at the drop of a demon to start this is why I bring a bluetooth keyboard and tuck it under the driver seat...I did bring the laptop but even that is not portable enough..
closeup of the waterfront where Jesus was fighting Neptune the water demon and all his minions...
We are going backward a bit here and this was taken just after we left the motel in Owen Sound. This is the spot where the poor baby Samuel was killed. I picked the flowers and brought it into the cornfield.
This is the same pic as above just further back.
One of the two pics of them practicing the synchronized snoozing for the olympics.
In Sarnia there are at least 60 refinery plants that process oil, gas, natural gas, plastics and many chemicals...You will see below a few pics of fields with crops that will be processed in plants like the one below.
Speaks for itself (OR also what I have to stop myself from saying a lot of the time).
Better here than in front of our car!
When we stopped at Bruce Mines on our way to Espanola where we were going to take the ferry. These next two pics were when I though I was being spontaneous and getting some ice cream and eating it at the waterfront in Bruce Mines. Jesus was way out near that island fighting off ANOTHER Neptune and more of his bad company.
Second practice for olympics...
Here are the crops I was referring to above. This one is canola I think. I had no idea before that canola is a crop and it turns into 'canola oil'. I took lots of other pics of cornfields, mustard and other crops for reference, but I'm sure you have seen them before. I wanted to put it because I kept thinking that the next time I cook with oil or use scotch tape or put gas in the car, I will thank the Lord for cleaning these fields and processing plants so that it is safe for us.
This is a cornfield and it is used for so many things...corn oil, feed for animals of course food for us humans and finally mostly for biofuel. I had an example of why what God does is important as well because one: it happens so often, and two: it's possible effect on us.
The main reason why we go cleaning is because God has to REMOVE lingering demons, souls, spirits, negativity that should not be there. So, every time we go driving God is removing things from the land that we are passing. A vignette that might clarify this goes like this: We drive by a cornfield where there was a massacre years previous. This spot is stained with blood and the corn that is harvested there could end up at at least one or two different supermarkets and possibly affect many families that will consume this corn at some summer barbecue. Well, this corn is tainted and it could be just as poisonous physically as it is spiritually. It could manifest itself not just in people who ate it getting physically sick but also the spirit of anger, murder you can just imagine. Its not much of a leap either...lets rewind a few days and remember the awful tragic even that happened in a cornfield where horrible things happened to Samuel in Owen Sound. I can't put too many details for obvious reasons because this blog is public.
This is the cross we made over Windsor. Of course the map on the computer is so USA centric so Windsor is right beside Detroit...At the bottom you can see Leamington. Just FYI that's where most of our tomatoes come from and where FRENCH's bought out Heinz and they are continuing to make Ketchup and Mustard (from the other millions of mustard crops we passed).
This is in St. Thomas, Ontario where Mother Mary appeared as Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal with the rays of light beaming from her hands. She was guiding us through the town and was with us in a profound way until the end of the trip.
An unexpected surprise as we drove near Fort Erie where God was sewing all the work between Buffalo and Niagara on the Ontario side.
Niagara Falls...
This is where we had breakfast after staying the night in Niagara Falls. The IHOP was in the Ramada just a few kilometres up the river from the Falls. She is blessing the food and those chicken and waffles were really a mirage like in the desert...because just after this I had to rip out the bluetooth keyboard and type all the craziness that was going on...JPII just peeked his head in the window and Rachel could see the army of saints and angels that were at battle right there at the river.
THis is how Rachel saw Papa at the window (kind of)
This was the final tally of the odometer - 4905 kms.
Pics from Los Angeles - April 2019
Pics from the Past Few Trips:
(New York - September 2018/ Florida - January 2019)
Ottawa Pics 2018

Final Map
Australia Consecration
(December 2016)