Friday September 6, 2019
Driver’s Beware!
This week’s blog post is more of a report on some incidents that happened this week but God wants to use this as a teaching.
First, earlier this week while driving over to Rachel’s house, the family who brings her food had an incident in the car right around the 404 and the 401. From the passenger side Sarah could see that there was an odd looking man driving the car next to them but what struck her was that the ‘man’ had a hooded shirt and all she could see was the eyes. His face was covered and his eyes narrowed. The skin was pale but slightly green. She was thinking to herself that ‘this guy looks like Satan’. After thinking this in her mind she looked back to see the car and the evil guy and the car was gone! Once they told Rachel about this, she said that God showed her it was a fallen angel. He was attacking them and trying to kill them. Jesus showed the food to the fallen angel (demon) and said, “this is MY food”. Jesus said this because they buy, cook and prepare all the food for the whole week for Jesus, not just for Rachel. Actually, Jesus tells Rachel every week exactly which food He wants and for the rest of the food He leaves it up to Rachel and the others. It is THE LORD’S work that they are doing. Jesus defended them and saved them because they are in the ministry and God has said many times ‘those who help my ministry, I am with them in a special way’.
Once they arrived and after praying for a little while, God revealed to Rachel also that this fallen angel was attacking them because they have a neighbor who is doing a lot of damage my searching for information about aliens and this unhealthy curiosity is attracting a lot of demonic forces. It is the same as if someone was reading about vampires or Harry Potter, they open themselves up and make themselves more vulnerable to demonic attacks.
Secondly, not even a day later, we were driving to Rachel’s sister’s house and just as we passed the 404 and 401, I ran over a shredded truck tire that was impossible to avoid. This big chunk of rubber caused damage to the front side molding and ruined the oil tank protector underneath. We won’t know until Monday when they finish the work but it could be anything from 300-500 dollars, just out of nowhere.
Then, the next day after this, Thursday, the same woman who saw this demon driving the car heard some noise in the kitchen at the back of the house. They all heard and when she went back to see she instantly felt sick and had pains in the chest. After taking some medicine, she did feel better the next morning.
I guess one of the lessons that Rachel wants to stress is that we should not be searching about these things on the Internet or watching too many movies etc. about aliens, monsters, demons etc. because it attracts them and you do not know what is around you. Then God said this: “People want to know the unknown. There is enough to know about this world, we do not need to go into the unknown”. Then Rachel could hear this ‘…going into the unknown - danger, danger danger’. Then God continued…”Live the life God gave you. Take one day at a time”.
I hope it is not too presumptuous for me to add this next part but if you are reading this then it means that God allowed it. I wanted to add that, at the present moment, the world is literally in such a ‘war torn’ state because of spiritual battle. Although we don’t ‘see’ bombed out buildings and casualties lying dead all over, we are at war. I never drive without saying the rosary or putting on spiritual music and covering myself with the Precious Blood (I must admit though, that I really don’t talk to my guardian angel enough). I know that most of you already make a habit of praying in the car, but all I am saying, is if you are commuting to work or do brief trips, most people drive alone anyway, so make it count. We have to live every moment as if it might be our last chance to plead to God for help or intercede for others who are counting on us.
(God said to “send it as it is”.)