March 18, 2020
Welcome to all God's people who happened upon us from the Youtube link or from a referral from a friend.
This WELCOME section is designed specifically for you who are not familiar with this ministry and have never heard of Rachel (pronounced 'Rashell') or the Gate to Heaven Ministry. It's not really designed for those who already belong to the Gate to Heaven Ministry or know Rachel etc. but needless to say, all our welcome.
Keep checking on this page link (Welcome) if you are unfamiliar with the Gate to Heaven Ministry (G2H). There will be content added to this section that is specifically for you who are not familiar with the G2H ministry. Hopefully before you know it, you can be a prayer warrior united with us, fighting the good fight claiming the world again for Jesus.
Please feel free to explore all of the other pages/sections of this blog to familiarize yourself with the incredible work that the Lord is doing in this incredible time in history.
For example, in the Home section, there are the weekly posts where updates and general information is given.
For other sections like "URGENT MESSAGES" you will find the more unique and urgent information and various documents are stored.
To help learn more about what God is doing in this particular ministry you can check out the "Teachings (check this out), Apologetics/TOOLS pages.
For actual messages/teachings from God, whether in audio file (mp3) or as a written out document (PDF), you can find these in the "Important Media/Written Messages" section and others as well and you can find personal testimonies in the "Victory Wall/Testimonials" headings.
On the youtube video that spoke of the Corona Virus prevention recipe I also mentioned about praying during this very difficult time. The Three Prayers and very powerful and can be found on the "G2H Links" on the side bar widget. You just click it and it will bring you to the prayers that you just click and can print it right from the site. There will be videos posted to help demonstrate some specific chaplets that were given to Rachel and will be found here as well.
You can also learn about some of the trips that we have been on to pray over the land to claim it for God. You can get info from the "Photos and Videos" link on the side G2H links.
Here is a video that we put out at Christmas which has Rachel, the Mystic and Visionary, that God speaks to and gives these teaching and messages.
God bless, thanks for your patience and of course let us pick up our swords and shields (rosary, prayers and sacrifices) and let us battle to win back the Earth for the Lord.
For example, in the Home section, there are the weekly posts where updates and general information is given.
For other sections like "URGENT MESSAGES" you will find the more unique and urgent information and various documents are stored.
To help learn more about what God is doing in this particular ministry you can check out the "Teachings (check this out), Apologetics/TOOLS pages.
For actual messages/teachings from God, whether in audio file (mp3) or as a written out document (PDF), you can find these in the "Important Media/Written Messages" section and others as well and you can find personal testimonies in the "Victory Wall/Testimonials" headings.
On the youtube video that spoke of the Corona Virus prevention recipe I also mentioned about praying during this very difficult time. The Three Prayers and very powerful and can be found on the "G2H Links" on the side bar widget. You just click it and it will bring you to the prayers that you just click and can print it right from the site. There will be videos posted to help demonstrate some specific chaplets that were given to Rachel and will be found here as well.
You can also learn about some of the trips that we have been on to pray over the land to claim it for God. You can get info from the "Photos and Videos" link on the side G2H links.
Here is a video that we put out at Christmas which has Rachel, the Mystic and Visionary, that God speaks to and gives these teaching and messages.
God bless, thanks for your patience and of course let us pick up our swords and shields (rosary, prayers and sacrifices) and let us battle to win back the Earth for the Lord.