Coming soon:
Dentist 'Cleaning Trip' - February 13, 2023.
North Bay Trip - February 10-12, 2023
check back soon...
Houston - Texas, Ottawa/Montreal, Niagara Falls, Belleville/Burlington.
Latest Mission Trip: Kitchener, Waterloo and Cambridge Ontario, Canada
I know I am inconsistent with the updates but each trip is different. Recently the information is sent to me in document form (PDF) and it is easier to just store it on google drive and then link it to the blog. It actually takes up less visual space like this and when you have read the older ones you can more easily keep up by clicking the most recent links that are closer to the top.
Also, as I have mentioned previously it is almost impossible to categorize what God gives to Rachel. Some are just updates that we write on our own but in those updates it will contain 'testimonial, teachings and urgencies' so I will just overlap and double up on where things go. It is heightened by the fact that I cannot call Rachel and bother her about where a document should go so while she is away we are governing under 'covid-19' principles meaning we are understaffed and doing the best we can!
Kitchener MISSION: April 4-20 (most recent updates are at the top)
April 18, 19, - 2020 - Kitchener Update
April 15-18 - Kitchener
April 12-15 - Kitchener Update
April 10 - The Sid Roth Show and how the Chemical Attracted the Demons of the Corona Virus
April 10 - Good Friday - Driving in Kitchener and Surrounding Area
April 7/8 - Kitchener - God Speaking about the Three Demons that cause the Corona Virus
April 7 - Soul of a baby named Cyril
April 5-6, 2020 - Catherine and Francesca
Please continue to pray for Rachel and Jeanne. Jeanne is going to be driving back and forth from Washington to Baltimore a few times, please pray for safe driving for Jeanne.
Just spoke to Rachel in Baltimore. She has hurt her hand and she doesn't know how (probably a demonic attack). In the hotel, Rachel says there is a Leviathan (*see below) right inside hotel, plus a lot of smaller demonic beasts. Outside the hotel there is hydro plant near the hotel, a hospital and on the other side of the hotel a stadium. The hotel is near the Marina. God told Rachel she has to stay in the hotel for 3 days until the Leviathan and other demonic beasts have been cleared out of the hotel. Please continue to pray for her. Thank you.
*Leviathan (/lɪˈvaɪ.əθən/; Hebrew: לִוְיָתָן, Livyatan) is a creature with the form of a sea serpent from Jewish belief, referenced in the Hebrew Bible in the Book of Job, Psalms, the Book of Isaiah, and the Book of Amos.
The Leviathan (Sea Goddess) of the Book of Job is a reflection of the older Canaanite Lotan, a primeval monster defeated by the god Baal Hadad. Parallels to the role of Mesopotamian Tiamat defeated by Marduk have long been drawn in comparative mythology, as have been wider comparisons to dragon and world serpent narratives such as Indra slaying Vrtra or Thor slaying Jörmungandr,[1] but Leviathan already figures in the Hebrew Bible as a metaphor for a powerful enemy, notably Babylon (Isaiah 27:1), and some 19th century scholars have pragmatically interpreted it as referring to large aquatic creatures, such as the crocodile.[2] The word later came to be used as a term for "great whale", as well as for sea monsters in general.
December 23, 2019 - I just spoke to Rachel and she told me that she was going out for a while. Please continue to pray for her as this is a very difficult trip (they all are) because she is going to be on her own for most of the trip. Thank you.
December 25, 2019 - We got on the train in Baltimore and we were sitting on the restaurant car at a table. It was so nice to be able to sit and travel for a change and see all the rivers we were traveling over. The water and woods looked so peaceful. As soon as we sat down across from one another and took off our coats, Jesus appeared next to Rachel, she was very startled. Jesus came dressed in men’s casual clothing like a regular man. He is very well built with a shirt under a v neck sweater and pants. He has never been dressed like that in all these years. What a surprise!! His hair was brown just like in the picture that was painted by an artist that Rachel paid years ago to paint.
We asked if He wanted anything to eat. I ordered a coke and we had a Mediterranean quinoa salad with chicken, feta cheese, olives etc . Then He went on top of the train with the Archangels working on both sides of the train. On the right hand side was a beast with the body of a person with crooked legs at the knees, all hairy like an ape and the face was brown and all wrinkly. There were pieces of flesh sticking out of its face. The Archangel chained it up and took it away.
When we were crossing over one bridge there was a beast sticking up out of the water but there was no pitch fork in his hand and no horns on top of his head and he looks like a familiar spirit but the Lord confirmed “he was a beast.”
We arrived in Philadelphia at 5:05 pm and took the elevator up to the main terminal. We walked around inside to check out the shops and see where we were supposed to exit. We exited by the cab stands and walked all the way around the entire building. We walked by an ambulance that was loading up a man who seemed to have had some issue and there were homeless people telling us they were homeless Veterans waiting for the VA to get them into an apartment. It was too dangerous for them at the homeless shelter. It was very sad seeing these people on the street at Christmas.
After doing a loop around the station we walked over a beautiful bridge with eagles on each side of the bridge on both sides of the street. We walked as far as three blocks across the four-lane road and walked back towards the train station on the opposite side of the street. The only place that was open was a Chinese restaurant but we were told not to go in it. Fr. Gino showed up and told Rachel “tell Blondina we won’t be eating anything good tonight.” That meant “no” Italian Christmas dinner that he would have liked.
When we were coming to the end of the bridge over the river making our way back to the train station something hit Rachel in the back and almost knocked her down but she was holding on to her walker wheelchair, right before that happened I felt like something punched me in my left side. We crossed the busy four lane street making our way back to the station. We were going to be spending four hours inside the train station. When we walked back into the station it was nice and warm but the only thing open to eat was fast food Wendy’s and Penn Market, like a convenience/gift shop & a book store. Rachel went up and down the aisles of Penn Market while I checked around the corner to see if Wendy’s was open and it was. I came back to ask Rachel where we were supposed to eat and the answer was at Wendy’s, I felt like a gut bomb in my stomach. Inside Wendy’s Rachel could feel something crawling on her back and we both got cold at the same time and put our coats back on. Rachel couldn’t wait to get out of there. By that time it was 7:30 pm. We walked around the perimeter of the station inside and Jesus told us to sit in the middle. We are waiting for the Red Cab person to meet us at the stand at 10:20 pm to bring us down the elevator to the train platform. Everyone else takes the escalator. All of Rachel’s bones are hurting. She won’t close her eyes because she doesn’t want to see what is in the terminal.
The other morning Satan was right in Rachel’s room but she prayed and he had to leave but a few moments later a car accident took place right outside her window between an elderly woman and a man.
9:12 pm - Rachel’s heart is pounding and she said, “there must be witches around here.”
Rachel said, “Lord, you sure are taking your time here at the terminal” and He said, “why? Are you in a hurry?”
She said, “oh boy”. We have an hour more of praying before we are escorted by the Red Cap to the platform. There were lots of characters walking around. People keep coming to sit by us, then leave and Rachel said they left “their junk, how thrilling.” That’s three sets of people doing that in the last hour.
Rachel said: “tonight I’ll have a beautiful night. Imagine what I am collecting here.”
Thank you for the prayer protection!!!
December 26, 2019 - Just spoke to Jeanne and Rachel. Last night they found in Jeanne's room in Rachel's hotel, that a woman had her husband come to that room, her lover was hiding in a closet and her lover then suffocated her husband. This happened 25 years ago (1994). After they killed him, they wrapped him up and put him in suitcase then put him in a dumpster. The woman had previously tried to kill her husband 27 years ago but she was successful 25 years ago. Jeanne has a bruise from the train station last night and it's all swollen. They are driving around Baltimore right now near the Divine Mercy Shrine where there have been many miracles. They will be heading for the Marina soon to take the boat trip that God wants them to take.
Please continue to pray for Rachel and Jeanne. Jeanne stayed overnight in Rachel's hotel and today (right now) God has asked them to drive around the Marina in Baltimore and then they will be taking a boat trip from the Marina in Baltimore. Thank you.
December 26, 2019 - Further update from Jeanne and Rachel on their trip in the water taxi.
We drove about halfway around the harbor and drove down to Canton park to catch the water taxi. The water taxi is free and went to the other side of the harbor to Locust point. We then took another free taxi to another portion of the harbor. God wanted us to have dinner at the Amper Sea restaurant. We were sitting at the window in the restaurant looking out onto the harbor and there are couches with fire pits in front of them and right outside our window Fr. Gino was sitting and he asked for a Pinot Noir red wine.
Rachel is seeing three gigantic beasts out in the middle of the harbor. One is Neptune with two horns on his head and a pitch fork in his hand. The beast in the middle is the toughest of the three. They are jumping from the water up into the air and back down into the water because they don’t want to be caught by the Archangels. Jesus is commanding the Archangels to capture them. One is a female Neptune. She has a dark complexion and gold curly hair. The one closer to us is younger looking and doesn’t have the tough look like the woman Neptune. There are plenty of other pink dragons going in and out of the water. One looks like a Chinese dragon like the kind in a city parade. The pink ones have 2 heads as described in the book of Revelation*.
*Revelation 12:3 Another mysterious sight appeared in the sky. There was a huge red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and a crown on each of his heads.
I asked Rachel how many Angels & Archangels were working and The Lord said “920” for this three week trip.
It’s dark now and we’ve moved on from spicy buffalo wings with veggies to dinner. Rachel was asked to order the linguine, and I had butternut squash with caramelized walnuts. The Neptune are now tied up by the hands to make it easier to chain them and taking them to the underworld so that they cannot cause so much destruction in Baltimore. From the look on their faces they are furious to be caught and ordered out of this territory they claimed that this is their territory like squatters but the Lord has His designs on this city.
We took a cab back to the car and then we stopped at DSW shoes where Rachel was going to use the gift card that someone had kindly given to her. The whole time we were in the shoe store Rachel felt this great sadness.
My cell Phone was ringing and it was my friend Art who runs the Saint Padre Pio prayer group. He was calling to ask for prayer for his heart catheter surgery on Friday. He will stay overnight and return home on Friday. Please keep him in prayer.
After purchasing the shoes, we got settled in the car but Rachel had that look on her face like somebody was talking to her. It was a soul who was 75 years old and his name is Jack. He was murdered 75 years ago. He is from New Brunswick and God brought him to the spot outside the DSW. He was murdered by complete strangers who grabbed him. When they murdered him they threw him inside a car like a rag doll. After driving far away to bury him, they threw him into the ground and without realizing it, buried him alive and he suffocated. He was so sad because he had no idea why these people did such a horrendous thing to him.
God said, “I brought him to you” meaning Rachel, “so he can be with you until he is ready to go on the path to go up.”
We welcomed Jack to come with us and headed south on I-95. We weren’t on 95 for long but it helped us drive around the other side of the harbor to make a loop as we drove back to the hotel and finished the work for the day.
Thank you for all the prayer protection! I drove back to DC from Baltimore tonight but stayed at the hotel Christmas Eve after the train trip from Baltimore to Philadelphia and back, after spending five hours at the Philadelphia train station to cleanse that area. Merry Christmas, Jeanne and Rachel.
Further update on December 26, 2019 Marina Trip - We were driving east away from the Marina area past John Hopkins hospital when I stopped for gas, and we had just passed Wendy’s so I did a turn and parked there. We grabbed a little something and while we were in Wendy’s the Lord began to talk to her and said Davy Crockett (see bio below), who we picked up at the Alamo in San Antonio Texas back in 2012 was just coming out of Purgatory where he would then meet Saint Gabriel who would put a white robe on him so he could go towards the entrance to The Gate to Heaven. It is, almost 8 years later after we were at the Alamo and he is finally finished with his stint through Purgatory and he will get to go through The Gate to Heaven.
January 2, 2020 - 4:30 pm - We just left Rachel’s hotel and drove about a mile and a half down the road to Westport and we faced the harbor and right in front of the car were real road tracks. There was a huge demon next to the passenger side next to Rachel and she told me to move so we went around the corner. We are here praying at the moment in front of an electric grid. Rachel said It’s going to be a long night. We could really use a lot of prayer!
The Lord is trying to get a soul right now, he’s a very violent soul and if the Lord doesn’t take it out they’ll be a big problem in this area, because the soul is delinquent he will put ideas in peoples head to do like he did, which was murder. The Lord is going to put him on the path and he’ll go down. He’s coming from the roof of the tracks from far away and the train just passed by and he’s blowing his horn, and he’s blowing it long and loud! Rachel is laughing. She is all blown up.
The soul is rebelling and he’s saying “why should I go, why should I go, I wanna be in this world! I want to kill, kill, kill!” He was down on the ground when Rachel first saw the soul but now she’s seeing someone on top of a horse. It’s a dark brown horse and it’s a different soul that is on top of this horse who wants revenge. Rachel asked the Lord who does he want to take revenge on and the Lord said it was not the delinquent soul it’s another violent person.
The guy on the horse followed us and jumped right over this bridge into this greenery building with a big tower that has Baltimore printed at the top of it.
One Archangel got the horse and two Archangels grabbed the man who wants revenge. The delinquent soul is also being grabbed by the Archangels. We had to pull over to the side of the road but we can’t leave yet. We drove about 500 yards straight ahead and we are still at the Wheelabrator Southwest Resource Recovery Facility where the big fresco on Baltimore Tower is.
The Lord is getting another soul. There is a black woman who is tall and skinny, wearing a scarf that is burgundy with a light blue skirt and a deep orange top. It looks like she has a piece of rotten wood that she’s carrying on top of her head and Rachel believes that she is somebody from the third world who is very, very poor. There is a boy with her too. He is skinny and he looks like he’s about seven years old. There is a husband with her and he has light grey farmer type pants, he has a white shirt that is old. They were killed as a family. Why were they killed, the black family was a good family Jeanne asked? Rachel said they were a good family and they were stabbed from behind in the back. They were from Guyana. Some people killed this family and then took their land and stayed there as if it was their own.
Jesus is talking to the family now. He is dressed in regular clothing again for the second time since Jeanne has been with Rachel. The Lord looks very handsome as Rachel sees him now he’s talking to the boy. Once the Angel comes we can leave the spot and we have to go and drive all around the port in this industrial area. Please continue the prayers, we surely need it!! Thank you.
January 6, 2020 - Rachel and Jeanne have to leave at 3 pm to head East, to a T.J. Max Department store. They are both exhausted and need a lot of help with prayer. Please continue to pray for them.
January 9, 2020 – Rachel and Jeanne are in DC and meeting Samantha (Jeanne’s daughter) for dinner. They are at a restaurant called Trattoria Alberto Italian Restaurant. They left the hotel after 3:15 pm and had to take 295 south on the Baltimore Washington Parkway.
They will be at the restaurant until 7p.m. and appreciate all your prayers. Aida R. will meet up with them after that since they have to drive to her house. They arrived in South East DC at the restaurant at 4:30 pm and had to park and pray.
God was showing Rachel souls that are in this water. There is a river that is flowing down to a waterfall. There are five souls that went over the falls and three that were pushed. The Lord is ready to put them on the path.
Jeanne is wondering if it’s a quarry now they’re heading onto the BW Parkway and Ft. Meade military base is close by and. The Lord said it is in the spiritual but not around DC. It is south and in a very warm climate.
Samantha showed up and they are sitting in Tortuga restaurant waiting for the Italian restaurant next door to open at 5:30 pm.
They will go to Aida’s house in Silver Spring, MD. The Gate of Heaven cemetery is only five minutes from Aida’s house. They will probably be driving through a lot of neighborhoods tonight since they have been cleaning highways and strip malls and regular malls. Thanks in advance for the prayer.
January 10, 2020 – From Jeanne on the road. We left Baltimore at 4:45 pm and the valet person Don asked if we would pray for his brother who is blind in one eye and losing sight in the other as well. As we drove on I-95 south Rachel could see the brother when he was 2 years old and there was a fight in front of him and he shut his eyes because he didn’t want to see the fighting as a toddler.
We thought we were driving down to the White House but the Lord said take I-95 South. After ten minutes on the Interstate He said, “Go to the Condo (Jeanne’s place)” I called Aida right away because she was already in her car getting ready to head down to DC near the White House. We had to take Connecticut Avenue.
As we were coming off the ramp Rachel started getting really sick to her stomach and both of my ears were bothering me and the glands of my throat became sore. At the exit ramp there was a soul smashing another man’s head to the ground until he was dead. We were heading south on Connecticut and Rachel was blowing up looking like she was nine months pregnant. We came to the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament at the circle and I started having pain under my arms – the bicep and I felt a very uneasy crawling on my body. Rachel felt terrible all over. It became worse as we got closer to my condo. Aida was waiting at the back of the condo loading dock and I was able to unload my car of all the things I brought to Rachel’s room for the trip. It’s close to 7:00 pm when we arrived at my condo.
We came up and there were two demons in the hallway outside my door in the hallway. One was bigger than an ass and it was very demonic. The other one was as big as a tall man and a wild beast.
We had to get into the condo quickly. Then there was another dumb demon on my balcony. Another soul was in my bedroom and he was attacked and being controlled by a soul that was hung by other people and his tongue was sticking out of his mouth. Jesus was telling him how to put his tongue back in his mouth. We prayed for 30 minutes.
Sophie was brought in by the Archangel. The little baby was aborted at four months. She is sitting on the floor in front of Rachel. Govanino is in the condo too but he is staying close to the front door.
The demons are being tied up by the archangels with a 3 inch rope for the one out on the balcony. It looks like a bee hive because the rope is going all around his body. They are very violent and they are being taken above the roof.
The other demon that is attacking the soul in my bedroom, that soul’s name is Anthony. The demon has been taken away and now Anthony is going to come with Rachel for a few days before Jesus puts him on the path.
Its 7:30 pm and now we have to leave to head downtown to clean around the White House and President Trump needs protection because people have tried several times to assassinate him and now the Iranians have said they will try to do so as well.
Anthony is trying to keep his tongue in but it’s hard because it was hanging out for so long.
Rachel said, “There is so much wrongdoing being done out in the world and people have no idea what they are doing and the harm they are doing to their own families as well.”
Thanks for the prayer. Aida, Rachel and I are heading out again. We REALLY NEED IT!!
This is a picture of the Mall where they were working.
Here are the videos:
Baltimore Parking lot 1
Baltimore Parking lot 2
Baltimore Parking lot 3

White House
Ontario Trip - September 13-24, 2019
I know I am inconsistent with the updates but each trip is different. Recently the information is sent to me in document form (PDF) and it is easier to just store it on google drive and then link it to the blog. It actually takes up less visual space like this and when you have read the older ones you can more easily keep up by clicking the most recent links that are closer to the top.
Also, as I have mentioned previously it is almost impossible to categorize what God gives to Rachel. Some are just updates that we write on our own but in those updates it will contain 'testimonial, teachings and urgencies' so I will just overlap and double up on where things go. It is heightened by the fact that I cannot call Rachel and bother her about where a document should go so while she is away we are governing under 'covid-19' principles meaning we are understaffed and doing the best we can!
Kitchener MISSION: April 4-20 (most recent updates are at the top)
April 18, 19, - 2020 - Kitchener Update
April 15-18 - Kitchener
April 12-15 - Kitchener Update
April 10 - The Sid Roth Show and how the Chemical Attracted the Demons of the Corona Virus
April 10 - Good Friday - Driving in Kitchener and Surrounding Area
April 7/8 - Kitchener - God Speaking about the Three Demons that cause the Corona Virus
April 7 - Soul of a baby named Cyril
April 5-6, 2020 - Catherine and Francesca
Baltimore Trip December 21 - January 11, 2020
December 22, 2019 - After Jeanne picked up Rachel from the airport last night, God wanted them to do a short drive which was a 6 block loop not far from Rachel's hotel. After checking into the hotel and unpacking, they then went to a restaurant near the hotel to eat and Jesus as wanted to cleanse that restaurant.Please continue to pray for Rachel and Jeanne. Jeanne is going to be driving back and forth from Washington to Baltimore a few times, please pray for safe driving for Jeanne.
Just spoke to Rachel in Baltimore. She has hurt her hand and she doesn't know how (probably a demonic attack). In the hotel, Rachel says there is a Leviathan (*see below) right inside hotel, plus a lot of smaller demonic beasts. Outside the hotel there is hydro plant near the hotel, a hospital and on the other side of the hotel a stadium. The hotel is near the Marina. God told Rachel she has to stay in the hotel for 3 days until the Leviathan and other demonic beasts have been cleared out of the hotel. Please continue to pray for her. Thank you.
*Leviathan (/lɪˈvaɪ.əθən/; Hebrew: לִוְיָתָן, Livyatan) is a creature with the form of a sea serpent from Jewish belief, referenced in the Hebrew Bible in the Book of Job, Psalms, the Book of Isaiah, and the Book of Amos.
The Leviathan (Sea Goddess) of the Book of Job is a reflection of the older Canaanite Lotan, a primeval monster defeated by the god Baal Hadad. Parallels to the role of Mesopotamian Tiamat defeated by Marduk have long been drawn in comparative mythology, as have been wider comparisons to dragon and world serpent narratives such as Indra slaying Vrtra or Thor slaying Jörmungandr,[1] but Leviathan already figures in the Hebrew Bible as a metaphor for a powerful enemy, notably Babylon (Isaiah 27:1), and some 19th century scholars have pragmatically interpreted it as referring to large aquatic creatures, such as the crocodile.[2] The word later came to be used as a term for "great whale", as well as for sea monsters in general.
December 23, 2019 - I just spoke to Rachel and she told me that she was going out for a while. Please continue to pray for her as this is a very difficult trip (they all are) because she is going to be on her own for most of the trip. Thank you.
December 25, 2019 - We got on the train in Baltimore and we were sitting on the restaurant car at a table. It was so nice to be able to sit and travel for a change and see all the rivers we were traveling over. The water and woods looked so peaceful. As soon as we sat down across from one another and took off our coats, Jesus appeared next to Rachel, she was very startled. Jesus came dressed in men’s casual clothing like a regular man. He is very well built with a shirt under a v neck sweater and pants. He has never been dressed like that in all these years. What a surprise!! His hair was brown just like in the picture that was painted by an artist that Rachel paid years ago to paint.
We asked if He wanted anything to eat. I ordered a coke and we had a Mediterranean quinoa salad with chicken, feta cheese, olives etc . Then He went on top of the train with the Archangels working on both sides of the train. On the right hand side was a beast with the body of a person with crooked legs at the knees, all hairy like an ape and the face was brown and all wrinkly. There were pieces of flesh sticking out of its face. The Archangel chained it up and took it away.
When we were crossing over one bridge there was a beast sticking up out of the water but there was no pitch fork in his hand and no horns on top of his head and he looks like a familiar spirit but the Lord confirmed “he was a beast.”
We arrived in Philadelphia at 5:05 pm and took the elevator up to the main terminal. We walked around inside to check out the shops and see where we were supposed to exit. We exited by the cab stands and walked all the way around the entire building. We walked by an ambulance that was loading up a man who seemed to have had some issue and there were homeless people telling us they were homeless Veterans waiting for the VA to get them into an apartment. It was too dangerous for them at the homeless shelter. It was very sad seeing these people on the street at Christmas.
After doing a loop around the station we walked over a beautiful bridge with eagles on each side of the bridge on both sides of the street. We walked as far as three blocks across the four-lane road and walked back towards the train station on the opposite side of the street. The only place that was open was a Chinese restaurant but we were told not to go in it. Fr. Gino showed up and told Rachel “tell Blondina we won’t be eating anything good tonight.” That meant “no” Italian Christmas dinner that he would have liked.
When we were coming to the end of the bridge over the river making our way back to the train station something hit Rachel in the back and almost knocked her down but she was holding on to her walker wheelchair, right before that happened I felt like something punched me in my left side. We crossed the busy four lane street making our way back to the station. We were going to be spending four hours inside the train station. When we walked back into the station it was nice and warm but the only thing open to eat was fast food Wendy’s and Penn Market, like a convenience/gift shop & a book store. Rachel went up and down the aisles of Penn Market while I checked around the corner to see if Wendy’s was open and it was. I came back to ask Rachel where we were supposed to eat and the answer was at Wendy’s, I felt like a gut bomb in my stomach. Inside Wendy’s Rachel could feel something crawling on her back and we both got cold at the same time and put our coats back on. Rachel couldn’t wait to get out of there. By that time it was 7:30 pm. We walked around the perimeter of the station inside and Jesus told us to sit in the middle. We are waiting for the Red Cab person to meet us at the stand at 10:20 pm to bring us down the elevator to the train platform. Everyone else takes the escalator. All of Rachel’s bones are hurting. She won’t close her eyes because she doesn’t want to see what is in the terminal.
The other morning Satan was right in Rachel’s room but she prayed and he had to leave but a few moments later a car accident took place right outside her window between an elderly woman and a man.
9:12 pm - Rachel’s heart is pounding and she said, “there must be witches around here.”
Rachel said, “Lord, you sure are taking your time here at the terminal” and He said, “why? Are you in a hurry?”
She said, “oh boy”. We have an hour more of praying before we are escorted by the Red Cap to the platform. There were lots of characters walking around. People keep coming to sit by us, then leave and Rachel said they left “their junk, how thrilling.” That’s three sets of people doing that in the last hour.
Rachel said: “tonight I’ll have a beautiful night. Imagine what I am collecting here.”
Thank you for the prayer protection!!!
December 26, 2019 - Just spoke to Jeanne and Rachel. Last night they found in Jeanne's room in Rachel's hotel, that a woman had her husband come to that room, her lover was hiding in a closet and her lover then suffocated her husband. This happened 25 years ago (1994). After they killed him, they wrapped him up and put him in suitcase then put him in a dumpster. The woman had previously tried to kill her husband 27 years ago but she was successful 25 years ago. Jeanne has a bruise from the train station last night and it's all swollen. They are driving around Baltimore right now near the Divine Mercy Shrine where there have been many miracles. They will be heading for the Marina soon to take the boat trip that God wants them to take.
Please continue to pray for Rachel and Jeanne. Jeanne stayed overnight in Rachel's hotel and today (right now) God has asked them to drive around the Marina in Baltimore and then they will be taking a boat trip from the Marina in Baltimore. Thank you.
December 26, 2019 - Further update from Jeanne and Rachel on their trip in the water taxi.
We drove about halfway around the harbor and drove down to Canton park to catch the water taxi. The water taxi is free and went to the other side of the harbor to Locust point. We then took another free taxi to another portion of the harbor. God wanted us to have dinner at the Amper Sea restaurant. We were sitting at the window in the restaurant looking out onto the harbor and there are couches with fire pits in front of them and right outside our window Fr. Gino was sitting and he asked for a Pinot Noir red wine.
Rachel is seeing three gigantic beasts out in the middle of the harbor. One is Neptune with two horns on his head and a pitch fork in his hand. The beast in the middle is the toughest of the three. They are jumping from the water up into the air and back down into the water because they don’t want to be caught by the Archangels. Jesus is commanding the Archangels to capture them. One is a female Neptune. She has a dark complexion and gold curly hair. The one closer to us is younger looking and doesn’t have the tough look like the woman Neptune. There are plenty of other pink dragons going in and out of the water. One looks like a Chinese dragon like the kind in a city parade. The pink ones have 2 heads as described in the book of Revelation*.
*Revelation 12:3 Another mysterious sight appeared in the sky. There was a huge red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and a crown on each of his heads.
I asked Rachel how many Angels & Archangels were working and The Lord said “920” for this three week trip.
It’s dark now and we’ve moved on from spicy buffalo wings with veggies to dinner. Rachel was asked to order the linguine, and I had butternut squash with caramelized walnuts. The Neptune are now tied up by the hands to make it easier to chain them and taking them to the underworld so that they cannot cause so much destruction in Baltimore. From the look on their faces they are furious to be caught and ordered out of this territory they claimed that this is their territory like squatters but the Lord has His designs on this city.
We took a cab back to the car and then we stopped at DSW shoes where Rachel was going to use the gift card that someone had kindly given to her. The whole time we were in the shoe store Rachel felt this great sadness.
My cell Phone was ringing and it was my friend Art who runs the Saint Padre Pio prayer group. He was calling to ask for prayer for his heart catheter surgery on Friday. He will stay overnight and return home on Friday. Please keep him in prayer.
After purchasing the shoes, we got settled in the car but Rachel had that look on her face like somebody was talking to her. It was a soul who was 75 years old and his name is Jack. He was murdered 75 years ago. He is from New Brunswick and God brought him to the spot outside the DSW. He was murdered by complete strangers who grabbed him. When they murdered him they threw him inside a car like a rag doll. After driving far away to bury him, they threw him into the ground and without realizing it, buried him alive and he suffocated. He was so sad because he had no idea why these people did such a horrendous thing to him.
God said, “I brought him to you” meaning Rachel, “so he can be with you until he is ready to go on the path to go up.”
We welcomed Jack to come with us and headed south on I-95. We weren’t on 95 for long but it helped us drive around the other side of the harbor to make a loop as we drove back to the hotel and finished the work for the day.
Thank you for all the prayer protection! I drove back to DC from Baltimore tonight but stayed at the hotel Christmas Eve after the train trip from Baltimore to Philadelphia and back, after spending five hours at the Philadelphia train station to cleanse that area. Merry Christmas, Jeanne and Rachel.
Further update on December 26, 2019 Marina Trip - We were driving east away from the Marina area past John Hopkins hospital when I stopped for gas, and we had just passed Wendy’s so I did a turn and parked there. We grabbed a little something and while we were in Wendy’s the Lord began to talk to her and said Davy Crockett (see bio below), who we picked up at the Alamo in San Antonio Texas back in 2012 was just coming out of Purgatory where he would then meet Saint Gabriel who would put a white robe on him so he could go towards the entrance to The Gate to Heaven. It is, almost 8 years later after we were at the Alamo and he is finally finished with his stint through Purgatory and he will get to go through The Gate to Heaven.
January 2, 2020 - 4:30 pm - We just left Rachel’s hotel and drove about a mile and a half down the road to Westport and we faced the harbor and right in front of the car were real road tracks. There was a huge demon next to the passenger side next to Rachel and she told me to move so we went around the corner. We are here praying at the moment in front of an electric grid. Rachel said It’s going to be a long night. We could really use a lot of prayer!
The Lord is trying to get a soul right now, he’s a very violent soul and if the Lord doesn’t take it out they’ll be a big problem in this area, because the soul is delinquent he will put ideas in peoples head to do like he did, which was murder. The Lord is going to put him on the path and he’ll go down. He’s coming from the roof of the tracks from far away and the train just passed by and he’s blowing his horn, and he’s blowing it long and loud! Rachel is laughing. She is all blown up.
The soul is rebelling and he’s saying “why should I go, why should I go, I wanna be in this world! I want to kill, kill, kill!” He was down on the ground when Rachel first saw the soul but now she’s seeing someone on top of a horse. It’s a dark brown horse and it’s a different soul that is on top of this horse who wants revenge. Rachel asked the Lord who does he want to take revenge on and the Lord said it was not the delinquent soul it’s another violent person.
The guy on the horse followed us and jumped right over this bridge into this greenery building with a big tower that has Baltimore printed at the top of it.
One Archangel got the horse and two Archangels grabbed the man who wants revenge. The delinquent soul is also being grabbed by the Archangels. We had to pull over to the side of the road but we can’t leave yet. We drove about 500 yards straight ahead and we are still at the Wheelabrator Southwest Resource Recovery Facility where the big fresco on Baltimore Tower is.
The Lord is getting another soul. There is a black woman who is tall and skinny, wearing a scarf that is burgundy with a light blue skirt and a deep orange top. It looks like she has a piece of rotten wood that she’s carrying on top of her head and Rachel believes that she is somebody from the third world who is very, very poor. There is a boy with her too. He is skinny and he looks like he’s about seven years old. There is a husband with her and he has light grey farmer type pants, he has a white shirt that is old. They were killed as a family. Why were they killed, the black family was a good family Jeanne asked? Rachel said they were a good family and they were stabbed from behind in the back. They were from Guyana. Some people killed this family and then took their land and stayed there as if it was their own.
Jesus is talking to the family now. He is dressed in regular clothing again for the second time since Jeanne has been with Rachel. The Lord looks very handsome as Rachel sees him now he’s talking to the boy. Once the Angel comes we can leave the spot and we have to go and drive all around the port in this industrial area. Please continue the prayers, we surely need it!! Thank you.
January 6, 2020 - Rachel and Jeanne have to leave at 3 pm to head East, to a T.J. Max Department store. They are both exhausted and need a lot of help with prayer. Please continue to pray for them.
January 9, 2020 – Rachel and Jeanne are in DC and meeting Samantha (Jeanne’s daughter) for dinner. They are at a restaurant called Trattoria Alberto Italian Restaurant. They left the hotel after 3:15 pm and had to take 295 south on the Baltimore Washington Parkway.
They will be at the restaurant until 7p.m. and appreciate all your prayers. Aida R. will meet up with them after that since they have to drive to her house. They arrived in South East DC at the restaurant at 4:30 pm and had to park and pray.
God was showing Rachel souls that are in this water. There is a river that is flowing down to a waterfall. There are five souls that went over the falls and three that were pushed. The Lord is ready to put them on the path.
Jeanne is wondering if it’s a quarry now they’re heading onto the BW Parkway and Ft. Meade military base is close by and. The Lord said it is in the spiritual but not around DC. It is south and in a very warm climate.
Samantha showed up and they are sitting in Tortuga restaurant waiting for the Italian restaurant next door to open at 5:30 pm.
They will go to Aida’s house in Silver Spring, MD. The Gate of Heaven cemetery is only five minutes from Aida’s house. They will probably be driving through a lot of neighborhoods tonight since they have been cleaning highways and strip malls and regular malls. Thanks in advance for the prayer.
January 10, 2020 – From Jeanne on the road. We left Baltimore at 4:45 pm and the valet person Don asked if we would pray for his brother who is blind in one eye and losing sight in the other as well. As we drove on I-95 south Rachel could see the brother when he was 2 years old and there was a fight in front of him and he shut his eyes because he didn’t want to see the fighting as a toddler.
We thought we were driving down to the White House but the Lord said take I-95 South. After ten minutes on the Interstate He said, “Go to the Condo (Jeanne’s place)” I called Aida right away because she was already in her car getting ready to head down to DC near the White House. We had to take Connecticut Avenue.
As we were coming off the ramp Rachel started getting really sick to her stomach and both of my ears were bothering me and the glands of my throat became sore. At the exit ramp there was a soul smashing another man’s head to the ground until he was dead. We were heading south on Connecticut and Rachel was blowing up looking like she was nine months pregnant. We came to the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament at the circle and I started having pain under my arms – the bicep and I felt a very uneasy crawling on my body. Rachel felt terrible all over. It became worse as we got closer to my condo. Aida was waiting at the back of the condo loading dock and I was able to unload my car of all the things I brought to Rachel’s room for the trip. It’s close to 7:00 pm when we arrived at my condo.
We came up and there were two demons in the hallway outside my door in the hallway. One was bigger than an ass and it was very demonic. The other one was as big as a tall man and a wild beast.
We had to get into the condo quickly. Then there was another dumb demon on my balcony. Another soul was in my bedroom and he was attacked and being controlled by a soul that was hung by other people and his tongue was sticking out of his mouth. Jesus was telling him how to put his tongue back in his mouth. We prayed for 30 minutes.
Sophie was brought in by the Archangel. The little baby was aborted at four months. She is sitting on the floor in front of Rachel. Govanino is in the condo too but he is staying close to the front door.
The demons are being tied up by the archangels with a 3 inch rope for the one out on the balcony. It looks like a bee hive because the rope is going all around his body. They are very violent and they are being taken above the roof.
The other demon that is attacking the soul in my bedroom, that soul’s name is Anthony. The demon has been taken away and now Anthony is going to come with Rachel for a few days before Jesus puts him on the path.
Its 7:30 pm and now we have to leave to head downtown to clean around the White House and President Trump needs protection because people have tried several times to assassinate him and now the Iranians have said they will try to do so as well.
Anthony is trying to keep his tongue in but it’s hard because it was hanging out for so long.
Rachel said, “There is so much wrongdoing being done out in the world and people have no idea what they are doing and the harm they are doing to their own families as well.”
Thanks for the prayer. Aida, Rachel and I are heading out again. We REALLY NEED IT!!
This is a picture of the Mall where they were working.
Here are the videos:
Baltimore Parking lot 1
Baltimore Parking lot 2
Baltimore Parking lot 3
Video 2 - Rachel cleaning the room part 2

White House
Day 1 – Toronto to Pembroke - September 13, 2019
We left in the afternoon around 4 today and made it to Belleville around 6:15 or so and were directed to have dinner at Pizza Pizza. Whenever this happens it’s because God has a specific plan to clean and remove whatever demonic spirits are present. In this case there was a delinquent spirit. I will inquire with Rachel more but she just said that when this spirit is around it causes a lot of trouble (I think the name gives it away), but also people have trouble with poverty as well and commit violence and steal and gamble so as you may remember from many other postings that when one bad entity makes a home that usually invites other bad company. So it was pretty easy to figure out that the fast food restaurant we ordered was not fast at all because God arranged it this way. Actually it took about 30 minutes for the pizza and wings to be ready. So after about an hour and 10 minutes we left and headed north east on winding roads and we made it to Pembrooke by 11:30 PM.
Accommodations are fine thank God it’s after midnight now and I hope I feel the same way tomorrow morning. Anyway we got settled in the two rooms by midnight or so and hopefully we will be on the road heading towards North Bay sometime after breakfast tomorrow around noon. Thanks again for all the support and for being with us in spirit.
You know a person is getting old when they say I don’t like driving at night when it’s rainy. Next Rachel and Sheila are going to report hearing me say Bah humbug...or talking about needing more fiber.
Yeah I’m already there.
Again thank you and hopefully I will have enough energy and time to keep you guys updated. But I legitimately have a lot of fear while we’re driving when the visibility is horrible and the fact that the car got damaged just on a regular 401 and last time and I ran over a raccoon... so I’m really hyper sensitive to not wanting to do that again. Just as Marion said please pray for good driving conditions and for me to have more trust in the Lord! Sheila and Rachel are already doing well with trust issues.
Day 2 - Pembroke to Kapuskasing - September 14
If you EVER hear me say that I looked on the map and booked the hotel of the place we HOPED to arrive at, SHOOT ME! I will sign a waiver if I have to. I’m always afraid that when we show up in a small town that there will not be any room for us ‘in the INN’. Well, yesterday we had to do a MARATHON of a trip to make it to the motel, which we pre-arranged without knowing that God had more work for us to do before we even got on the road. Obviously God is TRYING to teach me to rely on Him.
So, as usual we get up and try to get ready for around 11AM and then get something to eat so we can go until 4 or 5pm without stopping but finish the night usually around 10 or 11pm.
I do not hold anyone responsible for this brutally long trek except I blame my own propensity to control the outcome and to NOT trust God. I can tell you that I’m trying to work on it but it’s Sunday and I don’t want to lie before I even had my first coffee. Needless to say though that today we have almost 700 KMS to traverse also like yesterday but I am not even looking on until we are ready to stop.
The next part is quite disturbing (this happens a lot in this ministry because God has to set things right and He does this work to pour light into the vast expanse of darkness). After having our McDonalds breakfast the Lord said we had to go and stop and pray in front of the Holiday Inn (that was our second option to stay but we saved around 250 dollars by roughing it and by Sheila and I sharing a room-Hopefully this can go towards the next trip).
Anyway, on to the disturbing part…After about 5 minutes on the, we came just short of the Holiday Inn and Rachel, all of a sudden, put her arm out for me to stop and pull to the side of the road. We pulled over and there was a small patch of land on an incline with wild flowers and then about thirty feet in was a cornfield. Then Rachel could see this baby screaming and shrieking a death cry. I’ll try to abridge it because it is much too disturbing. However, the discomfort and compassion we experience when hearing about these poor souls that suffer actually helps them and can be used to help set them free and to put them on the path. This discomfort pales in comparison obviously to what they’ve been through but it also helps Rachel who has made it her lifestyle choice to share and help the Lord to carry the cross (it’s actually all of our duty but we all vary in how much we take it seriously. Jesus has told us many times to ‘pick up your cross’. Okay, end homily now…
This poor baby, Samuel, who is around 1 years old was shrieking and crying because he was stolen from his mother in a field where she was working. God said ‘she liked men’ so she was distracted and a man came and snatched the baby away. This happened around 55 years ago in this spot (where we stopped near the cornfield). Warning of the next part: This man repeatedly slammed the baby to the ground and then raped him and then beat him with a pole or a stick to make sure he was dead. I felt this need to go into the field and retrieve this poor baby. I went to pick some flowers to throw into the field roughly where this happened. Then Rachel after directing me where to go told me to hold out my arms because Jesus was going to place this poor limp baby into my arms. I brought him to Rachel and she tried to speak to the soul but to no avail. Then his angel took him back into his arms and continued to try to speak life into him. I know it is hard to understand because he is a soul and not a body but souls can experience their version of exasperation and fatigue, and trauma and everything else we experience here but magnify it by a thousand.
The good news is, that of course this baby will stay with us and God will use the prayers of the Gate to Heaven to slowly bring life back to this soul. He will slowly and surely be put on the path to go to Heaven. Some go more quickly than others depending on how quickly they let go of whatever resentment or trauma resulted from their death.
Now that I am writing this two days have passed and it is already Monday afternoon and we are about to do the work in Thunder Bay (day 4). The baby has since warmed up to us and is inquisitive about who we are and is starting to trust someone other than his angel.
When this incident happened with the baby it was around 2 pm on Saturday. We made the long trek to Kapuskasing and I raced there and we didn’t make it until around Midnight. The real dilemma when doing this work is ‘do you book the hotel willy nilly and just hope that God doesn’t throw a monkey wrench and add extra work which delays the arrival, or do you just arrive and hope for the best. But this demonstrates that I am all about getting there and God is about doing the work…AND saving souls. I guess my life motto is ‘I have no idea where I am going but I’m making good time’. The other side of the dilemma happened to us when we left Kapuskasing and arrived in Thunder bay…
Continued below…
Day 3: Kapuskasing to Thunder Bay - September 15
…Because I swore off booking it ahead of time we are subject to whatever availability you find when you get there and whatever price they feel like charging you…There is no winning in this ministry. Last night God said HAVE TO STAY at Holiday Inn and we have to stay for two nights because we have to work in the city here. I forgot to say that on the way to Thunder Bay about three hours before arriving, Rachel’s father came to speak to us. His message was mostly about ‘not worrying about the money and just do the work’. So, not even three hours later I already freaked out when I saw the price quotes from the website. Of course I pleaded with God if we could stay at a motel that is really close to it but God said it has to be the Holiday Inn. So, here in the middle of nowhere, we are paying almost 200 bucks a night, for each room for each night!!! Unfortunately we have to be obedient and at least we conserved by staying in very cheap motels the two nights previous and Sheila let me stay rent-free in her room. Of course I am still down on myself because I am not virtuous or even remotely good with money but when other people give, I am hyper super conscientious about using coupons and getting good deals etc. Unfortunately, it didn’t end well for the only other person I know of in this type of crazy ministry that was this ‘conscientious’ with ministry funds. He is also the only one I know of who began the ‘leaving right away after communion’ club! Maybe you’ve heard of him….his name is Judas!
Parting the Red Sea, raising people from the dead, feeding 5000, is a breeze for the Lord but changing people’s hearts is almost impossible and when it does happen, THAT is the true miracle. How many more of these trips and work will I have to do to get it? If I ever do? I don’t say this to be egotistical or self-focused but I share it because I know that most people have trouble with understanding free will and why God ‘allows’ things to happen etc.
So, we arrived at the Holiday Inn Express around 9:30 pm (there nothing ‘express’ about it since we are paying an arm and leg here) after making record time covering over 650 KMS in one day.
We did our thing and it is a big struggle because doing these updates takes hours and that’s hours that need to be used doing the work and housekeeping stuff (like feeding, sleeping and eating and washing etc.) and all this takes energy and time. Writing this obviously isn’t easy for me and I actually can’t stand doing this because I don’t know how to write it without making it too much through my own perspective. Also, I wear my heart on my sleeve and complain a lot and I know that must annoy most people. I know that it annoys me. Anyway, I can only do what I am capable of doing and because I try to do too much I am often cranky and take it out on the people around me.
So, today we have to work in Thunder Bay and then tomorrow we have to do another huge marathon trip to Sault Ste, Marie, if we can make it. The problem is that it is all vast nothingness out here and you can’t just stop wherever you want because there is not a safety net. Yesterday we passed a sign with a warning to make sure we had gas because there was no service for the next 300 KMS.
Thanks again for the prayers and support and I’m sorry for all the complaining. You literally cannot know how brutal this work is unless you experience it.
I don’t imagine there will be too many moments to just sit and write like this until we get back unless God wants us to stay more than one night in a town. I literally have a Bluetooth keyboard under the driver’s seat and write notes into my phone when I get a brief moment but even that is insane. I am not able to drive for as long as I used to even just 3 years ago and Rachel cannot sit for as long so the work becomes even more difficult. I’m so glad that we did all these areas already 3 or 4 times in the last few years so the main work is done. What we are doing now is just like the maintenance work.
God said now that “we have to go now”, so lucky for you, I’m stopping.
I’m not sure if it was mentioned before but God put 550 archangels to work on this job and everywhere we go God is putting souls on the path and pouring light into areas where lots of evil was done. Even this moment Rachel is dictating to Sheila about a man that was killed on this land before the hotel was built. A cowboy man killed his friend after stealing his money. This is very hard on Rachel and it’s not easy for Sheila and I as well. I would imagine this is similar to PTSD that a detective might go through because they are constantly seeing grisly murder scenes and every day is a display of the depravity of the human condition! In my case, it never ends because I end up adopting the victims (if they are children) of these atrocities and I am reminded every time I have to read about them to identify which one we are talking about or celebrating their birthday. But worse for Rachel because she literally sees what happens to them and most often experiences their suffering in her body. God allows this to help the soul be set free and to go faster on the path to where they are meant to go.
I really do appreciate the patience you have in reading these reports and being understanding of what we are accomplishing together through prayer and support.
Take care and thanks again for your solidarity.
P.S. I called the bank and the teller told me that she transferred the money back to the card against the cash advance, so that the fraudulent work can be undone. Now, everything is settled except we just have to let the government know the new account number so they can direct deposit her pension.
Day 4 – Thunder Bay - September 16
Bridget came and said ‘is Daddy making a funny story?’ she didn’t understand that we are writing an update about what is going on here. She is only around 7 years old but she only came to us when Rachel’s cousin Angelo brought her from Welland, Ontario (Rachel’s cousin passed away right when Rachel was leaving for Rome). This was only a week ago. Her name was Evelyn before but often these souls want a fresh start and will opt to change their name and birthday. Literally, if you miss a minute in the ministry its like missing a month. When I don’t go over to Rachel’s for a few days I have to ask Sheila to brief me because so many things happen so quickly that you would need a full time secretary whose prime mission is just to document all the events that happen daily. Jesus had 12 guys helping him, we only have a handful and Jesus is working much more furiously now then 2000 years ago because there is probably 23 times the population now then in Biblical times and also it means the demonic activity increases exponentially (I googled it - there were 300 million people in the world compared to 7 billion now).
So, on this day we did a circle around the town and then just went to dinner and then came back and celebrated the birthday of Sheila’s son George who was miscarried in 1972.
I am actually writing this while the ladies are enjoying their egg McMuffin and the car’s windshield is being filled and trying to catch up on the updates because I don’t need to eat, or sleep. This is how it usually works..cue sympathy violin section. In reality the only way people are going to get a bird’s eye view of how these trips work is by these emails or the blog. We do’t have time to do it any other way although a Facebook live streaming would be hilarious but also extremely boring at most points.
Just a note about the ‘updates’.:
After writing the updates for Day 4 (Thunder Bay), we had to go out driving but we were held up because we left almost 2 hours later than we were supposed to. I know that there is no easy way to say this but I was the one who made us late and God didn’t reprimand me because in essence, I wasn’t wasting time or anything… I was still ‘working’ for the ministry. But, I’m trying to delicately say that writing the updates is not as high on the list of priorities when we work like this. It’s a much different scenario if we are staying at one particular hotel and going off to work each day but when we have to pack up all the stuff in the car, get gas, wash up, get ready, book hotels on the phone in the car at gas stops, find a place to eat and do all the extra things that Rachel requires because she is now a lot less mobile, it doesn’t leave much time for any leisure at all. And it is almost impossible to find time to write the updates and do it properly since everything has to be reviewed and God has to say if it is fine to send. I hardly have time to get sufficient sleep never mind have a moment to be productive. While in Rome it was a pleasure because although it was extremely hot and the work was very trying, there still was down time and opportunities to work on updates. Even when we went to Ottawa a year ago (May 2018) it was possible, but every job is difficult in different ways. I know that when people say ‘can’t wait for the updates’ they mean well and I am happy to do them if it is not interfering with the tasks at hand. So, again, I’ll try my best but today was a gentle lesson that God was trying to teach me. For example, we didn’t leave til after 4pm and God told Rachel we should start around 2pm). We had to go pray near a nail salon and while driving, I just remembered that I had to get the windshield fixed (very small chip in windshield). I know from my own car that bumpy driving and weather can turn a dot of a crack into a full replacement and then 450 dollars later you could kick yourself. So, we went to Apple Auto glass and he said that it is fixable but they were closing in half an hour and it needs an hour to ‘cure’. Then I kicked myself because I knew that we left so late because of me. So, anyway, I just ask that you include me as well for prayers to learn how to deal with pressure better and to have softer edges because this work is already incredibly difficult without me adding all my hard edges!
Sorry for the digression, but it is important to give some explanation why a person who travels with Rachel is often unable to give updates because the work is all consuming and we really have to pay attention to what is happening right in that moment.
Day 5 - Thunder Bay to Sault Ste. Marie - September 17
This trip (from Thunder Bay all the way to Sault Ste. Marie) was originally not suppose to happen because it was too long of a trip and I don’t have the stamina anymore. We did it the other day when trying to make it from Pembroke to Kapuskasing and it literally wrecked me (it also chipped the windshield and shattered my last three nerves). I went to bed thinking that we would just make it to Wawa (two hours short of Sault Ste Marie) but when I met up with Rachel she said she had a surprise. The surprise was that she had gotten us the breakfast from downstairs (which for her is an Herculean feat in itself) but also Jesus had said that we can go straight to the Sault and I was happy even though it would be tough but at least we would save a nights hotel fees.
I can’t even begin to say all the incredible things that happen, good and bad, even just while we were driving and I’m so overwhelmed because I want to document it all but its almost impossible to do all these things and maintain the work schedule. I’ll just give a for example of what happened yesterday at 2:30 PM. I remember this because I made a mental note of it. Please I beg you, do not try to investigate this any further because God does NOT want us to get involved. The gist of it is this: a woman is being killed by her lover, right at the moment when God was showing it to Rachel. First, a little context. Do you guys remember a few years ago when we were in Vancouver and we were driving up to Whistler and I ‘lost’ my phone (May 2018). I say it this way because at this particular lookout spot there is a terrible demon that makes people lose their stuff and cause all kinds of trouble, probably similar to a delinquency spirit like at the beginning of the trip. So, all of a sudden Rachel said ‘I’m not here...I’m at the place where you lost your phone’, (God can take Rachel’s soul to different places for them to work and do an important job). Then she started to moan and squirm cause she could see that a man was slamming the head of a girl on the inside of the car door frame. After that he drove over her limp body with the car. Remember what I said about the PTSD we get because of all the things we are exposed to, this is also a perfect example. Then Rachel filled in the details and said that they were lovers and the woman was going to leave her husband and two children but the man did not want to rock the boat and lead his wife also because he found a third lover anyway. This is exactly what God means when He says ‘Sin buys sin’. Now, this spot has all those demons and now you can add lust, murder, jealousy, fear,’. God also told Rachel that it was happening right at that moment, which would have been 11:30 AM Pacific time. Rachel could still see my phone broken and aged by the weather as well as a camera with the film all spoiled and strewn aside over the bushes and rocks hidden below the lookout point.
This is just ONE of the many things that happen WHILE we are working. OF course I said ‘I wonder if I could call the BC provincial police but God quickly said for me to not get involved. He obviously knows how I think...
It was a pretty intense drive because I was always trying to push the boundaries of the speed limit. Unfortunately it is only 90 for most of the way so I was a little reckless trying to maintain 115. We had to cover 700 KMs and I know that we would have to stop a few times for gas and bathroom and stretching etc. We did make it by 10:30 and left at 12:30 so it was kind of a miracle because there were a lot of stops and starts because they were repairing the highway and blasting the rock walls and expanding the road and this easily added at least 45 minutes to our journey. Also, for at least half of the way it was winding up and down mountain roads and you cannot go too fast around these bends...everything was stacked against us but God prevailed. That is of course until we arrived at the motel around 10:45 after getting our last meal of Mcdonalds for the night.
We arrived at Bel Air motel and my instincts got the better of me when we checked in. The clerk had Buddha statues everywhere and he was burning incense to some elephant man sitting comfortably on his perch. Obviously he was a Hindu with Buddhist inclinations and I knew this would wreak havoc for Rachel and probably for us.
I know I sound like a snob but this was the kind of motel where you leave EVERYTHING IN THE CAR and just bring in your toiletries. I slept in all my clothing and never touched the ground without my slippers on. The room smelled of urine and misdemeanours. And there were tons of sketchy stains on the floor and walls. I’ll leave that for you to figure out.Also, what really leaves me off was that I insisted to the guy that we would need heat because it dips at night and I cannot nor Rachel sleep when it is too cold. He said that if it gets less than 10 degrees the heat will automatically come on! TEN DEGREES!!! Are we supposed to sleep with jackets?!
So, now it is 1:30 pm on Wednesday at the Mcdonalds parking lot. I dropped the car to get fixed we had our breakfast and now we got the car and are on our way to Espanola. Jesus is getting a little impatient with me because He is trying to do His work and I’m just trying to arrive so that I can get enough down time and then rest to be able to make it the next day.
There were a lot of other things that happened yesterday also but i cannot possible write everything. Not even half an hour after God showed her about the woman who was murdered by her lover, a witch was trying to intimidate Rachel and tell her that she is not welcome there and that she owns the land with her warlock friend. Of course Rachel prayed and God used all of our sacrifices and all of the G2H prayers and now the archangels dragged her away and Rachel could hear the shrieking like the witch from Wizard of Oz...
Then in Wawa, almost at the end of the night there was another witch. These witches and warlocks have a field day up here because most of the First Nation people’s honour or practice the New Age Mother Earth spiritism and this draws a lot of bad stuff. Oh and Sheila is tellling me of another 45 year old woman who was drugged in nearby White River, she was raped and then dragged out into this forest to die. If we wouldn’t have passed she would still be wandering their in the forest. God has now put her on the path.
Also at some point during the day above the road in front of us Rachel could see this big black hole that is sucking all the negativity away and just to the right there was Jesus standing in front of the Gate to Heaven and they were pouring light from the door down onto the road where we were driving.
There are so many cases like this and many that God doesn’t even reveal to Rachel because she has to focus on other things but God is constantly working meanwhile we are complaining. But He hasn’t fired us yet...
Thanks for the prayers...
Day 6 - Sault Ste. Marie to Espanola - September 18
Today we left the crime scene and got our stuff ready. I guess I should probably clarify because anything happens in this ministry. All I meant was we were at a motel that was really dodgy.
I dropped the ladies off at Mcdonalds so that I could go to the auto glass nearby and get the chip in the windshield fixed. Then we had about an hour, so I walked back and we had our breakfast/lunch and I typed about half of yesterdays updates on the keyboard attached to my phone.
I really struggled last night and was extremely disappointed with God but after a whole day of brooding and reflecting I have to say that God is teaching me that we can never EARN what He gives us. Let me explain. I KILLED MYSELF two days ago getting from Thunder Bay to Sault Ste Marie. Driving 700 kms for me whether there is two old ladies or not is really hard for me, especially since I don’t really sleep well and we have been couped up in a car for the last 4 days at that point. So, the reason for my rebeling and feeling abandoned by God was because He told us specifically which motel to stay at after this brutally long journey and I did not get one wink after having a really hard day in the car.. I know I sound a bit like a snob and I know that I am repeating myself a bit but please excuse me. I put everything back in the car because I was actually worried about bed bugs or any other unmentionable factors. I put everything I could back in the car and slept in my clothes from the day and also put on a sweater and I was still freezing. Not only was it too cold to sleep comfortably there was the disgusting factor and I could feel my skin crawl. I just felt like saying ‘Lord, if this is how you treat those who slave for you, I know why you have so few friends”! That’s actually from St Teresa of Avila.
We left more leisurely but I found that todays work was harder than yesterday because of the lack of sleep and just being so sour. We didn’t have to travel too far, just to a place called Espanola. Right now we are sitting in an Italian restaurant and I am typing while we wait for the food to arrive.
Some details about todays job...I pulled over in Bruce Mines thinking that it was my own free will but in reality I am sure God was leading me. We got some ice cream and went to the waterfront to eat it. Shortly after Rachel said she could see Jesus fighting with this huge beast in the water across from us, in the distance. The kids were happy to be near the water and eat the ice cream and be traveling with us.
If I can swing it I will try to upload some pictures at the end.
We got to Espanola about 6 pm or so and checked in at some motel that is like a lodge. It is literally Heaven ON EARTH compared to last nights. The bed looks comfy and you can put heat on if it gets cold and I got my own room again and there is no reason why I shouldn’t get a good night sleep this time. And the rooms are amazingly priced at about 85 bucks a room.
So, in conclusion I just put that part about being upset with God because I’m sure people can relate. I hear it all the time when people say ‘I’m a good person, why do bad things happen to me’. well, I don’t know if its exactly a great analogy but I just wanted to say, with Rachel’s permission, that God gives us gifts when we don’t deserve it...and in actuality we never can ‘deserve’ the mercy and grace that God gives us. So, in this case, just because I drove so long and worked so hard, it doesn’t mean that I get to stay in a nice place and actually get sleep. There are times where I am not working as hard and God gives blessings anyway. He gives so freely and I think we are conditioned as humans in the modern age to be transactional. I do this so I get that but God blesses me and loves me even if I didn’t drive Rachel or even if I walked away from the ministry.
Sorry for all that...I’m too tired to actually make any sense but hopefully if you are reading this then God felt there was some inspiration behind it...we’ll see.
Day 7 - Espanola and Ferry to Tobermory… - September 19
We stayed at a nice motel like a cabin right near a lake and it was actually great. There isn’t too much to report. The Lord had to work in town when we went to dinner at the town’s only Italian restaurant. The Lord did His thing and then we got back at a reasonable time so that we could get enough rest.
I am actually writing this while we are on the ferry in the cafeteria. We will arrive at the port in Tobermory around 5:50 and then have about a two hour drive to Owen Sound where we will have to stay and the Lord will do His work.
After coming off the ferry we parked near the water and Rachel could see that the Lord is finishing off the job that he and the archangels were doing while going across the water. Rachel was told that almost all of the 550 archangels assigned are working on this job right here at the waterfront and the expanse of water between South Baymouth and Tobermory. It’s around 6pm and the Lord has been working since 3:30. We will soon head to Owen Sound after this job.
I just asked the Lord if we can send it and He said that there were a few things to fix but you can send it. The boat is rocking back and forth and I feel sick so please excuse the errors…
Day 8 - Owen Sound - Sarnia - September 20
After leaving the motel in Owen Sound we headed towards Sarnia down highway 21 all along the bay of Lake Huron. We covered Kincardine and Goderich and all these useless places that no one has ever heard of so I will stop listing! I know its important where we have been for posterity’s sake but I think since it isn’t possible to write every single thing we have done and gone, we have to filter and put things that teach us and show how God is working and how we can grow to learn and obey Him more fruitfully.
Okay what was actually important? There was a massacre in the bushes just outside of Port Elgin. There was a Russian man who emigrated here and caused all kinds of trouble. They started fighting and killing each other in 1970 and it was like a gang war. They all killed each other.
There is something HUUUGE now that we will just put a little about it but it has to be a teaching in its own right probably in the book on the body. Don’t worry, I know that will never come out also, so we will put it on the blog. We have a voice memo of what happened. All I can say is that if you think you are pretty good at believing everything that is told to you regarding revelation from God to Rachel, I promise you that this one will challenge you and maybe blow your mind. Or maybe I’m a fool and you will all believe, either way, can’t wait to post it. So, at this point in the trip I was asking the Rachel if the little birthday girl was here and we call her butterfly cause she is always floating around etc. Rachel noticed there was a girl around 3 years old flying around in front of me on the driver’s side. We just assumed it was the Jennifer we got at the Dairy Queen at the very beginning of this whole spiritual adoption extravaganza (around 2012 or so…but little Jennifer is only a baby and this girl whose name was also Jennifer was around 3 years old. Rachel says she sees that she has little wings?!? Ya, here’s the part where my mind was blown. The little 3 year old girl is a FAIRY!!! You know like tinker bell in Peter Pan and Fairy Godmother in Cinderella..Ya that kind of FAIRY! I know it’s a bit of a mind bender cause she was with us the day before when we were on the ferry...
So, I think I will leave it at that. Most of it is explained on the 30 plus minute voice memo on the phone and this time I held the phone right up to her face to make sure the car noise didn’t drown out the important stuff. I listened a little and it does sound a little better. You can hear all my questioning and doubting and clarifying as well. I’m sure that whatever questions you might have can be answered in the future if you don’t hear my questions or you had different ones but trust me, it is STILL blowing my mind as I write this two days later (at this point we are in a cafe across the water in Sarnia where Jesus is working way out on the water). So, I hope to be able to put the voice memo on the blog and the rest of the updates when I get home maybe the first week or so. I know it is a bit of a tease but I promise that you will listen and not be bored! A brief summary is that fairies were created by God as a parallel species but they are strictly SPIRITUAL and were never ever in the flesh. They speak only with their mind and always live around creeks and rivers etc. Their purpose is to clean and purify these creeks and surrounding areas because of the pollution that we as humans create. They are roughly the same size as us and Rachel said that she saw a woman fairy always sitting in the back near the pool when she was in the house they rented in Florida just last year. This little girl that came to us, Jennifer, got separated from her family, just bear with me, and now she wants to help out in this very important ministry just like many of the great saints who want to help out (on this trip there is Mother Mary, Padre Pio, Saint John Paul II, Saint John Bosco, and God just told Rachel that Saint Catherine of Sienna is with us also!!! Rachel’s father, mother, brother and many many others. On other trips we have had St Joan of Arc St. Joseph, Mother Theresa, St. Theresa of Lisieux, St. Catherine off Sienna and many many others besides her many angels an archangels and Lewis Lion and Siegfried, Rachels holy guardian animals (dogs). God said “if I created the angels, am I not able to create fairies?” He knew that I was having trouble with all this!
I could keep writing but we have to get moving. I still have to eat my avocado egg sandwich and cappuccino in front of me but I’m glued to this keyboard and phone! I highly doubt it, but maybe some of this might be edited before putting on the blog. If not it will just be cut and pasted and of course I can add some extra pics and videos that didn’t work previously in the limited wifi we had.
So, we arrived at Sarnia then did a job surrounding the city and then had a nice dinner finally, at Swiss Chalet! Just so you know there are at least 60 refinery plants here. Whether it is oil refinery, chemical, gas, natural gas and all kinds of plastics. Can you imagine what the water is like here?
Day 9 - Sarnia and periphery (Windsor circle). September 21
We woke up and got ready and thank the Lord we didn’t have to load up the car because we were staying here two nights. We went to McDonalds and spent an hour, as usual, the enemy is always tricking and adding confusion, so our orders are always screwed up. But God always wins, because if he allows us to be held up, it’s because God actually needs the extra time to do the work that He is doing. It cannot be stressed enough....GOD IS ALWAYS WORKING! When we go to sleep, God is STILL working and cleaning and tying things up and organizing the angels and coordinating a huge battle front whether the angels are in all out battle against these huge beasts or fallen angels or they are chaining up negativity and rolling it up like the round bails of hay that we have seen a billion times in the billions of farms that we’ve passed. I had this ‘brilliant’ idea to physically mail all the farms that we pass and tell them about us and let them know that their farms and crops were blessed and cleaned ‘free of charge’ because of what we do. I could ask them to make a little donation or we call it in this business, ‘to plant a seed’, and it shows more of a commitment. Even if its just 10 bucks a week or whatever, nothing is too small or they could make a one time thanksgiving donation to their church or favourite charity, or even to the G2H! I know, I am always worrying about money and even two more times on this trip was I reminded by my uncle who passed, and Don Bosco, not to worry about ‘when we are getting home and not to worry about the money’. I can’t help it, I know how important this is and I’ve seen how close we have come to trips being canceled because of money. And the more distance I have from the chaos that happened before we left, the more I see that God allowed, without any irreparable damage to Rachel’s identity or credit score, the infiltration of her banking information because we all needed a wake up call. And most of all RACHEL herself needed it because she had absolutely NO intention of asking for help. I think there is some form of denial that she goes through or peaceful naïveté, but in my mind I know that for every day we are out there is at least 120 in board, 50 in food and 50 in gas. So, for all three of us it is around 350-450 just for hotel plus about about 50 in gas and 50-100 in food, every day. We’ve been gone for 9 days already and I don’t even want to do the math because I am scared! I know that only her fees matter but it is not an ignorable element that most people who travel with her on these trips live at or well below the poverty line! You tell me that I have no cause for worry!
You tell me, that when my parents look at me funny because I have already exhausted literally thousands from them between Rome that we just finished a few weeks ago and this road trip from hell, that I can ask them for more when I get back? Every day I try to bargain with God how I can work or make a living so I can contribute meaningfully to this ministry besides all my blood sweat and tears? I know I am putting my heart on the line when I write this and its really not fair because I am the one who is exposing myself (yes I know how that sounds) and the rest of you are for the most part, anonymous. It has to be this way but it is another source of suffering for me. Many times I have contemplated just getting in a train and going home and leaving these two alone to fend for themselves because I cannot handle everything that the devil is throwing at me.
I can only write this because we have this pocket of time where Jesus is literally fighting these huge demonic beasts and demons right on the waterfront in downtown Sarnia and I am plucking away at the keyboard as frantically as possible. I know that my writing skills have much to be desired (please do not email me and tell me that the writing is great etc...I am not fishing for compliments), I know how much I struggled with panic attacks and serious anxiety when I had to write an essay. I hated it so much I chose to write a 15 minute string quartet in music theory class just to avoid writing an essay! Anyway, my approach to writing is similar to the spaghetti test. Just like you throw spaghetti against the wall to see if it’s done, I throw a whole bunch of information, sometimes incoherent, at the blog or email and hope that some of it sticks. I don’t have the time or maybe even the acuity to parse my words and edit so that less is more. To me and for these purposes, more is more and the reader just has to be patient and grateful that they are getting something. I know that sounds a little arrogant but I meant it that most people that contact me want more and so my theory is that for those who don’t read it anyway, they can ignore it and those that want more useless details can get it. I often only skim so if you want to, be my guest.
So, this is the last important thing I will write until the next installation but it is not just a reflection of what we go through and the environment in the car but also a peak into the work in general.
Yesterday I had a rough idea where we were to go and I can’t paint you a picture of how hard this work is but I try as often as I can. I know the majority of you cannot come on these trips because of family and work obligations. For example I have to do almost everything at all times, whether it is finding where we have to go, controlling the radio to make sure the rosary is constantly playing (whether it is connected through Bluetooth, the iPod connector or in the CD player, I have to consult Rachel who looks at the old school map, which always has different numbers of the highways as well as a different version in the GPS in the car and then translate Rachel’s understanding of East North compare it to the GPS then compare it to my phone GPS while controlling the high beam, the washer wipers that squawk, texts and emails of prayers (thanks so much please don’t stop), searching for deals, logging in to get points, searching hotels and asking God, shopping around, the CD player or phone, cruise control etc.. and also God will come up with these fantastical and incredible teachings and I can’t just pull over. I have to turn off the bluetooth of my phone and then record it on the voice memo and then later on type it..I’m sure you get the picture. It requires serious multitasking and I’m not great at that. I really respect people who manage build sites and can look at blueprints and work out all the layers of plumbing, electrical, structural and all the many work teams and the domino effect that it requires to make it all work. Jeanne knows exactly what this is like and she doesn’t even have Sheila to help her so God bless her...and she doesn’t get nearly as frazzled as I do. She has worked in high stress government type work but still nothing can really prepare a person for this kind of work. In the end God only requires we take it a moment at a time and do our best.
Just for the record. I was way worse before I knew Rachel and the ministry is helping me but being a priest compared to this would have been a piece of cake.
So yesterday, I was already at my most angry point before we even started because I was eaten alive by spiders or ants at the Super 8. I have at least 7 bites just on my right hand and I couldn’t deal with the management until we got back after driving for 8 hours on the road. Anyway, they changed my room and were very nice about it but it is why I was already so sour and tired and angry (more than usual) before we even got on the road). So back to the story...
We came to a spot on these small highways where God had told Rachel to go, but my phone was showing a red double line and a road closure. So, I thought we would go down across and over to avoid it and to explain or bargain with Rachel took every fibre of my patience (already non existent). So, fast forward, she’s not giving me an answer from God and I understand now that it was because Satan himself was taunting her and “scrambling the signal” because there was so much evil in that spot”. I slammed on the brakes and skid onto the shoulder of the road and swore at the top of my voice because I just had a breakdown! Rachel screamed at the top of her lungs and I got out of the car and slammed the door because my instinct is to walk away...I felt instantly sick to my stomach for making her so upset. I only found out today that Satan had literally possessed me or actually maybe the right word is harassed me but I felt absolute hatred towards God and for what He is making us do. When Rachel shouted it was to raise her voice and show her authority against Satan and to banish him out of me. I didn’t feel any different than usual and thats’ probably why he so easily used me like a dirty dish rag! We were also in a spot exactly where two people were killed and the guy took their identity (so there was a lot of evil but this work had to be done and we had to go through what we had to go through). Yes we all have free will, but I use mine up by often being angry and resentful of my state in life and the work so Rachel’s energy and pain and time has to be wasted helping me. But if not then she wouldn’t have a driver as often. So, there is a trade off. Many of us, most of you reading this have been ‘used’ by God to take demonic things away from people and then it finds its way to Rachel. So, most of you are making this sacrifice and often you are not even aware of it.
I remember that Sheila had shingles on her leg and eye on two different trips that we spent 8 days and 12 days in the car. Sheila is much better at suffering silently and the most easy going out of all of us. She truly exhibits for me the parable of the widow’s mite.
It was right at this brutal moment when I sent the text to a few of you saying “please pray..SOS”.
We have to leave now because Jesus literally just waved to Rachel from across the street at the waterfront to say that it is time to go now. Rachel can see many of the archangels hovering over the water where they were working. If there are beasts and demons on the land wherever we go then there can be just as many over the waters or deep in the waters as well. You have heard us mention Neptune and they are higher up on the evil totem pole...there are many other huge beasts and most of the movies like lord of the rings and other ones like pirates of the Caribbean you can see examples of these beasts…Neptune is almost always the main one causing havoc wherever near or on the water.
Lucky for you I’m stopping now...
By the way, I did get moved to a better room and yes I have OCD!
(At this moment it is 1pm in Sarnia)
Okay so its now almost 1AM and we are staying in the Best Western in outskirts of London Ontario. We have to head back down to St Thomas and go along the waterfront all the way to Fort Erie then Niagara Falls. We will probably stay at Niagara Falls and then God willing we will be able to finish the work and be home on Tuesday night God only knows.
Correction: The bug bites I got were NOT the fault of Super 8 although I saw three different ants in my room and two of them were on my bed. God said that He moved me into a different department in Hell (that is partly why I so often act so terribly). When I was in the previous department I would often see cockroaches in my apartment but they were from Hell and no matter how clean I was or how much caulking I sealed my cabinets etc. they were coming from Hell…so I mention this because I don’t want to slander Super 8. Also it is a chance for people to know that there is a connection between where there soul is at the present moment and how it affects their soul in THIS world. This needs a whole BOOK alone but I am demonstrating to you exactly why it is so overwhelming to do this work. Every one thing you explain needs about ten more and those ten need ten more and all of a sudden its unbearable! I hope that one day we can put a teaching specifically about this on the blog or email. I just thought of one example to clarify. I don’t know if its true yet but just for argument sake, lets say a person’s soul is in a department in purgatory where they were always falling or things were constantly moving and it was hard for them to find their footing. Well in the real world they might be struck with vertigo or dizziness.
OK I just double checked this with the Lord and He already okayed the previous stuff and this last vertigo reference He said ‘let it go as it is’ meaning it was fine to send.
thanks and sorry its so long.
Day 10 - Sarnia - St. Thomas - September 22
There was a blanket of darkness over the area near Elgin when we took a detour before the Tim Hortons in Blenheim. We made a huge cross in Windsor (I will try to put a diagram to show the extent of this cross over the periphery of Windsor and beyond).
Regarding some of the stuff mentioned in the previous days, it is a demonstration of how overwhelming this work can be. At the same time we are working along and driving and praying then BAM, all of a sudden one thing leads to another and God is giving this earth shattering revelation about some other planet or about fairies or what happens when our soul is in a certain place and how it affects our body (this last one is only true if the person is still alive). This is why suicide or being murdered is so damaging and tragic. It cuts short the persons capacity to ‘work out their salvation with fear and trembling’ (Philippians 2:12). At this rate I would have to live about `14,275 years just to be able to make it to purgatory. But now since I am in the ministry, one of the great perks is that because it is such difficult work and there are so few that know of it and stick with it, God has promised that those who truly help out the ministry will go a lot higher than they would have if they were not in the ministry.
These amazing revelations do not happen too often but there is something that happens in addition to the driving and praying almost every day. It is the nature of the work. For example before we left I would be writing an email to thank someone and then God would bring a soul to Rachel and then BAM, I would have to put all these things on pause and then go back to them. You can never say ‘we will do it tomorrow”. In this ministry there will be ten more things that happen the next day and you will not get a chance to finish the other things. This is my own opinion and it will have to be stamped by the Lord but I honestly think that He just wants as much done, with love, as possible and perfection is the enemy to some degree. When we have the chance to really polish something like the books or more formal teachings, then yes we spend a lot of time finishing and perfecting, but day to day whether it is memos or emails or the blog etc. I think it is about getting it done and out there and not fussing too much about it.
If you can recall Rachel spent three weeks with Jeanne in Detroit and other areas of Michigan a while back (at least 4 or 5 years ago?). God is telling Rachel that whatever He did back then adds to the work we are doing now and he is ‘sewing’ the two works together. Obviously He is doing this but He is also cleansing the land and taking out demons and negativity. It is almost always by frustration that leads me to impulsively say ‘why the heck do WE have to keep doing this, over and over and we are almost alone in doing it...wont it ever be done for good? But that is also like saying ‘I ate yesterday, why do I have to eat again!” This is the cycle of how things are, it is always in maintenance...or just like a car...I changed the oil three months ago why do I have to do it again!? People move around and people have free will so they may come to the areas that we cleaned and bring more junk with them etc. God does it freely and is preparing and cleansing Canada and the United States in a particular way because when the asteroid comes to hit the earth and devastate it, at least there are more parts where we clean repeatedly that will not be anihilated and it will be liveable BECAUSE of the work we are doing these last 10 years in. I know it is such a huge intricately woven body of work that He is accomplishing, but it is so beyond what my tiny brain can grasp and we are just worker ants trying to do what He tells us. Whatever I know, I try to pass it on so maybe others can help me understand it better.
From the other day, we told you about this new little girl that is a fairy...what we forgot to put is that when God spoke to her he came in a new way that we have never witnessed before. He came as Jehoveh Nissi - which is Our God of Victory.
Day 11 - London (St. Tomas) - Niagara Falls - Sept 23, 2019
We are leaving from the Best Western in the outskirts of south London Ontario..
As soon as we got into the car we had to stop in the large parking lot and pray because in this parking there are two gangs that come here to traffic drugs and women and no one is the wiser. This happens now and has been happening for many years.
There is another woman around 35 years old who was taken and raped and killed. She left 5 small kids behind. It was done somewhere else but the Lord brought her here so she could be put on the path. This happened 35 years ago. He didn’t give us her name.
We have been here around 15 minutes and God wanted us to stay a little longer because Jesus is fighting with this huge beast that is a byproduct of these two gangs sins. We will be heading to St. Thomas so that the chain is not broken. We will head east on 3 to Fort Erie and then up QEW to Niagara Falls.
Once we arrive In St..Thomas we drove through some brand new neighbourhoods and thought we were lost but God is ALWAYS WORKING. He was chaining all the areas of St. Thomas. Then we came to the end of the street and had to go either left or right on the Main Street and all of a sudden Rachel started to cry a little because she saw Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal...she’s saying “come follow me. I know the road will be bumpy, but God will make it smooth”. She directed us literally down side streets and at first we parked in a parking lot so that God could take out this evil soul.
Mother Mary said: “There is a murderous soul lingering here...He killed many of my children . He escaped from the black hole.”
Now the angels are chaining him up and dragging him to hell...
Mother Mary continued to lead us for the next half an hour or through small streets and detours. She led us on to Highway 3 which is what was going to take us to our final destination. After setting us straight she joined the teenagers and Padre Pio and Don Bosco and all the other saints and kids that are in the front of the car (there are other kids and saints with us in the car and on top of the car and behind as well but theres so much going on that Rachel has to just focus on one thing at a time).
It was incredible.
NOTE: This is happening right at this moment! Just in case I forget to write this for tomorrow’s I was reading this off to Rachel and Sheila at the IHOP in Niagara Falls, there is something going on that is super important (right this moment on Tuesday morning September 24). As I was listing off all the saints...all of a sudden Rachel said “Guess what? She could see that Pope John Paul was peeking in the window to ‘announce’ that he was here also. Then a flood of saints made themselves known. Something huuuuuge is going on right here along the river of Niagara Falls...(I will put the pic I took of where we were situated). Rachel could see that Jesus was bouncing back and forth between the US side and our Canadian side. We are about 1 km North of the actual falls. St. Joan of Ark came on a white horse, Padre Pio is here and many of the children are here holding hands. Mother Mary is here as well but she is much tougher today because today she is not guiding the car but doing battle! Now she said St Rita of Cascia just showed up (the one with the thorn in her brow). Of course all of the 550 archangels are working as well. There are many others helping as well but we have to move on.
Up to this point in the trip...YOU HAVE ALL HELPED TO PUT 480 SOULS ON THE PATH.
A Soul named Clare:
Around 3:30 pm or so we were about 10 miles before a town called Simcoe (Ontario), and the Lord was trying to show Rachel something. We were passing a farm and God was letting Rachel see the soul of a woman named Clare. She had a tragic life and a tragic death and I felt that as we were uncovering and trying to make sense of all the details of how she was killed and details about her captor; it seemed eerily like an episode from Criminal Minds. I’m not sure if you have ever seen this series but it basically is about the sick mind of a sociopath, psychopath and/or serial killers etc. This man had kept Clare as a hostage for a while and after he had his way with her (daily) he would beat her and was constantly abusive to her. He carried this on for years until she finally succumbed to the beatings and did not have any will to live anymore. They were not married but none of the neighbours suspected anything because there is a lot of distance between each farm in this area. She became pregnant multiple times but because he always beat her she never could bring a child to term. It reminded me of Criminal Minds also because this man was more than just cunning and charming (at first) he was capable of pure evil without flinching. I also am attempting a profile of this ‘perp’ because Rachel said that he made her dress shabbily but also in old style clothing like that of the 1950s. The profile will make more sense after you’ve read through to the end. Another sick fact was that keeping this woman hostage didn’t satiate his lust to perpetrate this evil. He had other women that he bullied and scared into having relations with him threatening that if they didn’t he would kill their family etc. He got these other girls pregnant and made them have abortions as well (that has to be significant also psychologically).
He would beat them also and there is a bit of a silver lining to all of this. trust me. So, I know it always seems like we put only terrible things that happen but this is the nature of the work of ‘cleaning’. Just like the police or firefighters, you hardly ever call them to say ‘hey hows it going’?, rather it’s almost always because of some emergency. So, in this particular case, the woman lived a terrible life and sufffered a terrible life but now she was put on the path and going to be with us to receive the blessing of the prayers of all of us. Here’s where I know a few of you are going to fist pimp! So, this sick man also bullied and raped and brutalized another married woman whose husband found out about it and left her. This poor woman however was psychologically manipulated into going with this man and only did it because this awful man threatened to kill the woman’s family. Well, here’s where after being so sickened in the car, it started to turn a little corner of justice...I know that justice is for the Lord but the brother of this married woman whose husband left her, found about this sick man and shot him dead. I’m sorry but that absolutely deserves a fist pump, I know I sound like such a hypocrite about forgiving people etc. But in this case I prayed that this brother who took revenge will receive mercy from the Lord. I know i should probably pray also for the soul of this evil man as well but in the end God’s Justice is as perfect as his Mercy. Look at all the babies he killed as well. I have no doubt that the angels will probably drag him away to the first universe (Hell is too good for him). God have mercy on all of us.
It hit me a little more deeply once I gave it some context with place and time.... A little digression for the sake of explanation...
I had just met Rachel in 2009 in May and within a few months I drove with her down to DC to stay for a few months at Jeanne’s house where we worked on the Heaven Hell and Purgatory book and then in September we went to Rome. Well just a few months later in the fall of that same year, 2009, this poor woman, Clare, finally died after giving up on a battle for life that she didn’t see worth living. I can’t believe this horrific story happened only 10 years ago! The man who did all this was killed by the brother of another victim only a few years later. The good news is that this woman, Clare, will be with Rachel until she is ready to go to Heaven. And all of you have a part in this woman being freed from the evil bondage that kept her at the scene of the crime. It is a horrific story to recount but if you’ve been following the ministry for a while you know that this sort of thing happens on a weekly basis. Another positive, is that she only had to wait 10 years before moving on and receiving help. There are numerous cases that I can think of where the soul has been waiting for 100, 200, 500 years. The last update I wrote about the day we left Rome spoke of slaves that clung to the spot where they were devoured by wild beasts for the sake of spectator sport in the Coliseum of Ancient Rome. These souls had been there since before Jesus even came to Jerusalem more than 2000 years ago.
Where were you and what were you doing in the fall of 2009? It’s good for us to get some perspective every once in a while and also to remember to pray always because everywhere and at all times, there could be a ‘Clare’ out there waiting for help.
At the end of the evening after arriving in Niagara Falls we had to make half of the huge cross over Niagara and St. Catharines. We also had to drive through all the vineyards and orchards in Niagara on the Lake. It is very beautiful but by this time it was already dark. We went to Dennys and then got the hotel by 10 PM or so. As usual there was a huge beast and demon at Denny’s and God had to take it out.
Day 12 - Niagara Falls - God help us, HOME! - September 24/19
I know that so often I put the negative stuff but I am happy to add some positive things once in a while. Even though this work is so excruciatingly difficult, it’s great to have the chance to finally put some positive things. For example, or miracle was that our last night in Niagara Falls was only 55 dollars a night plus tax! That is insane! I made Rachel ask the Lord like 3 times because it seemed too good to be true before I booked it. In the end it was great and it was cheaper for three rooms than ONE night we stayed at the Holiday Inn express in Thunder Bay that was a super rip off. Some other great miracles were getting this precious little 3 year old girl fairy. Besides the obvious fact that at least 500 (by the time we go home) souls were put on the path. Also, we had the company of all these incredible saints and kids and angels (the most widely known of course; JPII, Padre Pio, St. Joan of Arc, Catherine of Sienna, St. Rita of Cascia, Don Bosco and many many more! Also, there were numerous times where God will allow nearby kids in Mcdonalds etc and kids near us to smile at us and even one of them pointed at me again and say ‘papa, papa, papa’.
So, starting today’s update...
As usual Rachel had to clean whatever was in the hotel, in this case it was the Ramada on River St. God always makes Rachel stay in the worst room because that is where it needs the most work.
After checking out we went to the IHOP (international house of pancakes) attached to the Ramada and you read above everything that happened.
Today we had to finish the huge cross that we did half of yesterday over St. Catharines and Niagara Falls. We drove through Welland and down almost to the lakefront again.
We might end up doing a conclusion if we get the chance but we are now at the McDonalds in Mississauga waiting to meet up with Rachel’s sister and have dinner. Hopefully we will be home by 9 or so tonight.
Thanks again for all the prayers and support and look soon to the blog for these updates to be posted and also we will add the pictures that we took here and there.
Rachel, Sheila and I thank you so kindly for all the prayers, adoration visits, novenas, rosaries and all the suffering you united with us for the good of God’s work throughout this fair land.
Here are some additional positive stuff that we added after the original email update:
- The weather was great most of the time!!!
- We saved at least 15 dollars a day because we used McDonalds coupons every day that we had breakfast or lunch.
- God sewed all the work together from MANY MANY previous trips whether they were jobs to Midland, the previous Ontario wide trips, trips to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, trips to Detroit, and many other trips.
Day 1
– August 11, 2019
So, as I
mentioned in the previous email, it was a difficult flight for myself because
it was such a tight space and the person beside me made a home for her elbow in
between some of my ribs. Anyway,
it kept me clinging to the Lord and I just clutched my rosary and kept doing
them over and over and tried to sleep also. My salvation was that I chose an aisle seat and could get up
whenever I was nauseous or going stir crazy!
Every time
I think I have figured out some small area of the work that we do for the Lord,
He changes the parameters and it is frustrating. If I can recommend ONE THING to myself and by extension to
any of you (2 or 3 people that might be reading this blog), I would say, that
God wants us to respond to Him, in the moment and on a daily basis. I know that writing this implies that I
think I live that way, but let me assure you that I am not capable of living
day to day or ‘in the moment’. My
fear and control issues make me worry already about things that will happen
when we get back from Rome! Being
with Rachel is always a reminder to me that it is possible to live in the
moment and to be with God in the moment.
But then I always chime in that if she didn’t have a few Type A
personalities in her life, she would never get to do any of the work, because
no one would raise the money, book the flights, hotels, and arrange meetings
etc. Life is always a balance
between being the busy St. Martha, or St. Mary, the other sister who sat
looking lovingly on the Lord.
Jesus said that ‘Mary has chosen the better of the two’ but it doesn’t
mean that we can just sit around lazily and wait for the Lord to do everything
for us. I think the happy
resolution and my preference is that we can be like Martha but just not gripe
about it and not let resentment build up…that’s my kryptonite!
Aside – don’t
worry, I highly doubt that after Rachel arrives, I will have any time to ramble
on like this!
I can only
speak from my experience but, even after doing all this ‘religious’ stuff I
still have fear and anxiety and trust issues with God. We don’t have to have our stuff
together to be in a relationship with God, or to be in the ministry or to serve
God. The point is just to
be in a relationship with God, period!
While I was
waiting for my suitcase I was sick, tired and I could feel that I did damage to
my back again trying to carry too heavy of a backpack (laptop/camera etc.) and
I already panicked and said to myself ‘how am I going to do this job here if I
am already starting off with two hands and a leg tied behind my back’?’ Why am I rambling on about this? Well, I know that I am speaking to
myself but my hope and the whole purpose of these emails and the blog, is to
share things that will be helpful to others. Also, because it is such a closed system because the way
circumstances are, we do not get together as a group as much and there isn’t as
much of a chance to share. And WE
NEED that. The world is such a
contradiction and toxic that if we don’t speak and share with like minded
persons, we will be enveloped by the same polluted, selfish and antagonistic
culture to which we are trying to evade.
I know that we are supposed to be salt of the earth and bring the world
around us up, but in fact all it really does is bring us down. But, the hope is that God sees it all
and keeps track. He knows how we
suffer so much in silence and when people treat us badly and we don’t react,
this all works towards our sanctification. All I could do to keep myself from spinning out of control
was to keep saying literally out loud to myself ‘He qualifies the called, not
calls the qualified…He qualifies the called, not calls the qualified”. I guess I can fall into the same
default as Rachel when she says ‘Lord why didn’t you use someone like a doctor
or lawyer or someone who can speak good’.
Instead I say about myself, “Lord, why don’t you use someone who is not
mental, and has good or at least DECENT health”. Then God will probably say ‘my grace is enough for you”!
As I finish
writing this I’m just sitting outside across from St. Maria Maggiore (St. Mary
having my
breakfast (cappuccino and chocolaty croissant) and typing this trying not to be
flippant or obnoxious that I am sitting in a chair that rests on cobblestone
roads that very likely felt the wheels of the chariots of Ceasar and more
importantly, the sandals of St. Paul and the early Apostles. It is incredible that every corner you turn is some building
that could have been here for hundreds of years if not thousands.
So, back to
the business at hand. I will leave
in a few hours and trek out to the airport to rendezvous with the driver and
Rachel to ease the transition back.
Please pray for me that I can take it a day at a time, probably an hour
at a time is more realistic.
I am
literally carrying around with me all the intentions that people entrusted with
me and also all the intentions voiced and not voiced in your hearts with me
wherever I go and I wear a rosary bracelet to remind myself also of these
specific intentions. I also have
been lighting candles wherever I can (a lot of them are just electronic

So, I leave
you with this happy coincidence.
It was 20 years ago, almost exactly, that I came to Rome on my own for
the first time and sought out to meet my hero, Pope John Paul II. This picture was taken June 25,
1999. It happened here in Rome at
the private apartment of the Pope at the Vatican (I was presenting him with
some classical music that I had written and dedicated to him).
It just
blows my mind now that He is around all the time and helping out with the
ministry and at times he teaches the spiritual kids and they call him
grandpa! How could I ever
complain! Just give me about ten
Day 2. (this is not finished but will continue
in the next update)
Okay, so
Rachel arrived last night and I met her at the airport and we took a taxi back
to the city. Upon arriving, we
found out that the elevator didn’t work!
Like, could Hollywood script this any better? Maybe God allowed it
because it showed me that God can do anything including, giving her the
strength to walk up the stairs.
And there were lots of stairs, three flights of them.
(in case you didn't believe me how much three flights equals in European!)
(stairs situation) - but now the elevator is fixed...
Praise you JESUS
It took her like 15 minutes but she managed. She had a nice moment with the cleaning lady as well which I am sure God arranged. She came in to give Rachel a new towel etc and Rachel engaged her with the usual God stuff. After a short while the woman said that she felt goose bumps all over when Rachel spoke and that she saw such a light shining from her face. The woman said that she is Catholic but doesn’t go to church anymore since the abuse stuff. Rachel advised her not to give up and to go for God and for herself, not for the priests. The woman was moved and I’m sure God arranged it all.
spoke with many of her cousins and relatives and witnessed to many of them and
she was happy that many of them believed and hopefully will turn to God more
often and believe. They asked all
the questions in the world and even if she had stayed there 3 months instead of
3 days, it would not have been enough.
She was unable to speak to the priest because he was retiring
anyways. Rachel is happy with how
it went in her hometown.
Right now,
Rachel is just getting ready and we have to walk to the train station and
probably pray there or God knows what.
I cannot convey to you the heat.
It’s like walking into an oven.
It’s what I would imagine Phoenix, Arizona to be like (a piercingly dry
heat). When we were in Los Angeles
during a heat wave in 2014, it was like this, 110 Farenheit.
thanks again for the prayers and I know it’s probably hot where all of you guys
are as well. This work has to be worth AT LEAST two
months of my suffering in purgatory!
Here's some 'eye candy' from the last few days...
(click below)
Fountain at St. Peter's

I can't believe I walked 13000 steps on my first day in Rome!
(almost 5.5 miles)
Day 2 (again) – August 12 - post recap
ADVISORY - So sorry to have forgotten to let you know but I assumed that I already wrote it the next day....but the elevator was fixed the next day. I just saw the prayer requests and it reminded me.
Needless to say, I had written this whole funny intro about how stubborn Rachel is and how hard it is for me but God said ‘yes she is stubborn to do my work but it is not necessary to write it’. We got off to a rocky start this day but after standing in the blistering sun for a while we asked the bus driver and he said for us to take the subway because that is the best and most direct way. I wanted to say out loud ‘wait a minute buddy, you have no idea that we are working for God, so please give us the most convoluted and least direct and most painful way of doing this, and then we will be happy”. That is of course a figure of speech because I don’t do ‘happy’! Anyway, so we had to take one bus (#714) and then get off at some random stop to catch the #30. I got sun stroke of course because we waited in the nuclear sun for almost 45 minutes for the first bus to come. Then we waited of course, in the sun for the next connection and of course, no one was considerate when we tried to get her walker on the bus and no one made room for her either once we got on. It is a literal doggie dog world out there (I knew someone in the seminary who used to say doggie dog instead of 'dog eat dog' world out there). Anyway, it took around 3 hours to do what would have taken 1 hour with the subway. For me, the most difficult part of this work is that I have to abandon making any sense or any logic at all. God’s ways are not our ways. I know that another mission statement for this work could be that ‘it’s the journey that matters not the destination’ and this is proven literally in Day 3’s work. In the end God wanted the surface to be done not the underground so we had to take buses instead of subway.
Anyway, before jumping into Day 3, Rachel wants me to add that while we went on these two different buses there and back, there was one soul that she encountered. It was a soul of a man from Morocco and he was walking around in that area for about 135 years or so. He was killed by another person from Morocco here in Rome. They killed him because he thought he had stolen from him but he was innocent and this shows again that God hears the cry of the innocent. Even though it took over a hundred years, God used Rachel to set this soul free from wandering through Rome. Then about an hour into this job when we were waiting for the second bus, there was another soul who was dragged and murdered by a Russian. This guy thought that the victim was spying on the Russian and so he killed him because he thought he was involved in ‘espionage’. That’s the word that Rachel said and I know for a fact she doesn’t recognize this word so it must be God telling her. Anyway, again this shows that God is hearing the cry of the innocent because this murder was a case of mistaken identity. Rachel says that sometimes a soul can be put on the path just from us driving by and praying but other times even if we pass a soul, if it is not time yet, then they have to stay in the world until it is the right time. God gathered 60 souls alone just from when we waiting from the transfer of the first bus to the second. It was along the street called Cristofero Colombo (Christopher Columbus). By the end of the night God gathered 140 souls. Rachel is saying that we are telling you how many souls were put on the path because it is important to know how many souls are wandering in the earth and this was just from one day and only the ones that were ready. Imagine how many more there are out there and that are not ready?
Just now when God was telling Rachel about these souls, He also reminded her about a man that was killed many years ago in Rachel’s hometown and her father and mother knew of this man and how he came to be killed. There were many who knew that he was killed and chopped up. This soul was finally put on the path after Rachel had visited her home town just a few days ago.
Day 3 – August 13.
So, we had to book a car and what I was referring to earlier about unlearning how the world functions to do God’s work without putting up too many obstacles. The problem with all of this is that Rachel can live in her spiritual world all she wants but whoever is with her has to bridge the gap between the spiritual world and the world that we have to contend with on an hourly basis. Case and point! Rachel doesn’t get that you can’t just get a taxi by the hour and tell them where to go. The first thing they say is, ‘okay where are you going’? I made Rachel sit in the front and I just folded my arms in quiet rebellion and sat in the back while she tried to explain that we have to drive around and pray so that God can take out demons and aborted babies and sex trade and drug traffickers and sin piled upon sin etc. She told the driver, Mauro is his name, where to go and when to stop etc. and actually it went ok, absolutely NO thanks to me. Me, on the other hand, I was literally bouncing around everywhere smashing my head off the ceiling and getting car sick because of the movement and the roads in Rome are absolutely LETHAL. It was a huge van and they misunderstood that we needed room for a ‘carrozzelle’ (wheelchair/walker) instead we could have brought half of you in the van with us. Now to the specifics of the day’s work. It’s useless for me to tell you which neighbourhoods because I’ve lived here a few times and I’ve never heard of them nor visited them so I will just write what was important. I can include landmarks of course because those are more well known.
We started off where we live at Termini train station and we proceeded west towards St. Peter’s square. Near St. Peters is a jail where of course there is a lot of negativity and the fact that so many people come to Rome from all over the world, they bring so much
junk’ with them. We made numerous stops and the goal was to make the sign of the cross and also make a circle around the city just like she has done in many other cities wherever she goes (she did it in NY, Los Angeles, Montreal, Winnipeg, Warsaw, Ottawa, Vancouver, Toronto, Washington DC, San Antonio Texas, Cancun Mexico, Florida cities and many, many more).
(This is the monument to Victor Emanuel II- they call it the 'wedding cake' or typewriter monument.
He was the King of Italy after Napoleon and the first King of a united Italy)
After doing the area near the Vatican we headed to an area just ten minutes north of the city center and Rachel said that there are a lot of bad things that happen here. The driver agreed and said that this area is where many transvestites from all over the world come and ‘work’. God showed Rachel that they also sell drugs here and lots of shady business happens here. I guess this is when the driver started to believe more and get it into it. We worked are way up north to make another part of the cross and not far from that area was where a baby that was aborted was thrown into the woods. This baby boy actually came with us and will be part of the big family. His name is Rinaldo and God said that it was the one mistake of a Monsignor. Of course I chimed in and said that it was more that ‘one’ mistake but God defended him and said that the priest did not know that there was a pregnancy and his mistake was to have the relationship in the first place. The woman had the abortion on here own without the priest knowing. This happened around 105 years ago.
Then after doing quite a few more areas we ended up at Rebibbia. This is the name of the area but also the name of the jail for the worst criminals of Rome. This area was saturated with poverty, crime, drug addiction, drug trafficking, sex trafficking and sex workers, and all around yucky! It actually was only 500 meters from where I used to live at the Salesian institute when I was in the seminary.
Rachel is saying that putting all this information about the bad things that happen and the details and the areas that need to be cleaned, it is all to teach us that we have to live our life purely and for God while we are here on earth. We are here on this planet to grow to achieve holiness so that when we die we can make it to heaven.
Yesterday there were a total of 255 souls put on the path. Rachel says that even since she was here less than 2 years ago, she finds it worse every time she comes.
Tonight we booked the driver again and will have to do something similar to what we did last night.
If I may add one extra detail, the difference being here in Rome as opposed to any other city where we have worked, I am able to get to Mass almost every day and there is adoration as well. For example, while Rachel was getting ready for the day’s work, I already went out an had mass, confession, adoration, a cappuccino and cornetto, did some food shopping and spent a useless hour looking for a map that shows the ‘outerskirts’ of Rome!
Here are some videos from Day 3's driving around Rome.
1. Streets of Rome2. BUMPY road to St. Peter's (I won't get any jobs as a
steady cam operator, thats for sure - but the roads are BRUTAL)
3. Collonade of St. Peter's
In conclusion,
yesterday we celebrated a little boy's birthday named Alphonsus. He is around 3 or so and we got him from Cheektowaga at least 4-5 years ago. I mention this because he wanted Mcdonalds and just to say that we haven't really had one decent meal yet! I know, thats shocking! I did have one good plate of spaghetti alla Carbonara before she came but since then we had these terrible versions of Italian food and then yesterday we had Mcdonalds! Here they do it their own way also. The McChicken sandwhich had eggplant in it and the salad had fenel! The salad was the only thing that was decent actually. How can you screw up french fries?!?
We also welcomed Rinaldo to the fold.
Thanks again for all the prayers and we will offer up your intentions tomorrow for the feast of the Assumption. The Church near us is a Major Marian Basilica (Santa Maria Maggiore) and they are having a lot of festivities this whole week.
Rachel wants to be able to go to Mass and confession tomorrow so let's see what miracles God will have in store for us.
we didn’t have time to write the updates yesterday because we had to start the
day earlier and it was at the time that we usually get together for lunch and
write the blog.
Day 4 – August 14
On this day we had to finish the driving job and we managed to get the same driver, Mauro. Unfortunately, something got lost in translation when we asked if they could use a sedan instead of a van but gratefully I didn’t feel as much motion sickness this time. On this trip we sealed up the chain of the circle around Rome and did different neighborhoods including near the Vatican. Also, just like all the other cities we finished making a cross through the city as well.
Then we took a road that led directly out of Rome where there was all fields and barren land, towards the ocean. On this road Jesus was fighting with a demonic spirit. Rachel said she has never seen Jesus punching at a violent demonic spirit like this. Usually, He tries to reason with it, but sometimes they are so evil and so violent that you have to start with the most serious tactics to bind it and take it out. We had to pull over a few times off the highway so that the Lord could do what He needed to do. To me, this is the hardest work because you are dealing with people that don’t really understand and it is frustrating because God doesn’t really care about traffic laws and whether we can make U-turns? The work has to be done PERIOD!
After a little while God said that we could head back and we were about an hour out of the city by then. Because we were on the outskirts of Rome there was only 75 souls that were put on the path because it was a much less populated area.
Once we got dropped off near the house we had to journey out a bit to find somewhere to eat. I proposed going out a little further because we had tried 4 times near us and all 4 times the food was quite bad so maybe it would be better further out. We went a couple of blocks away and I guess God wanted to clean this new age restaurant. The food was just a tiny bit better than the bad we had before but this is the price of the work we do. He never ever promised us nice places to stay, or eat or comfort…He only promises happiness in the next life and the more it sucks here, maybe the faster we get to where it doesn’t suck?! Just my humble opinion. My brain is still a little fried from yesterdays terrarium heat stroke sauna bus tour. Anyway, I added this last part about going out to dinner because when we got home, about two hours after having eaten, Rachel started to choke but it was different than any other time that I have seen. Her airways closed and I could see her face contorted and she said that her lungs were squeezed tight and she couldn’t breathe. She said that it was a huge demonic spirit that was taken out of the new age restaurant we stayed at. There is so much blow back from all the work that Rachel is doing that the enemy is trying constantly and perniciously to attack and deter us from doing the work. I myself am receiving quite a bit of attacks as well and things that I was sick and being attacked from even before we left are still plaguing me now.
We were walking back after the new age restaurant...That's St Mary Major ahead of Rachel.
Day 5 – August 15
On Thursday we had to take a tour bus to which you can ‘hop on and hop off’.
We went for a few hours and started the day a little earlier than usual. This bus would go to 9 main stops and would let people on and off and stay at those stops for a brief period of time. Of course there was no air condition in the bus and with it being all windows, it was like an oven! Rachel couldn’t climb to the top level of the double-decker bus for obvious reasons. I tried to stay with her for most of the time but I couldn’t take it at one point and went upstairs to get air (the top floor had a canopy but was mostly open). I get sun stroke or heat stroke I guess, so easily. After a few hours of riding the bus (which was 50 EUROS!) we got off and went in to wash up and eat a snack at home because we had to go back to the Vatican (this is at the other end of the city). Luckily, we could hop back on to the same tour bus and we made it near the Vatican. I used this chance to get out my better camera to get some shots and we prayed as we approached St. Peter’s Square.
After a while of slow walking and pushing, we made it to just outside the columns of St. Peter’s Square.
We stayed there for about an hour and did a rosary together to conclude the work. Of course the tourbus ticket expired and we were going to take a taxi back but because we are both so cheap we wrestled with the half broken walker and I pushed her most of the way (1 KM) to the closest tram/bus station.
Luckily the bus we got took went directly to Termini station and we didn’t have to transfer. Once we got off at Termini, I asked Rachel to ask the kids which place they wanted food from and the more vocal of the kids said, ‘Dad we have to sit down and have a nice dinner cause there are three birthdays today’.
So we were pleasantly surprised that the place close to us called the Imperium pub and pasta, was actually quite good. It’s run by Egyptian/Italians and the food we had was very tasty. Rachel had risotto with walnuts and radicchio and I had fetuccine with Bolognese (meat sauce) and we had a nice insalata mista (mixed salad). I will definitely want to eat here again before we leave if we get the chance. Their wood-fired oven pizza looked amazing as well!
So, on this day, God put 250 souls on the path. Today, Day 6, which is what we will write about hopefully tomorrow, we have to go on a different tram and go to the end of the line and then come back. Then tomorrow we will have to do a whole day trip to Civitavecchia which is a beach town about an hour or so away. Unless I bring the laptop with me in the train, I don’t think I will be able to write tomorrow’s blog post until the next day. Let’s hope it works out …
Rachel wants me to add that, ‘if God put 250 souls on the path just in the one evening, most of them were from the area near St. Peter’s area…imagine how many demons were attacking, because they don’t want to let go of the souls that they were trying to drag to hell’. I can attest to this because when I went to check on Rachel this afternoon after getting back from Mass, she was still suck a basketcase and was hobbling around and moaning in pain.
Technically, what I am writing right now should go in tomorrow’s entry but in case I don’t have enough time since we will be on a long whole days journey and job, I’ll slip it in at the end of day 5. Today (August 16) while racing off to St Mary Major church for Mass, I prayed of course for all your intentions at mass and I stayed for a half hour at adoration as well.
This is the beautiful statue where I put the intentions..
But today I saw that you can add an envelope with your intentions and a donation into the Mass intentions for the shrine. On one of them I put “for all the G2H families and their intentions”. I also lit some more candles for all your intentions and maybe one of these days if Rachel is feeling up to scaling Mount Everest, she can make it into the Church as well.
Some additional photos from the last few days...

Day 6 – August 16
This day was Tram number 5. This is a green streetcar that passes right in front of the hotel. We went to the end of the line and then stayed on it and came all the way back. Of course it was very hard on Rachel and she is getting all wrinkly and not sleeping because there is so much witchcraft and so many witches etc. Also, she can’t wait to get home because she just keeps seeing face after face when she tries to sleep!
Day 7 – August 17 - Civitavecchia
Yesterday we went to a small town north of Rome about an hour on the train called Civitavecchia (‘old city’). It is the major port for cruise ships and ferries.
I sent out a distress prayer request yesterday because this city just eats people alive! I would say more than the big apple (NYC). And the ironic thing is that I feel more antagonized, (Rachel feels it as well), here as a practising catholic then anywhere else. There is a saying here; ‘when you come to Rome you will find lots of faith, because everyone who comes leaves it here”! I can’t tell you how many times people scoff and snicker when I push Rachel in her chair and she is as usual praying the rosary. I have never felt so mocked and derided. I just want to pray to hail down asteroids of fire like Abraham witnessed at Sodom and Gomorah. Of course Rachel can’t keep her mouth shut anywhere we go and always brings up God (I’m too much of a coward) and whether we are on the train or subway or going into a shop or restaurant, almost never have we had a welcoming person commiserate with us. In fact, the majority of people just laugh or roll their eyes or mock us and its really starting to weigh on me. But I know Rachel is disheartened too to find Rome so different and so much more faithless than all the other times she has come. You hear Rachel often say that God says to her, ‘like flies people are falling into hell and in Heaven you have to search for one soul’. You could say that about finding a faithful person here as well. On the train ride to Civitavecchia there was a woman who sat across the aisle and was looking at Rachel and smirked. She was smiling and laughing with her husband and after a while Rachel was talking to a young man across from her on our side of the aisle. Rachel told me later that she seemed to be laughing or mocking because Rachel was always doing the rosary and you could see it in her hands. Once she told this young man that ‘five times she was inches from death and five times God saved her’, then she noticed that the woman who was obviously an atheist or at least unsympathetic to Christianity, kept her head down and her facial expression seemed to have changed from mocking to melancholic.
Anyway, regarding Civitacrappia, we arrived there and of course the elevators were out of service and so were the bathrooms. Rachel had had close her eyes and pray to God to make it up and down the two sets of stairs and God said “go and I will help you”.
We finally managed to get to where we were supposed to go but not without serious arguing and me yelling and swearing at God. St. Theresa of Avila use to say to God ‘if this is how you treat your special ones, no wonder you have so few friends’. That pretty much sums up my rage at God. I can’t fathom, on an hourly basis how he can make someone who is in this condition, do these impossible things. There is no question that He doesn’t call the qualified but rather just qualifies those who have been foolish enough to follow. I would rather be a fool for Christ I guess, but it’s so hard to choose it because it never ever makes sense and its so hard to live constantly in opposition to everything and everyone around you.
We got there around 5:30 and we knew ahead of time that we had to get the 8:44pm back to Rome. The problem was that if we were going to eat there (to kill time while Jesus was fighting and the angels collecting all the demonic garbage), most of the restaurants didn’t open til 7 or 8. Again, another example of how opposite we live. We sat down and ordered our food by 7:10 and when 8 o’clock rolled around and we hadn’t received any sign of our food, we frantically motioned to our incredibly rude waitress that we couldn’t stay much longer since it takes a person in a wheelchair a really long time to make her way back to the station. So, we had to scarf down the food and then we asked for the bill and again I guess she didn’t believe that we really were in a rush and not just scamming to get our food earlier. We had eaten and within 10 minutes asked for the bill. She must have felt bad that it took so long so she insisted that we have a ‘digestivo’ and some cake, on the house, to help us digest. We paid the bill and dashed to make it with more than enough time. Like I said before we even left for Italy…Italy doesn’t DO handicapped or disability. If you have mobility issues DO NOT COME TO ITALY because you will not be welcomed! Isn’t that right in line with where the world is heading anyway, kill off unwanted babies, kill of the old folks so we can get their stuff!
The reason we came to this place was because the huge demonic spirit named Neptune was causing havoc here. There were three of them in total for the last while. One of them was taken away when was Rachel was here a while back with Marion and they had that incredible encounter with a dog and a cat that were really guardian angels or something. There was another guy who came with them named Samuele. So then, at this point there remained two more Neptunes. One of them was taken away with yesterday’s prayer but one more will remain until maybe the next time that she will have to come back. There are of course other demonic spirits that will remain besides this main one. Neptune is the roman god who causes havoc mostly in the water but also in mythology causes earthquakes. The greek counterpart is called Poseidon and God told Rachel that they are two separate kinds of demons that do similar things. If you may recall, Rachel had to deal with this same trouble maker when she was with Jeanne driving around the coastline in western New York near Buffalo and again just last September (or the year before that) when she had to go to NYC and take a tour boat with Jeanne and Aida on the Hudson River. These type of demons are exactly the ones to blame when we sin so much and make them grow and then they decimate and destroy. Hurricane Sandy from 2013 was a perfect example of what this thing is capable of doing.
Anyway, we have less than a week left and we are both looking forward to returning home and facing problems that are at least more manageable on home turf.
Day 8 – August 18 - our day ‘OFF’
We slept in and had a late breakfast/lunch. We went just walking around in this area and Rachel FINALLY was able to go to confession and Mass at St Mary Major. She had trouble sitting there for the whole mass and had to wheel around to distract herself.
Then we had a very fancy dinner. I had previously bought a small bottle of red wine and we partnered that with ‘le poulet de USA sud’ (it was Kentucky Fried Chicken). Then I bought some side salads from a nice place we had eaten before and after that I wrote this blog post. It is now 10:30 at night and we will just rest and watch tv. Tomorrow we have a bigger job in Trastevere which is a district just south of the Vatican on the West side of the Tiber river.
We asked the Lord if it was ready to send and He said ‘No mission is easier than the last one they are ALL difficult'.
Yesterday after scrubbing all the grimey slimey city soot off of me I let my Iphone shuffle choose one of the over 3000 songs for me while I jumped in the shower...The first thing that came up was something that struck me and I wanted to share it, in light of all the struggles with persecution and just all around misery!!! I broke down a little after hearing the first minute or so....
It's a song called Hard Love and the gist of it is this....
Hard Love:
Trading punches with the heart of darkness
Going to blows with your fear incarnate
Never gone until it's stripped away
A part of you has gotta die today
In the morning you gon' need an answer
Ain't nobody gonna change the standard
It's not enough to just feel the flame
You've gotta burn your old self away
Hold on tight a little longer
What don't kill ya, makes ya stronger
Get back up, 'cause it's a hard love
You can't change without a fallout
It's gon' hurt, but don't you slow down
Get back up, 'cause it's a hard love
You know the situation can't be right
And all you ever do is fight
But there's a reason that the road is long
It takes some time to make your courage strong
Hold on tight a little longer
What don't kill ya, makes ya stronger
Get back up, 'cause it's a hard love
You can't change without a fallout
It's gon' hurt, but don't you slow down
Get back up, 'cause it's a hard love
When the wolves come and hunt me down
I will face them all and stand my ground
'Cause there's a fire burnin' in me
They will see my strength in this love I found
Hold on tight a little longer
What don't kill ya, makes ya stronger
Get back up, 'cause it's a hard love
You can't change without a fallout
It's gon' hurt, but don't you slow down
Get back up, 'cause it's a hard love
It's a hard love, it's a hard love, it's a hard love, it's a hard love
Oh, it's a hard love, it's a hard love, it's a hard love, it's a hard love
Oh, it's a hard love, it's a hard love, it's a hard love, it's a hard love
Hold on tight a little longer
What don't kill ya, makes ya stronger
Get back up, 'cause it's a hard love
You can't change without a fallout
It's gon' hurt, but don't you slow down
Get back up, 'cause it's a hard love
'Cause it's a hard love
(click yellow link below-it will bring you to the non copyright Youtube video)
artist: Needtobreathe featuring Lauren Daigle
Hard Love lyric video
Day 9 – August 19, 2019
Okay, I know when someone says ‘long story short’ they end up telling you the longest version anyway! Well, because it’s 5 to midnight and we just got settled in after a long day of work I will try to honour that sentiment as long as Rachel doesn’t mess it up with adding a bunch of stuff.
The basics are this…We went to Trastevere, she cried in pain, I cursed God for making someone like her do this next to impossible work and of course then I begged for His mercy and forgiveness and the night resolved itself. It was very difficult because at least in all the other places we’ve worked there were some parts of the street that were a little smooth and we could alternate between me pushing her and Rachel walking on her own. But, in Trastevere, there is ONLY cobblestone roads cause its like an untouched medieval neighbourhood. It’s so stressful and exhausting when you are a ‘caregiver’ to someone who is partially disabled and you see them suffer so much and you can’t do anything to alleviate it. My clutch response is always to yell at God because it’s His fault we are doing this. But it is not His fault that there is so much sin everywhere and this spiritual pollution has to be dragged away when we go to work so that people have, at least, a fighting chance to save their souls.
The roads were so bad that when I tried to push her the wheels would get caught in the spaces between the stones and almost throw her off the chair and every little jolt and jerk sent bolts of pain from her tailbone and all over body.
So, 150 souls were put on the path and God had dispatched 250 Archangels before we started so that we could get the work done in time (so HE could get the work done in time). I’m just here for the wood fire pizza of course.
There was so much work here and everywhere we work because Rome sees at least 4 million people a year (yes I Googled it). And people who come here have also come from numerous other touristy places, so it’s like a contagious disease, the evil spreads exponentially and multiplies out of control!
I’ll just distract you now with pictures cause I’m too tired and cranky.
braving treacherous roads...
Forgot to mention that we actually made it to Mass as well...
St Mary in Trastevere
There was a beautiful icon of Papa there and I remembered from the time Marion and I took shifts here (I think it was 2009). There was a place where you could light your own long stick candle...I lit a bunch for you guys in front of the Jesus icon as well as the Mary icon.
Here's the prized shot that I set up my mini tripod on the bridge to take...I was going to buy a print for my apartment but held off because I wanted to try it myself...Its not perfect but its the best I could do with the lens I had...(I'll add one more below it so you can see that it is overlooking the Tiber river and you can see the dome of St Peter's in the distance...
Day 10 – August 20.
Thanks to all for the birthday wishes. I wanted to completely sweep it under the rug, not because I’m grown up or humble but mainly because I was pouting and angry at God for making us do two months worth or work in two weeks and also watching Rachel suffer so much wears me down. It must kill the Lord as well, just like it killed Him to see His Son have to suffer on the cross. He doesn’t WANT it to happen but He ALLOWS it because the devil thinks in the short term (just like many of his children in the world live for instant gratification), he has his victory...but in the end we know the score and we know who wins!
So, we found out last night that we had to get a train and go south. We took a fast train (up to 300 km/h) and ended up in the outskirts of Naples. It was like 30 minutes north of Naples and we literally just got off the train and went to the waiting area (it was barren and looked like a concrete ark) for 40 minutes until we went back down again to the platform to board the return train back to Rome. Naples is like 220 KM south of Rome so its not a little trip. Anyway, I get frustrated because I try to control and plan and no matter what, I lose. For example, I tried to book the tickets from the hotel so that it would be a little easier but G2H doesn’t DO easy!!! The credit card got rejected two times each with two different cards! So, then we had to rush to the train station early not knowing which one we were going to take. Another example of G2H Murphy’s law is when we lined up for the train for the return we went to what it said on our ticket, the 11th carriage, the last possible one. OF COURSE, when the train arrived it was in reverse order so we had to race with Rachel in the chair and go the entire length of the train. And people are RUDE! They don’t care if you have a wheelchair, they will walk over your carcass to get where they are going! Sometimes, there are a few gems that while I am dashing in to bring the chair ahead and when I look back, someone else has her arm and is hoisting her into the train. My frustration is not just a combination of the blistering heat and constant sticky pasty sweating, or the nonchalance and sometimes mockery and disdain people have for us when they see that we are catholic (more than just wearing a necklace), but also that God keeps pushing the envelope with what we are capable of doing. And my resentment ebbs and flows depending upon how hard the job is. Yesterday was off the charts and today was a little less. But then again He always bribes me by giving me kids! There is no way that doesn’t sound certifiable! Let me explain…
...So, at the end of the day around 9:30p.m. tonight after getting back from the train station, we headed out for dinner and I begged the Lord to finally pick a place that wasn’t junk, for once. We were celebrating a little babies birthday and then the amazing surprise was once we got there, Rachel looked at me in a sort of shocked manner and said ‘you’ll never guess…’? She told me that there was a 5 year old girl here waiting for us…(I will spare you the details of how she became a soul rather than living and growing up being a 70 year old grandmother etc.). She was killed in the 1950s and absolutely betrayed by her parents and died tragically and unspeakably in the basement of that very restaurant where we ate. Her name is Cecilia and the angel already told her ahead of time that she was going to meet people and they would take care of her and that she could trust them. You could easily have watched this in a Netflix series but I find that truth is always much more horrifying then fiction! So, the amazing thing was not only did God introduce us to this precious little five year old girl with dark brown curly hair and a fuscia crenaline dress on August 20, 2019! But also this happens to be the very same day she was born in Slovenia almost 70 years ago. This is the first time out of the 240 kids, that one of them shared a birthday with me. God never ceases to surprise me!
So, yesterday was actually a much more excruciating day for Rachel and harrowing and today was more ‘simple’ in a sense, get in a train, come back etc.
I have a few great shots that I wanted to take from the beginning and the very reason I brought a DSLR camera…Ill add them somewhere in this post…
Thanks again for the prayers and please keep it up. We just have Wednesday, Thursday Friday and come back on Saturday. After that you can stop praying.
Today God put 50 souls on the path. There were less because we covered a lot of rural land and not big metropolitan areas etc. The train station in the ‘outerskirts’ of Naples is a brand new concrete modern ‘ark like’ building in a developing area and God took some souls from there as well and put them on the path. I don’t know why God wants to add this part after we asked Him ‘if anything was missing’, but He said that “this station is going to be one of the best train stations in Europe”. I was so preoccupied with why God would have wanted us to add this and God added that, “I like when people build not destroy”!
here's my own pic from the inside and...
heres one from a website (Afragola is the suburb of Naples)
Now He said it is fine to send out...and obviously I was kidding about you not having to pray anymore. That's like saying, okay I had a great meal today...I don't have to eat anymore!
Some left over pics not yet shared...
Here's a large pic of the right bronze door where I try to go to Mass everyday (St Mary Major)
Here's a closeup of the lower half closer to the left side...does he look familiar?
I asked and it was done around the Jubilee year 2000 but I've never seen it before in 2009 or 2013 when I went back.
This is a badly iphoned-stitched together panorama shot of
the port town called Civittavecchia
Here's my last entry for the night... click below for a powerful youtube vid from MercyMe...I hope you will have time to listen to it. Its' called Even If. I relate to the sentiments as well and I know that at least half of you will also.
Day 11 – August 21, 2019
Today we had to head out east on a trip to a random place called Carsoli. Its almost halfway to the east coast and in a region called Abruzzi. There was nothing in particular about this town but I just chose it because it was big enough to have a decent sized train stop and also it was at least an hour away which is what God wanted.
It is very picturesque area actually and the train had to weave between all the beautiful small mountain ranges. Of course we had all the usual struggles with travel and the walker and changing platforms etc. we still managed to get through today without too much damage.
At first when we boarded the train at Termini, right away Rachel could see that Jesus was fighting with a Leviathan and grabbing it by the neck. He never let it go until the angels came to chain it up. Then of course within 20 minutes of boarding the train they had technical issues (whose surprised?) and the train got delayed by about 20 minutes. I was worried because the return ticket was close and if we missed it then it would have been a mess. I guess the Lord arranged it because the return train was at least 15 minutes late also so we had to kill about 45 minutes in the small town of Carsoli. Rachel felt like she was shaky and weak and was being attacked by something.
On the way back I was also feeling weak and shaky and it lasted til after dinner. We walked around in the lower level shops of Termini train station and I guess the Lord was continuing to clean. Also there must have been all kinds of horrible things that happened in the mountain areas that we passed through. God revealed to Rachel that in those deserted areas in the mountains, free from prying eyes, lots of bad things take place including witchcraft, drug and also sex trade transactions...There are people from all over the world within a short distance of Rome.
Day 12 – August 22, 2019
Rome in Five Steps!
Today we did a pass over or review of some of the main areas we previously covered individually whether it was on the buses or when we chartered the car two different days. So we started off walking to Termini and trying to talk to the first taxi of the taxi stand. You don’t dare break protocol and no taxi driver will ever break their code of conduct and jump ahead in the line. Of course as I have said previously Rachel is blessed with seeing the innocence and goodness of people and I am unfortunately the complete opposite. So, Rachel goes ahead and starts talking to the first guy she sees near the taxis and we don’t realize until after we’ve made a deal with a different guy for 50 Euros for the hour then the first guy Rachel talked to was trying to ‘help’ people and then beg for a tip. And Rachel just finished doing the same thing yesterday when we ordered the train tickets at the kiosk. Another guy, with whom Rachel was sure worked for the train company, did all the screen stuff and then of course pleaded for money for a Panini. Meanwhile there are signs EVERYWHERE saying ‘only accept help from people who work for the train company and are wearing the red shirt and logo’ etc. Anyway, the lesson for me was, it’s only 5 euro and at least they are not just begging but trying to provide a service. Everyone has to eat.
So, Rachel asked the Lord what we were supposed to do today and she wrote down the five spots we were supposed to revisit. We started off at the Vatican and we circled around St. Peter’s and did what we had to do. Then we made our way to Santa Cecilia Basilica in Trastevere. That is the town from a few days ago that was impossible for Rachel to navigate with the wheels of the walker. It is the oldest neighbourhood of Rome.
Anyway, I’m running out of gas here and unless Rachel tells me the significance of why and where or what’s going on in the spiritual then I’m just senseless rambling on. As I read this to Rachel for review she just added that ‘the 250 angels that were assigned for this Rome trip were all put to work during this short taxi job. The angels have to put light wherever the work is done. When the Lord puts the light where the job was done, its like a seal to make it last as long as possible. Its like when you wash the car and then after you put a coat of wax to seal it in.
So, after St. Cecilia, we went to Circus Maximus (Circo Massimo). This part I know from my previous visits. A bit of back story. Circus Maximus is actually where the majority of the Christians were martyred in ancient times. People always say that the Colloseum was soaked with the blood of martyrs but it is much more accurate to say that the ‘Circus’ was where the Christians were used as fodder for wild animals for the entertainment of the predominantly pagan Roman audience. So the fourth on the list after the Circus was the Colloseum. We just made a few circles and Rachel sat in the front directing the driver where to go but it wasn’t stressful like other times because we could only go certain directions on many of the one-way roads. Finally we made it to St. John Lateran. Even though St. John Lateran is a few miles away from the Vatican, it is the official Basilica of the Bishop of Rome, who happens to also be the Pope. So, technically this basilica, the second after St. Peter’s (followed by St. Mary Major where I try to go to Mass every day and the fourth is St. Paul’s Outside the Walls) is part of the Vatican. I guess it is just like how an embassy is technically part of the country it is representing rather than the host country.
So we did all the five stops and I thought of a church that I did not have a chance to visit yet and it was on the way home, so we stopped. I hope to be able to get the video to work of this particular church. I got out of the taxi and ran in for a few pics and videos while Rachel stayed in the taxi.
No two days are the same in this work but I would say that Rome is taking its toll on her and she is in pain constantly now. After we got back from the taxi we had time to try out a different church for Mass. We went to this parish many times the last time we were here in 2013 but not once this time. The parish is called Sacro Cuore di Gesu (the Sacred Heart of Jesus) and it was built at the behest of Pope Pius the 9th who begged Saint John Bosco (the founder of the Salesians of Don Bosco to which I belonged to for 8 years) to raise all the funds and built it. John Bosco had to raise millions of dollars to build it and it was finally finished in 1887. John Bosco died in 1888 and I’m sure getting that church built contributed to his death.
Rachel first tried to sit in the pew and that lasted five minutes before she was in so much pain she had to leave to sit in her own walker. I could see her rocking back and forth and that means she is in so much pain she doesn’t know what to do with herself. It gets better and worse at different moments but it ALWAYS has to do with her taking on people’s suffering and sharing in the cross that Jesus asks her to participate.
Just some side notes. I’m not sure what I will be able to add regarding pics and videos (because sometimes the tech cooperates with me and sometimes it rebels like I do with God I guess…) but I will add some notes near the pics if I manage to get it working. Anyway, one of the interesting new things I learned today was when I went out for a quick noon mass before we had breakfast. I went down into the crypt of St Mary Major where I’ve been literally 50 times in the last 20 years but I’ve never realized what was down there. There was a bit of a theme also. There is a statue of Pope Pius 9th in the crypt and he is the same pope that I mentioned earlier that pleaded with St. John Bosco to build the Sacred Heart of Jesus Basilica in the heart of Rome! What I also didn’t realize that was in the crypt was a piece of wood from the crib of Jesus from Bethlehem. I stayed and prayed for a while and asked the Lord to bless and heal all the families involved in the Gate to Heaven and all those suffering.
Thanks again for the prayers and just one more day of work or ‘two more sleeps’ and then we will be home!
This is a drive by of the Circus Maximus...
Just as I suspected some of the videos are too large to be uploaded so IF I get a chance when we get back to shrink it and then upload it with normal wifi speeds in Canada then I can get something done without taking 2 hours to update the blog.
St. John Lateran
Michaelangelo's Moses at St. Peter in Chains
These are the chains that held St. Peter when he was in jail in Rome.
This is where we lit candles at the Sacred Heart of Jesus Basilica...
This is a side altar with the image of St. John Bosco (and that's most likely St. Dominic Savio, one of his prized students)
This is another side altar of Mary Help of Christians (the patroness of the Salesians of Don Bosco)
The piazza outside of St Peter in Chains (also called St Peter in Vincoli)
Day 13 – August 23
Hello and
Goodbye from Rome! Today was our
last full day. Very quiet day
basically. I got up for the noon
mass and got some breakfast and then we prepared the luggage and this exhausted
Rachel because it is hard for her to stand for long periods of time and it’s
always stressful when preparing to travel or preparing to return and all the
work in between I would say!
So, unless
you want me to take photos of the luggage, there isn’t much to report.
actually, we had to go for a few hours to the main train station, called
Termini, and roll around and walk all three levels and just pretend to shop and
be present so that the Lord could do His work. Rachel has been walking a LOT more than she would be able to
in Canada and this is of course because God usually gives her a double or
triple portion of Grace to do the work.
I would say just myself I have walked at least 30 miles or more of Roman
streets and Rachel has done very well to walk at least 5-10 of those. I would say that this is a miracle in
itself! Also, Rachel can’t get
into a car without an incredible struggle and yet here God helped her to not
only get into a van twice but into even taller steps for the buses and even
higher for the few train rides as well.
Thank you Lord. And I would
usually be almost completely useless at home with the chronic wrist pain and
problems but I did not really suffer here and there was only one day in Trastevere
where the roads are horrific where I tried to force the wheels and overdid
it. But nonetheless, the Lord did
many miracles here.
I have a
few pics and eye candy from the Basilica and hopefully if the Lord wishes, I can
do a conclusion with some photos once we’ve crossed the Atlantic and settled in
Rachel and
I thank you very much for all the incredible support both which allowed the
trip to happen fiscally, physically and especially spiritually. We received many texts and emails and
all kinds of wishes and promises of adoration, mass, rosaries and there was so
much support and for this we are so grateful to all of you.
Grazie mille
e ci vediamo a presto… (Many thanks and see you soon).
Here's a video that was from yesterday's visit to St Peter In Chains where the chains of Peter are kept in the crypt and also it contains the statue of Moses by Michaelangelo
Here's a vid of the fountain outside of St Mary Major...
Some pics of inside and outside of St Mary Major...where the job began and where it concluded...
And to all the kiddies that celebrated their birthdays while here in Rome and I know I forgot to put some of them...
August 11 -August 24, 2019
On the way to Airport...
The guy who drove us in the taxi to those 5 points of Rome the day before picked us up to go to the airport. While driving by the coliseum Rachel told me that Jesus snatched 10 souls out of there that had been there since the year 8 A.D. This was before there were even Christians because it was almost 22 years later when Jesus began his public ministry.
These poor souls couldn’t let go of the trauma of being torn apart by lions or beasts? There was one particular soul out of these 10 that was a slave and had gone through more suffering than the others.
(on the way to the airport...and where we picked up those poor traumatized souls from 8AD).
They were not martyrs but probably slaves used for
entertainment for these sick pagans. We got to the airport in plenty of time and the whole airport experience went as smooth as sandpaper with broken glass glued into it. These trips are almost unbearable for only one other person to help. Rachel cannot walk MOST of the time and in my opinion, you need at least two to really do this work without losing your mind and health.
In the
I was tearing up watching the boxing movie Creed II (it is an offshoot of the Rocky series) because
he found out that his baby girl might be deaf. The baby was crying and in my mind I was telling all my babies, (especially Rinaldo and Cecilia the
brand new ones), that I love them so much no matter how they are...and all of a
sudden I started to feel the back of my seat being pushed forward like someone
was poking away at it (I imagined that the person behind me was too aggressive
with their LCD screen and they were pushing the screen really hard and I
could feel it constantly and I was annoyed (big surprise)...I asked Rachel to
look behind me without being too obvious and she said the guys hands are in his
lap and he’s not doing anything. I insisted that someone was pushing my
seat (like the annoying person at a movie theatre) and Rachel said “oh it’s
Mario (He is a 13 year old soul that we got a few years ago in Ottawa-he named himself after Mario Lanza) and he’s playing with you” first I said, ‘no way, how could I possibly
feel it so vividly and I was even moving forward a tiny bit each time it was
nudged’. Even now as I write this
a week later I can’t believe that it was not real! After about another three
minutes of Mario joking with me, Rachel said that Mario is caressing my neck
now. It was a special gift after a
very long two weeks.
I guess this is just one of the many incredible blessings of
doing this work and a reward for all the trials and troubles of this kind of
Then about an hour later standing beside us in the aisle
beside the bathroom, there was this cute little 2 year old boy who was standing
near his mother (real kid not a soul).
He was dancing in the aisle and while he was saying ‘daddy’ he was pointing
at me and making us all laugh. Then Rachel said that maybe God was using
the kid to lift my spirit because we suffered so much.
Then Mario (the one who was poking
my seat) put his cheek next to mine and was playing with me and he said “mom do
you even know how big of a job that has been done?”
Because people from all over the world come to visit Rome and
the souls that were already from Rome, there were a total of 356 souls put on
the path. There were a total of
250 Archangels that were assigned specifically to work with Jesus while we were
in Rome.
God speaking: “I
know the trip was tough but in the end the work was done with perfection. You will only know after you die what
the Gate to Heaven Ministry has done.
Only after death will you all know. I know there is a lot of pain, sorrow, but my work has to go
I almost forgot to write that on the way to the airport, God
had told Rachel that He was going to carry the plane Himself from Rome to
Toronto. It didn’t surprise us later
on, that once the pilot came on to warn us that there was going to be some rough turbulence, we remembered what God said about Him carrying the plane all the way home.
This is Jehoveh Tsidkenu
Thanks again to all those who prayed for us and helped us to accomplish this great task. Also, to conclude the intentions part of the trip, I lit a candle for all of your intentions here at St. Lawrence church in Toronto, the day after I arrived.
I also took the intentions that were written and I burned it in my dad's barbecue.
Thanks for trusting me with this sacred task and I pray that God blesses you abundantly.
Thank you Lord for bringing this tough job to completion and for hearing all
the cries of your faithful children. AMEN.
Arrivederci Roma!
Updates from Los Angeles
(posted: April 28, 2019)
Benvenidos a los amigos y amigas de Los Angeles! Abajo estan las fotos del dia que estuviste en la casa de Rosemary. Queridos amigos, les ruego que oren por las intenciones del ministerio.
Below are the updates from Jeanne for the Trip to LA from April 18, to May 4, 2019.
April 19, 2019 - Please continue to pray for Rachel and Jeanne. The attack is full on right now. Their hotel was cancelled and they are in a different hotel and they will have to find another hotel for the 2 week stay. From what Jeanne tells me, it could be very difficult to find a hotel for 2 weeks straight, they might have to keep moving from hotel to hotel. It is 3 hours earlier in LA than here and Jeanne and Rachel ask you to hold off all calls or texts for a while in order that they can get some rest.
April 20, 2019 - Rachel & Jeanne need help with prayer right now. There is the soul of a baby who drowned in the bathtub in Rachel's room who died 30 years ago. They are now praying for this baby's soul.
It looks like they have a hotel for the rest of the trip. Please continue to pray for them
Just spoke to Rachel and Jeanne and they told me the baby who drowned in the bathtub is now with Rachel (sitting in her lap) and he's wearing a blue knit cap, he has dark blue eyes & long curly eyelashes. He's a newborn baby about 6lbs and God said Rachel could name him. She named him Francesco Di Paola. They will be moving to their new hotel today and staying there for the rest of the trip. Yesterday, while they were trying to find a hotel to stay, they went to a few places, but God did not want them to stay at these particular places, it turned out that there were big demonic spirits in these places and God wanted them to be taken out, so that's why they had to go to these hotels in order to take the demonic spirits out so they could be dealt with. Please continue to pray for them.
April 21, 2019 - We had mass at Rosemary's home at 2 pm on Easter Sunday. Earlier in the morning Rachel and I (Jeanne) went to IHOP down the street. While we were having breakfast Rachel’s grandfather on her mother’s side was standing out on Sunset Boulevard looking at her. His name is Sam. He has only come two or three other times from heaven to see her. Rachel felt a coldness of her body in the restaurant because there were homeless people outside. An Asian Homeless woman with scraggly hair was screaming, and I mean screaming at a White homeless man on the side street of the IHOP. She was shouting “you are going to Hell. I curse you!” He was like the Disney character Goofy saying “I am not going to Hell. I’m going to Heaven we’re all going to Heaven.” The stench from them was awful, it was so sad. Then the police came and forced them to move along.
Rachel went up the side street and I had to park the car in the third parking lot because the rest of the lot was almost full. On the way out a black homeless man was in the same spot as the others so Rachel gave him $5 in Canadian money. After we left the IHOP we went to Ralph’s grocery store where my friend Beth that I’ve known since high school had taken us the day before to get a few things and have an early dinner there. Beth lives 30 minutes away from our hotel, when there is no traffic.
When we left the IHOP Easter morning we went to back to Ralph’s Grocery to purchase all the groceries to bring for the reception after the mission talk. We had to drive to the rooftop to park and Rachel stayed in the car praying while I shopped. From there we got on the 101 to 60 East towards Pomona to Diamond Bar.

Once we arrived we introduced ourselves and got everything settled at Rosemary’s home. My friend Beth helped Rachel with her Habit, while I told the group a little bit about Rachel’s life and the work of The Gate to Heaven Ministry. Rachel conducted the Mission talk with the signage and scripture that was read in a condensed version. She was trying to teach them about the body, why people have illness or troubles in their life because of their ancestors’ sins when an individual is in the ancestors line up etc., she talked a little bit about the levels of Heaven, Hell & Purgatory. The amazing thing was Rachel stood the whole time with no pain. God took the pain away so that she could give the talk and walk around with no help.
After the Mission Talk, Rachel & myself sat with Fr. Ochoa and Rosemary, (the woman who opened her home for the presentation), in her bedroom and read the message about her ancestor being shot and buried alive. Then we played it out loud since it had been recorded with Rachel repeating what God was revealing to her about her ancestor on Wednesday night, April 17th, the night before we both flew to Los Angeles.

Rosemary was shocked with all that was told to her but ... she confirmed that her mother’s brother was called John. God provided the ancestors name in the message. This ancestor John was shot by a very close family friend and buried alive. He was screaming from under the soil and the man who shot him, left him to die and could hear him screaming but did nothing. He had no remorse. This man had taken advantage of John financially and verbally abused him when he was alive. This happened close to the 1890s time frame.

Once we were praying alone in the bedroom and I was reading the message out loud to Rosemary, Rachel could see John (in the spiritual) moving about in the soil trying to release himself and finally he popped up out of the soil. Once he was out in the open air he began to run around saying thank you, thank you, thank you Lord.
About 20+ people showed up, twice as many people that we were told were coming. It was a good thing I bought so much food.
After the talk, everyone wanted to talk with Rachel while others grabbed something to eat and waited patiently. She revealed all that was wrong and told them what they needed to do etc. Around 6:30 pm one by one they began to leave.
The talk started off slow and Fr. Ochoa was translating here and there since most of the people spoke Spanish as their first language. Fr. Ochoa wanted to make sure they truly understood what Rachel was sharing. Rachel could see what was spiritually in the people as she spoke. Fr. Ochoa was surprised with all that Rachel shared and he said at the end to the group “remember that this is a private revelation” not approved officially by the Catholic Church. However, he said he was so happy to be with us and truly getting to know his sisters in Christ and the work of the Ministry. There were so many tragic stories that these people have in their lives.
By 8:30 pm five of the women who talked in great detail with us stayed until 10:00 pm.
We finally left Rosemary’s house at 10:00 pm. Once we started making our way to the car, Rachel’s pain started to return once she sat down in the front seat. And as she said, “boy was it bad”. I had hoped we could go straight home, but who did I think I was kidding. Instead we headed north on Mission Blvd and further north which turned into Van Buren. We drove up past Ontario airport and another one where we had to stop at the end of the circle right next to the gates and the planes of the airport which I didn’t write down. There were ten souls at the dead end. Sadly one of the ten souls we picked up was going to Hell. We drove back south to the same road and were told to turn left into the front of the National Cemetery. The iron black bars of the gate were closed but there was a circular drive so I turned there and parked the car. The sprinklers were going full force watering the grass out front. This was south of San Bernardino. There was a huge beast at the locked gates to the entrance of the cemetery that needed to follow us to leave that spot so we could disperse it for the Archangels to put it into the black hole. When Rachel goes by cemeteries she doesn’t always go inside them because there are too many beasts in the cemetery that are attacking the souls who had so much sin when they died.
God said we had 255 Archangels and Angels helping us on Easter Sunday.
We drove all over neighborhoods south of Riverside and circling neighborhoods south of Moreno Valley and finally hopped on to I-215 south around 1:00 a.m. to the 60 West from Pomona and headed west back to Los Angeles to Sunset Boulevard.
We didn’t arrive back to the motel until 2:15 a.m. Rachel was nodding off while she was praying so I listened to “Marfoogle - utube channel news” to get caught up on what is going on in the real world and the West coast. This guy lives near Cascadia, Washington. Cascades is near the San Andres Fault line (earthquake fault line) and there are tons of FEMA drills going on in that area. A few days before I left he was filming in the surrounding city and over 30 electrical pole lines were broken in half where he was outside of the Boeing Airline plant facilities. Something very strange was taking place and electrical crews were speeding by in the background. There is so much being done in secret that people never hear about, and God is always at work and sees it all and knows it all. Nothing gets past him.
I had been up for 20 hours and could barely keep my eyes open and needed something to keep me focused. Rachel of course is lucky to get an hour or two of sleep each night as these demonic entities are twisting her legs and it feels like she is beaten all over her body. She says “even my hair hurts!” I fell asleep at 3:30 a.m. and slept straight through until 11:30 a.m. That was a miracle in itself for me since I am such a light sleeper.
April 22, 2019 - We’ve both been going since 8 o’clock this morning and it’s now 2:30 a.m. We are beyond really exhausted. We just got back to the hotel at 2 a.m. Very, very successful Mission and the soul of John came out of the soil and he’s free and now he can go up. Father Ochoa witnessed the whole thing in private so he really truly believes now. Lots of other people stayed, lots of murder in their families so we had to drive and disburse everything. We have to go out cleaning in the afternoon thank you for everything we love you Jeanne and Rachel.
They ask that everyone to hold off on calls or sending any texts, chats app or emails. The work they are doing for God is very exhausting and if you are disabled as Rachel is, it is twice as hard. Please continue to pray for them.
The next day, Monday, April 22, 2019, we learned of the Christian massacres in Sri Lanka. How horrendous that Christians / Catholics are being killed and our Catholic Churches desecrated in France for over a year and the news media rarely report on it.
We got a late start on Monday, April 22. We left around 4 pm and got on the 101 North and headed to Topanga Canyon and drove all through the canyon down to “Topanga Beach” along the Pacific ocean. Then we pulled over at the ocean and stretched and got a few beverages and snacks out of the cooler to take a break. We turned around and drove back the same way to get to Old Topanga Canyon road which God had told Rachel to take in the morning. He gave us almost the entire directions before we got on the road.
When we took a left onto Old Topanga Canyon Road, that is when Fr. Gino and Fr. Perna showed up in the back seat to pray. Two days earlier John Paul II came in front of the car when we drove North (the 405 to 14 towards Lancaster) and back east on Hwy 58 past the Air Force base near Baston. It was out in the middle of nowhere.
Now, Back to Topanga Canyon. When we came to a T at the end of Old Topanga Canyon Road we turned left. Left took us west on Mulholland road to Las Virgenes and back down to the Pacific Coast Highway along the ocean. It was still sunny and the views were beautiful. This area reminds Rachel of Italy with all its flowers and windy roads and hills.
We were talking to Beth on the phone after she finished work, who was telling us where we were and the things that happened in these areas and she was being a great tour guide over the phone. This canyon is where the Charlie Manson family lived. It was a huge hippie town throughout the canyon in the 1960s/70s. Charles Manson is the cult figure who murdered pregnant actress Sharon Tate from Hollywood. They wrote horrible things in blood on the wall. He was sentenced to life in prison and never paroled. I think he died a year ago.
Once we came back west to the Ocean front from Las Virgenes, we drove into Santa Monica and the huge pier with a fairgrounds, Ferris wheel, etc. at the beachfront. Rachel could see the demonic spirits jumping everywhere and she even saw King Neptune jump out from the water with his pitch fork. She normally sees King Neptune by the Ocean and big rivers like the Hudson River around New York City. And they multiply from one into two demons that look just like King Neptune.
I called Beth around 7 pm to ask where a good Italian Restaurant was and Beth had texted us a few Italian restaurants. By the third one God said “Perfect”. It was Bruno’s. Beth met up with us there on Ocean Avenue in Santa Monica for cappuccinos and we left around 10:00 p.m. from the restaurant and it took over 30 minutes to get back to our hotel driving up Santa Monica Blvd to Sunset Blvd.
April 24, 2019. - We were picked up at 3 pm on Tuesday by one of the ladies who came to the Mission talk on Easter Sunday. She drove us west, south and in and out of the Port and Harbor Terminal. Again, King Neptune appeared and jumped out of the water in this small harbor.
Her husband was murdered on their driveway (the woman driving Rachel and Jeanne) by the husband of the woman he was having an affair with three years ago. Unfortunately, the son saw his father shot by his man from the window inside the house, plus there is a 2 year old soul that keeps pacing back and forth on her driveway. God revealed that the little boy was accidentally killed by this woman’s husband. (Maybe he backed up over him and didn’t know it when he was out and about somewhere else.) However, the soul of this little boy jumped in his car and then the husband of this woman who drove us yesterday went back to their house. The little boy was wearing light gray suspenders, pants with a white shirt, he is not resting at peace. So now the little boy keeps pacing back and forth at her home from the edge of the driveway to the garage. This is the same spot where her husband was killed.
In the morning, before we left God gave the directions for the whole trip of where we were to drive for the day/evening. Rachel used a yellow highlighter to keep it all straight. We drove to the 10 west and down 1 pacific coast Hwy to San Pedro and up and down near the 213 making loops. This is all south of Hollywood.
At the beginning of the trip at the airport on April 18, 2019, there was a huge demonic beast Rachel had to battle with it on the plane before she could deal with this soul from 1,000 years ago who was on the plane. He was a very well dressed man (soul) and he was from Africa, one country east of New Guinea and he had been a very wealthy man. Although his elegant attire would have been from 1,000 years ago, he came dressed in a modern beautifully tailored black suit with a silk tie, like a very rich man. There were too many negative forces in the plane so she could not open herself up to this man. She thinks his name sounds like (Jew - wan - ko).
Thanks for all the prayers! We REALLY NEED THEM!!!!!!!!!!!
Today April 24th 2019, the Lord put 295 souls on the path. 135 Archangels are out helping do the work. Through the port terminal as we drove over a huge bridge we also picked up a baby but the baby is going down. The parents are murderers so the baby will be going down. The parents aborted the baby but because he was aborted he could be saved, but because the mother and father were killing people the tie is there. This was 50 years ago. The parents are dead.
These trips just get harder and harder.
Friday, April 26, 3:00 pm - Beth came to the hotel to help drive today. We are heading up north on I-5 North Hollywood, Glendale, Burbank making loops and mostly on the highway and then in and out on the north side in and out up to the National Forest.
Yesterday, (April 25, 2019) we stayed in and I took our clothes to the laundry mat so they could wash and fold and I could pick them up. I took her two skirts to a dry cleaner a few blocks away for repairs, usually Rachel does her own repairs, but Rachel's arthritis is so bad that she can’t sew things herself anymore. Next, I went to the grocery store back at Ralph’s. While I was gone, Rachel did the whole healing of the family for everyone. I unloaded the groceries and took a shower and got ready for my breakfast and wait for my brother who will arrive around 6:30 pm.
Rachel kept praying all afternoon doing the healing of the family tree for everyone. Unfortunately, King Neptune came and he was very angry & he came with a very, very tough, deep voice. King Neptune was trying to talk to Rachel but she cut him off and then Jesus came and as He was talking to King Neptune He forced him out of her room. Then Rachel saw the Archangel in the parking lot and Jesus was commanding the Archangels to chain him up. King Neptune said to Rachel “you are taking away my territory.”
Around 6:15 pm I was ready and came back to Rachel’s room, she looked so much better after praying all afternoon.
My brother stopped at the hotel after work around 6:30 pm. We walked to In & Out Burgers and grabbed some all natural burgers and brought everything back to Rachel’s room to eat dinner. My brother has had pneumonia since last May. Rachel’s abdomen ballooned out once I texted her from the burger take out about his illness. We ate and had a nice visit and laughed a lot which we really needed. He stayed for two hours and headed home. He waited for rush hour to end since it would take him an hour to drive east to get home.
This morning, the Lord gave Rachel a remedy to cure my brother’s illness. She will have to tell him- not me - God said. So we may drive by his house if we are driving around his neighborhood by Diamond Bar where Rachel did the Mission on Easter Sunday.
The baby that was aborted that jumped on the hood of the car at the beginning of the trip today joined us on N. Highland Avenue. It was right near the H-Express where we stayed Friday night before settling in at our motel. We are situated right around everything we need, laundry, grocery store, gas station, police station ...and along with the good is the bad & the ugly. That would include strip joints, girls, girls, girls ...crazy Buddha type worship shops selling Bush’s heads, Shiva the destroyer, outfit shops, homeless people living in tents on Sunset Blvd and the homeless around the restaurants.
The Lord placed 30 souls on the path in the Los Angeles National Forest this afternoon.
Thanks for the prayers. Jeanne, Rachel and Beth
April 27, 2019 - Urgent prayers are needed for Rachel. Jeanne said that Rachel is very sick because of all the souls who were put on the path while they were in the Angeles National Forrest. The Archangels and Angels took away 620 demons from the whole trip so far. These demonic demons are brought in from people who visit LA from all over the world. Yesterday 255 souls were put on the path, more than half were put on the path from the Canyon.
April 27, 2019 from 11:04 - 11:14 a.m. Jesus came down as “Jesus Crucified”
Jesus wants to help a baby named Delores who was aborted at 8 months. The mother
was trapped and aborted the baby because of what certain people were going to do to
her and the baby. The boyfriend’s parents said “abort the baby or we’re going to kill her,
(your girlfriend) and bury her alive.” She should not have made this choice, no matter
what, so sad.
We watched the EWTN Divine Mercy Sunday mass and said the chaplet with the
April 28, 2019 - Rachel and I left the hotel at 3:30 (Divine Mercy Sunday) and headed
on the 101 north to Barham past the Universal City, Warner Brother's Studio and past
the Forest Lawn Cemetery and onto the 134 to the 210 E. Pasadena. There’s was a car
accident on the 210 East near Huntington Drive. We will go East at the 57 and get to 60
South towards Pomona. I just realized that the light came on for the gas so we had to
pull off at Hwy 71 and we stop at the Arco on Holt Avenue it is 5 PM.
We were driving with Beth as chauffeur all day Friday and Saturday. Both days we had
driven throughout the Los Angeles Forest and San Gabriel Mountains on Hwy 2 most of
the time. We forgot to get gas before heading home and we were all so exhausted that
I wasn't paying attention. Again, I was so tired on Sunday April 28 that I didn't look at
the gas gauge when I got in the car. When I drive now, I try to keep the gas tank at half
full because we never know what is going to happen next.
After stopping for gas, we found there was no restroom so we had to find a place to stop
next. We ended up at a Carls Jr. to use the restroom and ordered a cheesecake and a
little black bunt cake for the little girl Katia. She is a twin (soul) of a sister who was
aborted and been with Rachel for several years. We stopped to get an ice cream cone
here and there during the trip to make her happy. As we got into the car there was this
black young man pushing his car into a spot to park behind us and two cars beside us
we saw an older woman with long white hair and a baseball cap giving money to this
middle aged woman in a red car. It was like the woman in the car was having this older
woman peddling herself to get money and then give it to this other woman. At first the
parking lot was empty and by the time we left it was full. There were also a bunch of
Mexican men in another car who seemed like they were hustling two young women and
when they blew them off the young men left.
We got back onto the Highway 60 for a while and continued to get off and go in and out
of streets like a staircase. Rachel is soooo tired and very sick! She is so packed she can
barely think straight.
It was still light out and we drove towards Imperial Highway 91 and turned around and
drove on Hwy 90 to Weir Canyon Road and back onto Highway 91 East and took the
Toll Road 241 and continue south on another toll road 261 down to Irvine. We drove up
to the 405 to the 5 North and we were told to take a different way home so we got off
the 101 North and took Grand Avenue for about 15 minutes and got back on the 101
North because I was too tired to do any more. The nerve pain on my face was getting
quite painful and I needed to take a Lyrica.
We took the Sunset Blvd exit and made our way back to the hotel around 10:38 pm.
We stopped at In and Out Burger and went back to the room.
It was a little more clearer in the area where we were the entire day. A good hour east
of Los Angeles, there is a home where someone is conducting abortions in this
woman's home who is paid cash. We drive through Chino Hills and stopped at a
McDonald’s and Rachel got an ice cream cone for Katia and I got a coffee. We took the
Chino Hills Parkway and south on 142 and in between Hwy 90 to Yorba Linda, to the 91
California Express Lanes to 55 south and somehow got over to the toll roads where we
ended up on the Barranca Parkway and got on the 405 North in Irvine and near to 710
North until we got back to the 101 North and got back in time to do the drive thru at In &
Out Burger at 10:58 p.m. Chick Fil-A is closed on Sundays. Of course Father Gino
said, Hey, this Blondina is starving us";. Fr. Gino is an exorcist priest that always shows
up in spirit on trips when I take them with Rachel. He died of cancer in 2006. He was
an excellent exorcist Italian Priest and a good friend of Rachel's.
April 30, 2019 - today we are heading south east to Santa Anna and Huntington
Beach. Tomorrow we go back to Azusa and meet Father Ochoa for lunch from 2 - 4
pm. Thursday we go back to Tocaya Organica restaurant where we meet up with Beth
and her friend from Saint Monica's Catholic Church for dinner. Yesterday was our day
off. Thursday we go back to that same spot as it is connected to Bloomingdales/Macy's
We will do lots of highway driving today, Tuesday, April 30th.
April 10, 2019
"cleaning" trip.
Rachel along with Marion and Sheila went driving on Wednesday, April 10, and we started out
in Scarborough. We picked up
two souls at a dead end near Morningside Ave.
The Lord put them on the path. Then another dead end street near Sewells area. We encountered a giant lizard and another
beast. After this we covered
Stouffeville area, Whitby, Pickering, Aurora, Bolton, Highway 9, Highway 18,
Marylake, and King City and many many places in between. We ended up at her sister’s house at
for a half hour visit then continued at Dundas and Erin Mills. Then Satan said to Rachel ‘God is
taking away all my territory’. 25
Archangels and Jesus dealt with Satan.
After this we went to the QEW and made our way home. The Lord put 20 souls on the path and
took away many negative spirits and lost souls everywhere we go.
We didn’t get home until after 2 AM.
Thanks again for the prayers.
April 1, 2019
Meet Joshua (Christopher)
I warn you ahead of time that some of the info will be omitted in this message because I don't want this blog to end up on a watch list because of some 'target words'. Unfortunately this is a result of the sick world we live in.
Tonight we went to visit Rachel's sister and after we left the Lord said to make a left where we usually make a right to get onto the 401. Once we did this I knew immediately that we would be 'cleaning'. Soon we will have a section that explains words that are unique to the ministry and to Rachel but for now I will just say that going 'cleaning' means that we drive in a specified area that God tells Rachel where to go, and we pray and God 'cleanses' these areas and removes demonic entities like beasts and spirits and negativity etc.
We ended up heading home taking the Lakeshore (south along the Lake instead of going on the 401 which is in the north end of the city). Soon we arrived near Port Credit, exactly in front of where Rachel used to live in an apartment overlooking the lighthouse.
We parked near where people walk along the water and fish or just site see. After a few minutes Rachel saw that there was a big archangel fighting with a fallen archangel. Then Rachel said she saw a little baby in a blue half jumper sitting in a grassy area near a park bench. This is where it gets a little graphic. In 1994 a mother who was totally drugged out on heroine, threw her baby boy into the water way out at the end of the pier in the middle of the night, when no one would see her. She was the type that was constantly spending the night with other men and God said that 'this baby was an obstacle for her so that's why she killed him'.
Here are some notes that I wrote on my phone while we were there:
He was six months old. He has a blue half-jumpsuit. Both angels are fighting over this baby. She had many men so a baby would be an obstacle for her. They were on drugs. One of the men she was with did very bad things to this baby (its worse than you can possibly imagine but I leave words out or else it could draw unnecessary attention). This man gave a double dose of heroine to the woman and she didn’t know what was going on when he 'did what he did' to the baby.
Rachel sees a big man with muscles (he is a demonic beast like the 'hulk') but it’s dark and she can’t tell who it is. Another archangel came to defend against the big beast. Rachel hears this ugly scream. Now another archangel came.
The little baby’s nose is running because he’s crying. Jesus is coming close and showing to the bad beasts and the fallen angel His wounded hands.
Another archangel just came and they are starting to chain this big beast. Jesus continues to show His hands and the angel above is throwing the chains on the other fallen angel (When the enemy is reminded that Jesus died for our sins, they back off).
One of Rachel's angels, Cecilia, came to pick up the baby. She always wears a crown of fresh flowers (black curly hair below the shoulders). She’s picking up the baby. Now she’s rocking Joshua in her arms.
Jesus is going right up to the face of the fallen angel and showing it His palms.
They are almost finished chaining up both the beast and the fallen angel. Now they started to bring the fallen angel up to the unknown. And now also the big muscle beast is being taken up.
After about a half an hour the 'bad stuff' was getting further and further into the sky and the Archangels brought them where they belong.
So, unfortunately we have to experience these terrible things and it weighs heavily on us just like a Detective is exposed daily to the basest behaviour of humanity. I know that it seems like this ministry focuses on hell and negativity and bad stuff too much but if anything it is like a first aid service. Most people call the police because something bad happens and that is exactly why Rachel gets a call and why we go to do the work we do. Of course there are lighter moments and we couldn't do this unless God was truly calling us to it and giving us the strength and because it is absolutely crucial work. For example, this beast and fallen angel at the pier could easily influence someone inclined to evil, to kill other people and to spread this evil so that it grows even more.
The good news is that after a few days you just remember how beautiful and incredible these kids are then we celebrate their birthdays and they are such a source of joy and blessing! After they are with us for a while, after lots of prayer and being 'cleaned' by the Lord, they are put on the path to go to heaven. Then they have a home in heaven and with us here in the ministry. In the end Rachel wanted to associate this baby with an additional name because there are already two other Joshua's. She asked the Lord and He said "I'm quite sure that he won't mind'. So now I introduce to this beautiful baby boy named Joshua Christopher.
P.S. I wanted to write this immediately after it happened because by Thursday there will be 12 other things to write about, at the rate that God is working! So, it's 2:42 AM and Rachel asks the Lord if this is okay to send out and He said; 'perfect'.
Ottawa April 2018
Day One – March 30, 2018
We left the house around 2 or so and headed straight for the Parliament building. The night before we spent a while there as well and then went to the closest restaurant near the Parliament so the Lord could continue the work using our free will to aid in the removal of this bondage. So, back to day 1…we parked behind the Parliament building and thank the Lord because it was Saturday of Easter weekend, there were very few people and not many police or authorities kicking us out of the parking lot. We would just stay there parked with the car running and pray the three prayers and the rosary etc. Then we would inch our way down heading west in the parking lot. Our second ‘station’ was between the Parliament building and the Supreme Court building. We prayed a little there and then went directly behind the Supreme Court building where there is the lookout to the Ottawa Valley facing Hull and Gatineau Quebec. There are a few pictures showing this spot. During the first night, Rachel was battling with Satan and he was saying ‘get out of my room, this is MY CITY, I almost have won it. I am the king of hell (Satan). God confirmed to Rachel that this whole city is under a cloud of Satan’s control (if you think of it, when you are waging a battle, you attack the the most important city, the capital. This is where all our rights are being stripped and the rule of an atheistic dictatorship is reinforced. Where did Dr. Morgantaler, the satanic abortionist, start his first abortion clinic? Here. Where do all our laws that introduce euthanasia, and stop us from being able to pray in public (bubble zone) and protest against abortion get passed? The enemy knows that once he can get Ottawa, he can get the whole country).
Then Rachel went to do battle against satan while Sheila and I went to our own room to do the Exorcism Prayer, the Breaking the Bondage of a Curse Prayer and the Spiritual Warfare. Here’s the link:, if you still need a copy you can print it from the blog. After leaving the Supreme Court building we had to do circles around this area by going across the bridge into Quebec and then coming back numerous times. If you keep your eyes peeled and see the world for what it is, a war between black and white, darkness and light, you can see exactly how the enemy sets himself to do battle against God. For example, right across the street from St Patrick’s Basilica, Ottawa’s cathedral, there is this huge statue of a black spider (also in the pics). This spider reminded Rachel of the huge beast that came in around noon on Good Friday the day before when she was on the phone with Jeanne.
So after driving around for a while and doing the big circle around Canada’s capital buildings, we went across the river and drove further east into Quebec. Then we had to take a ferry back from Quebec into Ontario. It was just across the Ottawa River where many people go white water rafting and do other adventure activities. This was around 6 pm or so and we made our way back west from the ferry crossing back towards Ottawa central. God told Rachel that we had to find somewhere to eat along this one particular road that went right through the city. Of course with the chaos and spiritual garbage piling up on Rachel, it was harder and harder for her to concentrate on the Lord and to hear what He wanted from us. A few left and rights here and there and we ended up on the outskirts or ‘outer skirts’ as Rachel would say, of the city. We had to stop at this dead end street that had this tavern called ‘Moe’s restaurant’ or something like that. (graphic warning)…We were there not even two minutes with our hazard lights blinking as we prayed and the Lord showed Rachel this poor young woman. She was in her early twenties, and was at least 8 months pregnant, and was being violently raped by this horrible man in 1995. Then a bunch of guys found this man shortly after he had raped her and they shot this man to death. The woman was brought to the emergency room but died shortly after. Her baby died because the rape was so violent. Well, as you guessed it we got to adopt this little girl. She didn’t have a name and God said that we could name her. We gave her the name Sarah; which is Hebrew for “princess”. She is a tiny little baby and the other kids came to be with her. The angel always takes care of them. We finally stopped at a McDonalds and the kids (my spiritually adopted kids) were so happy because they love the ice cream and all the McDonald’s foods. We got home around 11 or so and then just watched an episode of Father Brown on Netflix (I brought my Roku).
Day Two – April 1, 2018
Yesterday the Lord said to Rachel, ‘tomorrow you can sleep later, but at 4 pm you are going to go somewhere for me’. We found out today that we had to leave promptly at 4pm and see the movie that was starting around the time we arrived. When I went to show Rachel the movies that were playing, it ended up being Black Panther but would not start for a few hours. Then I bargained to see if we could just go somewhere else first and then return for the movie but God said the stronghold of Satan on this area is terribly intense, so the longer we remained the better. So, we ended up seeing the 4:55pm of Sherlock Gnomes, a cute cartoon movie about garden gnomes. Ten minutes into the movie Rachel tapped me on the shoulder and said ‘my tooth fell out”. Actually it was three of her front teeth and she says she felt them being torn. They were broken but the roots are still there. Then I frantically accompanied her to the restroom so she could go in and check it out and rinse etc. (Clarification: I texted a few of you at this point and when I said ‘please don’t respond to this email/text, I meant please don’t respond to the group email because every response goes back to the whole group. But, please feel free to text me directly…thanks).
It really shocked us because it came out of nowhere. God told Rachel later on that this theatre and all of Ottawa actually has been under the bondage of Satan, the king of hell, himself. The theater had many of Satan’s clones as well and many other beasts, curses and other negativity that just infested the place. We saw Black Panther and it was actually pretty good except for the witchcraft elements but had lots of teachings that will end up maybe in some message or email in the future. The movie finished around 9:30 and we had to drive quite far to disperse all these terrible demonic pests. We drove until about 11:30 and went way out into the sticks making a huge square around Ottawa. Thanks again for the prayers. Maybe I should include something that happened around 3 pm today but it was kind of a personal experience. I hope that by sharing, it can benefit all of us who read it. While typing yesterdays update Rachel said ‘I see an old man standing beside you’. Of course I said right away to rebuke it but she said, ‘no, it’s your grandfather and God brought him here so he could talk to you’.
I hope you will indulge me and let me put a small passage of what my grandfather said.
Day Three – April 2, 2018
Yesterday we left again around 2pm and the Lord wanted us to head straight to the airport. Our hotel is actually the Hampton Inn Airport Hotel so we are really close. We had to pass through the arrival section at least three times and then the departure section at least three times. Then we had to take certain highways that we surrounded the airport so it could be chained. This took a few hours and then we had to move onto different sections of the city. We stopped at University of Ottawa for a while and drove onto the campus. Last year when we came we spent quite a bit of time at Carleton University when we were visiting one of Rachel’s grand nieces. We always end up near the Parliament building and this time we arrived from a different angle and we came across that big statue but this time you can see the matchup more clearly; good versus evil, the world versus the people of God. Here you can see the giant spider facing against St. Patrick’s cathedral.
Pic of spider
Then we spent a bunch of time driving east along the Ottawa River and then on the opposite side of the river each side and each direction. We drove through little Italy and of course Rachel longed to have some pasta but then kept reminding herself that she can’t chew the way she used to because of her teeth etc. Around 7 pm or so, the Lord said we could find somewhere to eat and we ended up being in the same neighborhood near the Parliament building when we first arrived on Good Friday. I had to pull over of course and search my phone for the closest restaurants because the Lord wanted to keep working while we sat and stopped. I found ‘Mama Theresa’ which is a pretty famous Italian restaurant and is frequented my many politicians and celebrities. He wanted us to pull over and wait there for a while but the Lord asked me to go and look into it. I went up to the door of the restaurant, which was really just a converted house in a very urban neighborhood and found it closed. Maybe one day we will find out what the purpose of me walking up to the front door only to find it closed, but He does want obedience and He probably just wanted us there long enough so He could do whatever He needed to do. I searched my phone again and we ended up right on Bank Street. We decided to just go to Tim Horton’s so we could use a gift card that someone donated (thank you) and just had a small dinner and camped out there for a while. It was a very sketchy neighborhood and one of those places where they lock the bathroom door to keep people from doing intravenous drugs and other nefarious activities. Most of the clientele were homeless people and there were some drug addicts and a few that just wanted a coffee, period! We had to stay for at least an hour because the Lord was busy at work. I checked my phone to see what was near us and I realized that we were right beside an office building that had a Starbucks (funds Planned Parenthood) and a few floors up was Planned Parenthood. Some of you might not know this but Planned Parenthood is one of the biggest abortion providers in the world. They had also been accused recently of selling fetal body parts for profit and there are many videos of journalists undercover that show this demonic activity. The US alone, through their taxes, finances Planned Parenthood to the tune of 500 million dollars a year. Our Prime Minister is a real champion of murder as well and even sends millions to third world countries to promote the abortion industry. Also right beside this Starbucks is a dispenser of marijuana. Lovely neighborhood. Also, as I think of it, there was a lady with a neon vest walking all over this neighborhood earlier and she was volunteering to pick up used drug needles.
This Tim Horton’s was also literally down the street from the DR. Henry Morgantaler’s abortion clinic to which I referred to in the first update when I said our ‘liberties are being stripped away’. I know it sounds like I’m being judgmental but I was going to give a ten dollar Tim card to this young couple that were digging through the garbage outside, but the Lord said ‘no, because they will just sell it and use it for something they shouldn’t’. I assumed that it would be drugs because the man was very erratic and acting strange.
After an hour or so at this Tim Horton’s we had to drive for a while to another town at least half an hour away from Ottawa and disperse all this stuff collected up to this point. After about an hour or so the kids kept pointing at the McDonald’s because they wanted ‘lik lik’. That’s their way of saying they want the soft serve ice cream. We stopped there and of course the Lord is always working. We headed back towards home and the Lord let us head home early for once! We arrived at the hotel around 11 and Rachel was panicking because the gold cross ring from her marriage to the Lord was lost. I went back and searched the car and when I came back to the rooms she found it in a place where there was no way she would have left it. Anyway it’s found, Praise the Lord and there have been enough sabotaging episodes I was so frustrated at this point! We watched an episode of Fr. Brown and called it a night.
Rachel since we came, she has been picking up different infections from different places. Some are the spirits of abortion, rape, murder, the presence of witches, and all of this manifests as symptoms of infections in her (like Urinary tract infections, and STDs). At least for three of the nights since we came she has not been able to sleep. God of course is taking care of her but we write this because we need prayers and that there is a constant battle every where we go. We cannot do it alone but count severely on the prayers of all of you who are in solidarity with us. I know that many of you work and don’t have time but even uniting your day and saying Our Fathers and Hail Marys under your breath, the Lord will use it all. Rachel is a fighter and with the Lord’s help she is persevering and fighting the good fight. I’m sorry if it seems a little graphic but we write this cause many times people say ‘oh have a good trip’. But would they say that to a soldier who is about to go to war? Rachel was worried about what I wrote and God said ‘don’t be afraid to put what is really happening to you and what is involved with My Work’.
Thanks again and maybe this will help also if someone asks you about this ministry. You can also direct them to the blog and to some of the messages that explain it. I hope to fill it with more messages and prayers and tools to help explain it.
He said again ‘send it out as it is’.
Day Five – April 3, 2018
Correction: I’m sorry but my head is spinning from all the stuff going on and I don’t know how to sort out the days and the dates. I skipped March 31 somehow. I’m going to just call a “day of jubilee’ and start today’s update as “Day Five” and from this point on it will match up as the write-up of the previous days adventure. I usually write the review of yesterdays job around 1-1:30 before we head out again. Thanks.
Yesterday was a deadly hard day. We left around 3 this time and decided to grab something before venturing into the unknown because where we were heading we would’ve had to kill our food and roast it if we wanted any sustenance. We grabbed a few burgers from A and W and then head west doing big loops in the outskirts of Ottawa. After a few hours of this we headed west basically home! We went so far west that it would’ve been easier to just go home then go back to the hotel. During this adventure into the middle of nowhere and gravel roads, out of the blue God said “so far, since Good Friday there have been 185 souls put on the path”.
In this area it has been many Indians that killed each other; tribe against tribe and some families against families. Some are so filled with anger and rage that they skin their enemy. Some are stabbed. God took out all these souls but also He took away many of the demons that cause all this evil. As we are driving, God puts light and pours it down over the land everywhere we drive. At one point He was parting the negativity like Moses parted the Red Sea. Then the archangels and angels roll up all this bad stuff like hay is rolled up. Then they chain up loose beasts and demons and they are carted away to the underworld by the angels and archangels that were equipped to do this work. Around 7 pm or so, we ended up in a place called Sharbot Lake and Sheila told us that this is where her mother used to work before she was married. We gassed up and used the facilities and then we continued to head west. We took Highway 7 for the main stretches but then took a smaller highway, which would bring us down to the 401, which we would then take to head back east to the hotel. We stopped at McDonalds so we could go to the bathroom and I could rest for a bit. It is extremely stressful driving when you have to pretend everything is fine, meanwhile it is freezing rain and the visibility is brutal because of the darkness and the rain and I have to keep the car freezing cold because I have to be able to see with the defog on. I raced home because He wanted us to finish off our job at Lonestar Texas Grill, which is beside our hotel. I knew we would never get there in time to eat but I felt He wanted something done. Once we got closer to our hotel, it was already after 11pm and it shouldn’t have closed until midnight. Again, he wanted me to go and check the front door (just like Mama Theresa Restaurant from a few nights ago) and I was actually so relieved to see that it was already closed at 11:20. So, we stayed in the parking lot and prayed on the left side, then parked at the bottom then right side and then I went to the opposite side so that every side was covered and whatever was in there would be chained and removed. We got home and put out food from the fridge and yup, you guessed it, watched another episode of Father Brown. Please continue to pray, I think we have to do a similar intense job today but heading further east and doing a big portion of the surrounding area of Quebec. Yesterday I was fighting to keep my eyes open the whole time and I’m more tired today because I couldn’t get to sleep til after 3am. Thanks again and take care.
I’ve been made aware by one of our intrepid G2H’ers that soon our Prime Minister will be meeting with US president and hopefully Trump will excuse Canada and Mexico from the aluminum and steel tariffs regarding NAFTA trades. They are meeting these very days and maybe our prayers are to influence this? We never really know all that God is doing but we just pray for God’s will to be manifested; in our countries, in our homes and in our hearts.
Today we will be celebrating three birthdays of my spiritual kids. Marco is the very first child who Rachel says actually looks a lot like me from pictures I’ve shown her (I guess he got my genes instead of his mothers-poor kid). Karla, if you remember a while back, I wrote about when we were in Warsaw Poland and riding the buses. She is around 8 or so and she is from the original few as well. Mary is a 3 year old but we got her (along with Monica) when we were in Pittsburgh around 4 years ago or so. The numbers on the stocking coincide with the order in which they came to us. Their birthday is on the top right side and I bring these stockings as a tangible reminder because I don’t see them, only Rachel does. The fourth one is Sarah who we just got a few days ago in downtown Ottawa and our latest addition to the family.
Here’s today’s visual candy. I didn’t take any photos while driving on the treacherous roads last night because it was too dangerous. Oh by the way, after God told us about all the souls that were put on the path up to this point, right after that He said ‘ok now keep your eyes on the road and move on’. At that point just over a small hill on this gravel road there were two deer right in front of us. Also, later on that night when going really fast down the highway that lead us down to the 401, one rabbit ran out into the middle of the road and I slowed and swerved but thank God I missed it. Then LITERALLY 5 minutes later the same thing happened and God spared another ‘easter bunny’.
Instant Update!
OH MY GOSH!!!! As I read this out to Rachel first to verify it she said ‘ I have to tell you something first’. When I told her about the white rabbits she said that God told her ‘they were not real rabbits, they were angels that God allowed so that it would distract me and cheer me up because the driving was so treacherous and it was so stressful’. WOW! They were so cute also and I wasn’t nervous when I swerved and watched them, it was actually a peaceful moment but I didn’t know the truth until Rachel told me right now before we send this out.
God also wanted us to add this part after I read it to her.
When I wrote earlier about the Indians, God wants us to understand the truth and not have the wrong impression. We automatically assume that it was Indians skinning other Indians. I’m sure that happened as well but what Rachel saw was first a white man around 100 years ago while drunk, skinned an Indian man and then the family got revenge on this white man and skinned him as well. And this evil act multiplies in that area and can spread like an epidemic. Sometimes people who have skin diseases or it looks like there skin is peeling it could’ve been they have an ancestor that this may have occurred. But, we cannot generalize because every condition is unique and cannot be applied to another.
Day Six – April 4, 2018
I’m sure you guys noticed the high winds yesterday? It didn’t hit us until around 4pm when we went for late lunch at Perkins. All of a sudden there was a squall and high winds and honestly the building was quivering. I put my hand on the table and felt it vibrating. It was like a hurricane or something, at least that’s what it felt like. We left later today (Wednesday) and celebrated the birthdays at this Perkins and then mapped out where we were supposed to go. We had to drive east towards Montreal and trace out all the border of eastern Ontario between Ottawa and Montreal and then down to Cornwall and back up to trace part of the cross. Hopefully tomorrow (Thursday) we will finish tracing the rest of the chain and the rest of the cross.
It was an extremely difficult day because the winds blew so hard and at different forces and keeping the wheel steady was a constant precarious pursuit. It was mentally and physically exhausting and I can’t stress enough how much I now understand what the term ‘white knuckling’ comes from. There was even one point where a truck swerved into our lane about 100 meters up ahead and then when we passed that spot we saw that an evergreen tree or a large branch from it had blown over and covered most of their lane. I know this sounds like I’m being ‘extra’ but honestly about three times between 3-5 am when trying to sleep last night I would wake up in a panic because I swerved off the road in my nightmare.
ATTACK!: Yesterday was wrought with demonic attack and I don’t even know where to start. I’m not sure and I haven’t asked if yesterday’s storm was the last hurrah of the enemy who was retreating or just the Lord allowing His wrath to fall on a deserving lot. Anyway, a few times going into the tiny towns near the Quebec border I got lost because Rachel and I would bicker about which was the right direction and I went into a town called Alexandria. In this town Rachel said there were many, many witches (a cove of witches). Before she said that I started having brutal attacks in my intestines and lower back. I literally raced to the closest town to use the restroom but had no success. I guess it was a spiritual attack. Then we plotted the right course and stopped at a truck stop to gas up. At this point I had to run to the bathroom again (I can’t possibly stress how hard it is to have irritable bowel syndrome and be on the road like this with this much attacks as well). It’s a miracle that we even get this work done. Of course Rachel started talking to this ‘trucker’ guy who we called ‘St Germaine’. He said he had three different girlfriends in three different places and he was an atheist. We just did a kindness to him and spoke of the work and as usual, the normal person always asks, ‘how do you pay for all this traveling’? We just said that the Lord provides and that it is a miracle alone that Rachel is able to travel this much. We told him we would pray for him and he said ‘please no, don’t pray for me! The last time someone said they would pray for me I got into an accident and lost my job’. We parted on friendly terms and we just entrust him to the Lord. He was rough around the edges but Rachel could see that he had a good heart.
We made our way back up north from Cornwall and then made the top and the left part of the cross and returned home. We stopped to get some groceries and McDonalds and then just tried to get some rest.
Here is the sudden gale force wind that the ladies were seeing out of Perkins.
The wind.
Here is the map of the route we took.
Thanks so much and take care. Please continue to pray for us because every day it is getting harder and harder and the enemy is pushing back with brute force. As we arrived home Rachel’s one of two pairs of shoes that she brought tore open (I have to try to get some glue but I don’t think they can be repaired). Then the light bulb was flickering and I went to tighten it just gently and it shattered. Satan was saying to Rachel yesterday ‘You are ruining everything for me, I am losing everything’. And another time he said ‘get out, get out, we cannot work when you are around’.
As I was reading this to Rachel she wanted to add this: Rachel felt like something was suspicious because whereever we went it would seem sunny and okay and then all of a sudden there would be a white squall and then 80km/h winds, and it didn’t matter if we headed east then north and then west then south…God confirmed her suspicions and said ‘yes the weather was bad, but the enemy also made it worse’.
Unfortunately there were no bunny rabbits!
Then He said ‘Okay send it as it is’.
Day 7 – April 5, 2018.
So yesterday we had to finish what we started the day before. I have to be careful not to say "all this was worse than the day before it's always worse etc. etc.". If there is no spectrum then it seems like it's always just extreme but actually when you work in this ministry it is always just varying degrees of impossible, intense, excruciating, exasperating, and rewarding at the same time. But I would say that yesterday was not nearly as bad as the day before. We didn't have the gale force winds like we did the day and I didn't get sick nearly as much as I did. So, in my opinion it wasn't as bad but I can't speak for Rachel or Sheila. Every day is just varying degrees of impossible for Rachel. This is just going to be a short update because each progressive day I get less and less sleep. Did you ever see those movies where the person dies and they give them an adrenaline shot to revive him and then he stays up for another 24 hours after that until they catch the bad guy etc. I guess this is what Jack Bauer felt like (from 24). That's how I feel. There's no amount of caffeine that can fix this. I hope to God He's going to give us Sunday off. I know it sounds like an exaggeration but every moment I'm doing at least two or three things and there is no downtime. Because I cannot do a whole lot while I'm driving I have to spend every ounce of my free time if you can call it that, on household stuff like preparing meals and washing and showering and laundry. Anyway, enough of my Martha Martha Martha grumbling. Yesterday we went straight down the highway near our house and then went east to finish the arm of the cross. Then we came back down and finished the long part and went west to Highway 41 where we went back up to the hotel. So, once we finished this we completed both the cross and surrounded the entire area from west of Ottawa all the way to Hawkesbury, which is the last eastern town before the Québec border. We ate at a St. Hubert chicken place, basically a Quebecois version of Swiss Chalet, because the kids wanted a decent dinner for once. That always means that the Lord wants to do some cleaning. We had to stay at that restaurant for about an hour and a half while the Lord went to all the area in the vicinity to do what He had to do. Many souls were put on the path. Many demons were extinguished. Many complaints were voiced. The roads were pretty good, thank the Lord. It wasn't that windy and it was sunny for at least a few hours while driving. We've done at least 2000 kms so far which really isn't that much but it's just I don't have the stamina for driving that I used to even three years ago. On the final leg home it was dark and I was keeping the speed limit around 80 km/h but because it was only one lane and there was oncoming traffic I ran over an already dead raccoon. It made such a thump and we were so worried about the car. Shortly after, if I went more than 70 km/h there was this scraping and bumping noise in the back. Of course every bad scenario was going on in my head… maybe I knocked the exhaust off, or damage the back bumper or knocked off the alignment or the suspension. Thank God we only had to go another 10 or 15 minutes to get home. Just because we are working for the Lord it doesn't mean we are spared from any suffering and hardship. However, the silver lining was it could've happened at the beginning of yesterday’s trip and there would've been no way that we could've continued. At least it happened in the last 10-15 minutes of our day and that's why I'm so tired today because I spent four hours at Canadian tire. The amazing news was that it was only a rear wheel-well moulding that popped out of its clip and that's what was making the rubbing noise. The alignment was off a little bit as well so for $140 we can start fresh. It was a hidden blessing and I can almost bet the farm that the Lord allowed this or ‘willed’ this to happen because He wanted me to interact with a few of the people that helped rectify the situation. I could've gone to three other Canadian tires that were closer to us but instead the Lord sent us to that particular one on Carling Avenue. Maybe I'll find out later who knows if I do I'll post it. And yes you guessed it… We came back got ourselves situated and then watched another stimulating episode of Father Brown on Netflix. Most the time I just want to scream and cry and swear but at this point there's been so much struggle that I'm even past the crying point and just throw my hands in the air and laugh hysterically like someone who escaped from a mental hospital.
Thanks again for all the prayers.
God said ‘it was fine’ to send out.

Day 8 – April 6
There really isn’t too much to write because I wrote about waiting at Canadian Tire to get the car fixed in yesterday’s update. After I came home around 5pm or so I crashed onto my bed and closed my eyes for 20 minutes. The ladies had done laundry while I was getting the car fixed. The Lord could obviously see that I was a basket case so He gave us the day off. We did some housekeeping, watched some Netflix and vegetated. It was some much needed down time and I was finally able to get some sleep.
I do have some news however regarding a tech update. I put all the days updates and a few pictures on the blog so that you can peruse them at your leisure. I’m trying to include the video that accompanied Rachel’s message on Good Friday about the Bride of Jesus when she saw him descend from the cross and into Hell. It’s hard to upload to Youtube here at the hotel because the wifi is really slow. Nevermind here it is….
TO check out the blog and some of the pics click here
To check out all the days in order here it is under “Current Trip”…
Please feel free to check out the rest of the blog as well. There are messages written and voice and lots of other stuff. I’m hoping to fill it in more as I have time.
Today we are off back west towards home and will probably end up near Algonquin area, but I’m just guessing.
We asked the Lord whether we could send it and He said ‘not yet, there is a correction”. This is what God said: “I know I am pushing it, but the work has to get done; so far so good. But there is a lot more to do”
Until later…
Day 9 – April 7 – Divine Mercy Sunday 2018
Yesterday went nothing like I thought or hope it would but exactly the way the Lord wanted: For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways, my ways, (Isaiah 55:8-9).
We went to Cora’s breakfast place around 2 and on the way there once I reached around 70km/h I could hear the dragging and scraping again in the wheel. My heart sank into my socks! This throws so many wrenches into the mix. BUT!!! After going to the Candian Tire again, Sal, the mechanic who I’ve been speaking about, hoisted it up and we tried to see what was going on. He suggested just pitting clips on the moulding so that if it stopped making that noise then we would know for sure. Unfortunately it was an hour before Canadian tire was closing and Sunday its obviously closed. Our best chance to fix it is to either go to the dealership on Monday or let Canadian Tire order it on Monday as well. After much huffing and puffing and grumbling I defiantly did not reshelve all the clamps that I asked Rachel to ask the Lord if one was better than the other. After this deliberation I tried two smaller ones and we decided that we had no choice but to rent a car. If I had to sum up this ministry in one passage I would say that ‘my ways are not your ways’ (55:8-9- Isaiah) would be most fitting. What I was referring to when I sent out the urgent email yesterday early evening was that we had to head to the airport in the shuttle to rent a car. We did end up going and the job ended up being the airport. We rented the car but did not claim it until a few hours later. I told the clerk that we were just going into the terminal to have a coffee etc. The work for today ended up being exactly what we did. We walked through the entire arrival section, and departure but could not get into the level where the gates were for obvious reasons. We walked around and prayed and tried to blend in without raising any red flags for security. But pushing Rachel in a walker is a hidden blessing because no one suspects us of anything. We spent a few hours doing this and then had to disperse all the stuff collected as usual. Unfortunately all the suitable cars were rented because it was Saturday night and all that was left were SUVs but they are too difficult to get in and out of for people with walking difficulties. The lady helped us out and gave us the upgrade from a compact into a better option. We went out, of course back in front of the Parliament building and even passed Justin Trudeau’s, our Prime Minister and all the city. We got back around 11 and grabbed some Mcdonalds and ate our fruit and veggies at home. Then we celbrated Kirk’s birthday. He is one of the adopted kids and is around 13 or so and is from an Orthodox Jewish family.
The saga with the car will continue on Monday when I have to return to try to fix the car but this whole mess happened so that this mechanic Sal, could be helped and he himself could help his ancestor. One of the ancestors in his lineup was tortured badly and needs to forgive his tormenter. Now, because both the victim and the aggressor are long deceased, it has to come from Sal’s free will because he has a direct lineup with this man. I’ll fill you in when more stuff happens. We have to run and do a big driving job today, please continue to pray for us. I know that all you guys are being attacked as well and please let us unite our prayers to defeat this enemy and claim the victory.
“Oh blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of Jesus, WE TRUST IN YOU!”
Peace and have a blessed feast of the Divine Mercy
Day 10 – April 8 –(FEAST OF IMMACULATE CONCEPTION (actually April 9) -
I am sitting in the Honda Dealership waiting for the service manager to assess the car. Yesterday I broke a promise that I thought I would never break. It was a promise that I made to myself and to God while in His service specifically in this ministry. I could see even from the beginning of my joining the group in 2008, that the enemy wants to divide and conquer and he wants to sew seeds of envy (which is way more insidious than jealousy) and cause people to rebel and think that they can do more for God than He can do for them. I know that if I ever left the ministry, it would be ME that suffers and I would jeopardize my eternal future. I promised myself that ‘I would never be a stumbling block or a reason to actually hinder or halt the work that the Lord asks Rachel to accomplish’. Just like Jesus said to Peter “get behind me satan” (23 And Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; for you are setting your mind not on divine things but on human things.” The reason I say I broke this promise is because last night after we went on this astronomically way out adventure in the middle of mountainous roads and areas where you couldn’t easily find a gas station or bathroom, I refused to come back the way God had showed Rachel. I bargained with the Lord after blowing up at a Tim Horton’s and He had to change His plan because I refused to go back into that wilderness. It was already 10:30pm and it took almost 6 and 1/2 half hours to get where we did and it was just the halfway point. It probably would have been just as much time to return by going through that area. I bargained to take the direct route across highway 7 to go straight home but his counter offer was we go down to the 401 and then come back up 416 to get to Ottawa. After going down highway 31 to the 401 we were actually only an hour away from going back home WEST to Rachel’s house. So He said that doing this would cover some future work as well and that He would be happy with this compromise. We got home around 2:30 AM but if we had gone the way God showed Rachel two days before, we would have got home around 4AM or 5AM AT LEAST! I was so panicked because I was already worrying about bringing Rachel’s car to the dealership as early as possible the next morning. You see why this is such a struggle for me because I already have so much trouble sleeping and I always worry about raising money and keeping cost down! So, the sooner I get the car fixed, the more we can get back by returning the rental car sooner.
Back story: We left around 3:30pm after watching the Divine Mercy festivities on EWTN but got caught up with some attacks from the enemy that he was using to frustrate the work and punish us three and the people who support us. There were at least two different struggles that we had to deal with and then when we were trying to leave but I couldn’t sit still in the rental car. I was shifting and ADHD’ing like a maniac and had so much of the spirit of confusion on me that I couldn’t follow the details of which roads we were supposed to take. So we couldn’t even get started til after I walked away to cool off and then we left around 4 or so. It was a struggle because it wasn’t like doing the cross or surrounding an area like before where we can go on a road for at least an hour at a time etc. Yesterdays adventure involved constantly mapping out different roads and so much concentration. The day was nice and sunny etc but we had to take all small roads and many different connections and I wasn’t use to the complicated GPS system and cabin system of the rental car. It is a much nicer car than ours but I was so panicked of not being used to it and worrying about all the attacks that would come, because YES, they come! I scratched and caused 1700 bucks damage on our rental in Vancouver last year (but thank God when I asked the Lord before we rented it He said it would be good to get the insurance so I was not out any money). Then about 6 years ago when we rented a Nissan compact in Manitoba I slid into a snow bank and caused about 300 bucks damage that I didn’t report but had it fixed on my own. So, IT HAPPENS! This work has a price. Saving souls has a price. Anyway, I digress…
The roads were very winding and I had to constantly verify between my Iphone’s GPS, her big old-school folded map and the systems NAVI and of course there are always a billion things to manage in this work. The most wonderful blessing (that came out of a very difficult situation) happened about halfway into the first leg of our run. We were somewhere out near Renfrew county about two hours outside of Ottawa. We were not far from cottage country (Bancroft) and Rachel said, ‘I see a blonde boy with curly hair, a teenager’. GRAPHIC WARNING: This poor kid was killed because he stole a banana and a pear from someone’s house out there in the country in 1941. The man hit this boy over the head with a piece of wood and knocked him out and killed him and then chopped him into pieces so he could bury him more easily. That’s all I will say. I could go on and on about the state of the world at present; the sickness of humanity and the well deserved impending wrath on humanity; but I’m sure you know where I would go with it. The good that came of it was that we now have another teenager to add to the family. We don’t know his original name but everyone in his town called him “Mario”, after the famous singer of the 1930s and 1940s, Mario Lanza. This boy liked Mario Lanza so much. Mario was born in 1928 but his parents both died shortly after he was born and he had no brothers or sisters either. Mario was raised by the people of his town. He was taking the fruit for his survival. Some of my kids went to meet him and let him see that it was okay to come with us and also his angel encouraged him to let go of the anger and trauma that was caused when this man murdered him. I’m sure it will still take a while to get over all of this but this is yet another example of why souls that were killed in trauma do not go straight to judgment. They still have their free will and cling to the spot where a great tragedy was done to them. If we cannot let go of things while we are alive, we are the same after we die. If God wiped it away from us it would go against our free will. Mario obviously had let some of it go or else the Lord would not have led us to him. After finding out a little more about him I searched my Iphone’s play lists and found some Andrea Bocelli and Josh Groban and the kid was singing along with ‘The Prayer’. Rachel was crying because she could hear him sing and he really sang like an angel. We were ALL crying because the words of the song were so fitting. The boy had been yearning for peace for almost 80 years. He had such a struggle for the short 13 years of his life and it ended in such a sad way.
“Let this be our prayer. As we go our way. Lead us to a place. Guide us with your Grace. To a place where we’ll be safe…
Let this be our prayer (echo)
Just like every child (echo)…needs to find a place. Guide us with your grace. Give us faith so we’ll be safe…
If you wish to see a video with this song go to Youtube here…
Rachel said his voice was like a feather, so smooth. All the kids in the car were staring and listening to him sing with their mouth hanging open. After that he asked if he could also have my last name and then I responded that I would be so honored to have him join the family. I told him that my father’s name is John Mario Aldorasi so he had company. Usually at this point of getting their history we also ask the Lord when their birthday is and what their favorite food is so we can celebrate. His birthday happens to be July 4, 1928. I don’t often get their year, the day is enough and thank the Lord, there are so many kids that share birthdays, especially in July and December that I don’t actually have to eat over 200 McDonalds ice cream cones or eat 200 pieces of cake. But we do light at least that many candles each year.
If I have time I’ll put a short video of the nice views we drove through shortly before learning of Mario. I will put it in the video section of the blog. Okay, here it is…its called ‘nice views’
Often we hear these nice mottos and scripture passages like, forgive and forget, and ‘He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12)’. In my frustration and fear I refused to go back the route that He planned, and shortly after feeling remorse I asked her to ask the Lord and He said, “it is forgiven and it is forgotten”. Things like this happen often where the Lord says things to Rachel that put meat on the bones of all the ways I’ve understand the nature of the Lord before. It makes Him so much more real to us.
Thanks again for the prayers. After writing this in stages, I now know already at this point (3:30pm Monday) that they fixed the car and we are going to pick it up now and hopefully drive the rental back to the airport.
Day 11 – April 9
Yesterday we were able to get the car fixed by 3:30 pm. We went with the rental car to the dealership than Rachel had to drive her car and follow me to the airport. It was very close so not a big deal. Amazing news is that although the car was around 200 to fix, that’s the price I guess for helping souls. We have not met yet with the mechanic, Sal, from Canadian Tire. We still have to tell him that it would be best for him and his ancestor to forgive the man who tortured this ancestor of his. By forgiving him it will free not only his ancestor but will have a good effect for him as well since he is directly in his lineup. Back to the car rental…because we were able to bring it back before 7pm, we got 250 dollars back. We were so happy to get our car back and it was as good as new. The dealership treated us really well and was fair with the assessment and charges.
At this point it was already 5:30 or so and we still had a lot of driving to do. The work doesn’t stop just because the cars do or because we are exhausted or being attacked from all sides. We went south for a while into the middle of the county and then headed straight east towards the Quebec border. We had done some of these roads before when we did the cross and it was the same day we ran into the atheist trucker with the three girlfriends. We headed along the 401 west into Cornwall because by then it was around 8pm or so and we wanted to have a decent dinner for once, something other than McDonald’s hamburgers. We went to Boston Pizza and had a nice dinner but we were there for like an hour and half so we had to get moving. Up to that point we had not even gone halfway in our journey. We still had to head well past the point where I threw a ‘hissy fit’ the night before and go over that same coverage and tie up part of that chain. So we went almost to Kingston and then headed up in a North-East direction on Highway 15 which brought us back in a diagonal fashion towards Ottawa. It was already past midnight when we started this last leg of the journey. The night before we had traveled over 700 kilometers and it would have been more if I didn’t go against what God originally wanted. Last night I didn’t dare try to bargain and we ended up doing only around 500 kilometers. It doesn’t seem like a whole lot but when you take smaller highways you can’t go too fast and even on the 401, the Lord won’t let me do more than 115 km/h. The reason is because He is going back and forth over the lands that we pass. He goes north of the highway and then back south of the highway, collecting souls, fighting off demons and rolling up negative forces and chaining up huge beasts along side all the angels and archangels that were assigned to this work. These entities cause sickness and confusion and murderous proclivities when those of us in the land of the living, come into contact with them. For example, the traffic accidents, road rage and also even weather conditions that make driving dangerous. So if we drive too fast, because he is using our suffering and efforts and our free will, if He cannot get it all done then we will have to go back to that spot. In some cases, when the demonic forces are violent, then Jesus will authoritatively send it away. When we were writing this, Jesus clarified some of it to Rachel. He said: “Demons from hell you don’t reason with them you get rid of them as fast as possible; (my words – the archangels will put a net around them and then they drag them to the unknown. All under the direction of Jesus of course, these worst ones are from universe one). But, if they are demonic forces from universe two, then you can reason with some of them and it takes longer. Some times these things have to be chained up, or put in a net or both. When I asked her to ask the Lord if this was okay so far He said: “Do not forget, that I am the Way the Truth and the Life, says the Lord”.
One of my many jobs as well is to be the DJ. If I put the rosary on for too long then every one passes out. So, the majority of the time is rosary tracks, but we also put praise and worship and some Christian contemporary stuff. Once in a while I put testimonies and talks by people like Dr Scott Hahn, Fr Larry Richards, Fr Michael Schmidt etc. Last night we heard the testimony of a woman named Kitty Cleveland. She has a wonderful testimony about hearing the call and staying faithful even amidst the trials and tribulations that ALWAYS COME. I mentioned all this because I obviously want to recommend you listen to her testimony called, “God will provide” but I also want to quote something she brought up from the diary of Saint Faustina of the Divine Mercy. I actually pulled the car over and while listening to it, dictated it into my phone. It goes like this…”If God sends such great suffering to a soul, then He will send an even greater grace although we are not aware of it. One act of trust in such moments is worth many hours of prayer. It hit me like a ton of bricks because I’m so OCD about making sure I finish a rosary when I start it but then when God asks us to do something that I don’t like, I buckle like an accordion. What this passage of the diary says to me is that, if I would just accept what the task is, without rebelling or grumbling, that would be worth more than three hours of rosaries or Divine Mercy chaplets. ‘One act of trust in that moment’ instead of bargaining for a shorter route home, is worth more than all these acts of piety that I hoped to recite; this sums up the Divine Mercy devotion I believe in its entirety, JESUS I TRUST IN YOU. I also recommend Vinnie Flynns’ talk called, ‘the Seven Secrets of the Divine Mercy’.
So, we got home around 2:30am but I was so wired that I couldn’t get to sleep til after 4 or so. Thank God we are not doing a big job today (Tuesday). Thanks again for all the prayers and please pray for all the intentions of this work. Please also pray for all the intentions of the people in this ministry and the intentions that weigh heavily on the hearts of those who are in solidarity with us.
Ps. Last night we had a really close call again while driving on a country road. This rabbit came out of nowhere and ran right in front of us and then I went right over it. This one was beige and not white like the ones from before. Of course I tried to stop and swerve but it went right under us. It was such a commotion again and I said ‘for sure that was not an angel this time’. Rachel was told from the Lord that it was not an angel but that it was just a confused rabbit and it was fine, we went right over it without touching it. Then an hour later when we went to get ice cream cones at McD’s, there was this huge rabbit statue in the parking lot.
Thanks and God bless,
Day 12 – April 10, 2018
I bet you think I’m going to tell you that we drove for miles and miles. Well, just like I said yesterday ‘as a DJ I like to change it up a bit’, I guess the Lord does as well. Yesterday we spent our afternoon and evening at a mall, instead of ‘on the road as usual’. I think I’m going a little nuts with the ‘quotation marks.’ It was the St. Laurent Center and not really a fancy one just a normal mall. If there’s someone that’s reading this that is newer to the emails and not as familiar with what happens on these trips, we do in the mall the same thing that we do when we go driving around. IN other words we pray and the Lord cleanses the area of spiritual ‘junk’. Spritual junk could mean anything from demons, beasts, pools of negativity or tar, soil, sand, evil spirits and souls that should be put on the path either to go up or down. We spent a big chunk of the time in the Hudson Bay department store (for those non Canadians reading, it is like a Sears or JC PENNY’s but our Hudson Bay goes back to the 1700s). Rachel could barely get into the store before she went from pushing her walker to soon occupying it. It was like a wave of negativity hit her as she entered the department store. Just like we did at the Nordstrom’s when we were in Vancouver (May and December of 2016) last time, we had to walk around each department and section and each floor. Thank the Lord there were only two levels. We then made it into the main corridors and went straight to the food court. It was already around 6:30pm or so and sat and had dinner. It was two kids’ birthdays so we asked what they wanted and got a variety so they would be happy. I know there are some of you who love to hear about food so I’ll elaborate. Sheila had a NYF hotdog and Rachel had a platter from the Italian place and had meatballs rice and salad. I had a BURRITO FINALLY! I finally had a burrito after around 2 months and it was such a relief to have the kids ask me to eat something I really wanted!!! The older boy whose birthday it was wanted it. His name is Alfonso and we got him from Pasadena when we spent a month in Southern California in Sept. 2014. This boy was originally from the Phillipines but through horrific events was brought to California. We got his soul there and he is around 13 or so. He even told us which little town he was from; it is/was between Pasay and Makati in south Manilla (from the 1880s). He had run away from his abusive parents and then was snatched at the port and brought on a ship to the states via Singapore and Egypt. I bring him up because I wanted to share about what the older kids that are adopted occupy their time with and these kids are so rejected I am sure they are beaming when we talk about them. Some of them are around to help with all the smaller kids, toddlers and babies. But many of the teenagers are put to work outside of where we live. They often go off and do a job and then come back to visit. When we go to heaven or are working our way up to heaven, there is lots of work to be done. But it is different than the usual work because once we die we want to please God and serve Him in a more pure and earnest way. Once we get to Heaven then it really isn’t ‘work’ but more like a past time and always making an effort to help others reach Heaven. So, back to Alfonso; this particular job right now is to be around a family in Afghanistan. He prays for them and when things go awry he reports to their guardian angels. Alfonso is also being evaluated and is working his way up higher and higher. The guardian angels are always writing in their person’s book of life (see the addendum section at the end of update). Many of the older kids have jobs like this and it was new even for us yesterday when I found out what his job involved.
*The Lord told Rachel to add this as I was reading it back to her: He said ‘These kids can only do this job once they have gone above the dome of water which is basically already almost in Heaven (in the Third Universe). They have not reached the ‘Gate to Heaven’ yet but will soon make it there.
After we had finished eating and started to walk around covering all the area of the food court, Rachel and Sheila took advantage of using the facilities. I could have written this entire entry while they were in there but I found out when they came back that something happened. While she was in the bathroom the Lord said to Rachel, “there is a soul here who I want to put him on the path but he has to stay with you. Do you accept?” After Rachel said ‘yes’, she saw the soul of a man who was dressed like ‘Davy Crockett’. His name is Joshua and he was falsely accused of murder around 250 years ago. He was from Upper Canada during the fur trading times and it was not even Canada yet. Someone said that Joshua murdered another person and the law falsely accused him. He spent 10 years in jail and there is a recording of him talking about his experience when he spoke to Rachel once we got back to the hotel. He died in jail because the conditions were atrocious and he didn’t eat and he wasted away. He spent so much time being angry and unforgiveness polluted his heart. God allowed him to wander the land because if he would have gone to judgment right away he would have gone to the underworld. Unforgiveness is such a serious weight that pulls people down and ties the hands of the Lord who wants to free them. It is a heart-wrenching message and I urge you to hear him out because it applies to all people at all times. In my opinion, the hardness of heart that Jesus speaks about so often in the Scripture is brought about by unforgiveness and bitterness and envy. We see it in Cain who killed Abel, and the brothers who were jealous of Joseph and his dreamcoat, and the older brother of the Prodigal Son. I linked this message in the ‘important media’ page of the blog. You just click ‘4. Joshua – innocent prisoner’’ at the bottom of this page…
When we got home after driving around and dispersing all the stuff gathered in the mall Rachel started to feel really sick and like she wanted to tear off her skin. We had to turn on the air conditioner and that’s the whirring noise in the voice recording of this man (link is above).
We also got the cake and candles ready for Alfonso and Julietta’s birthday. Julietta is a tiny little baby who was thrown over Niagara Falls by a mentally ill older sister who was jealous of the attention the parents were giving her baby sister. We lit the candles then had the cake and watched another interesting episode of Father Brown. Maybe on another update or in some other fashion, there will be an explanation of what it means to ‘disperse’ these demons and beasts etc after we go ‘cleaning’. We take for granted that everyone is on the same page and at the same point in the learning curve but that’s what I hope the blog will be used for to explain these things. There will be a section to ask questions and put new messages and teachings and also explain things along with the emails. Just like in the ‘real world’ people get their news in many different ways, whether it is watching the news or reading the paper, listening to the radio while driving to work or checking their phone or tablet etc. In the same way we are trying to cast more than one net so that the Lord’s work can be known and understood in a more expansive way. Many people will misunderstand and read into it the wrong intentions but at least there will be more chances to spread the Truth.
Thanks again for all the prayers. Please keep this soul Joshua and all those falsely accused, all the aborted and murdered souls of children, and all the intentions of those of the greater Gate to Heaven Community.
Of course again we asked and He said “SEND IT AS IT IS”.
In the Woman of the Seven Stars book about Heaven Hell and Purgatory that we finished a while back, Rachel was shown by the Lord that the Angel shows the person either a red book, a white book or a black book (red for purgatory, white for heaven and black for hell and below). You can refer to it on page 164 called “THE THREE BOOKS OF JUDGMENT”. If you don’t have a book yet you can refer to this link…
When you are presented with this book it contains everything that the soul ever did, good and bad, and written by that souls guardian angel.
Revelation 20:11-15--> And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat upon it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne; and books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of the things which were written in the books, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead that were in it; and death and Hades gave up the dead that were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works.
Day 14 – April 12, 2018
Yesterday was a sluggish day and we recouped some of our energy and time and spent a while with the update as you can obviously deduce it was a mammoth entry.
I included the map with indicators of the progress of last night’s shorter job. The Lord told Rachel just before we left ‘just like you went to the mall the other day, now you are going to go on the other side’. So last time we went to the Hudson Bay Company and the St. Laurent Center, this time we were to go on the west side of downtown called the Westgate Mall. Not sure you could call it a mall other than by the fact that it had a few stores, it was indoor and there were benches to sit on. It had a few places that were open but at least half of the stores were closed down and waiting to be leased and a bunch of other were already closed by 6pm. We were happy because it meant less ground to cover. They looked at some nice dresses at some stores to kill time and to pray within most of the stores. We spent a few hours and covered the entire length of both hallways and then around 8pm the Lord told her that ‘we still need to stay til it closes at 9pm’. We went to a place called Rockin’ Johnny’s Diner. It was a bit funny because the night before that we went to ‘Jonny Canucks’. Feel free to read into it as much as you want. The problem is, my brother is most likely not even reading this anyway!!! Sorry, that was too self-serving;…back to the task at hand.
We stayed for the ‘all day breakfast’ (told you I love ‘quotation marks’). We closed the place and watched the Leafs lose to the Bruins in a painful way and then had to linger in the parking lot for a bit. Rachel had in her head the dumpsters in the back and kept trying to get me to go where the garbage was. Rachel said that when there are a lot demonic spirits especially murder (body dump) other spirits will often congregate as well, like anger, poverty, mental illness, infirmity, and all these things contributed to the decline of the mall and area. There was a big mental health facility right beside it as well. Once we circled around, she said that there had been a body dumped in that large bin years ago and the soul was still there. We left shortly after and headed west along the waterline to the second spot, which is on the map. I won’t put the name of it because you can just see it on the map (it is indicated as shady spot) and I don’t want it showing up on any boolean or search engines because I want to continue to pretend that I am flying under the radar. Watch the movie Snowden on Netflix if you don’t believe me.
I write in this cloak and dagger manner because the next place we went to was a drop off spot where pimps would bring their ‘workers’ and ‘johns’ together. They would also ship off some that were traded to other pimps etc. It was also a place where drugs were sold, 100 yards away from the local sailing club. She saw the soul of an eight year old boy with darker skin, probably from South America, and he was being man handled and forced into a car because he was a slave in a sex-trafficking ring. He was wearing nice white pants and a nice shirt and Rachel said they dressed him up nice because than he can fetch more money. Then the saddest thing ever happened. She was told by the Lord that the boy was not ready yet to be put on the path and had to stay wandering the earth. Maybe in the hopefully-near-future, the kids (the spiritually adopted ones) will come and tell Rachel that this boy is ready to join the fold. We felt so bad for this boy but God has a plan and His timing is not our timing and we cannot pretend that we are more merciful than God. I’m sure it breaks the Lord’s heart more than all humanity combined but we do not know yet why he is not ready (Isaiah 55:8-9)
8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.)
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.)
Maybe he has not let go of the trauma yet or there is more involved, I am just speculating.
At least now I can pray and ask the kids to pray for that specific child and for all of us to pray in a general way; ‘for all the lost souls wandering the earth, that they may find peace and God’s will be done in their lives’.
After that we drove for a little while and then came home and watched some Netflix.
Thanks again for all the prayers,

Day 15 – April 13, 2018
Yesterday again, we had a late start but it ended up being an intense five-hour job. One of the many themes of this ministry is ‘My ways are not your ways’, as you know I have quoted many times from Isaiah 55. I bring this up because whenever we do the work, it is almost always NOT about arriving at a certain destination but rather the journey. If you think in worldly ways, we often think, ‘ok this will be the best and efficient way to get there’. I say this because we took every county road and side road (all paved though THANKS BE TO GOD) to get through the route we were going. My guess is that if we were to just take 416 down, 401 across then 15 up to 7 then 417 home it would have been probably a 3-hour night instead of five hours. But, He has His reasons and ways and sometimes the hardest thing to do is just obey. All He is really asking of me is to go left when He says ‘left’ and right when He says ‘right’, RIGHT? It seems really simple! BUT, I think I am like many people and we want to do ‘extra’ even in spite of the fact that God is only asking something simple of us. Just like Peter when he tells the Lord to wash his hands and face also. There was this guy in the Bible who was a great Captain in the army etc and he got leprosy and someone told him that the Prophet Elisha could heal him (I didn’t know the reference until after I googled it).
Basically, the gist of the story is that, this proud Captain, Naaman, was told by the messenger of the prophet Elisha (who was the successor of the prophet Elijah) that all he had to do was wash seven times in the river Jordan. Of course, Captain Naaman, being proud and ‘extra’ said to his servant, ‘doesn’t he know who I am, and he just sends a messenger instead of meeting me himself? And surely I could have washed in the great rivers where I live and not the tiny little Jordan river?’ The servant of Naaman, said “if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? How much more, then, when he tells you, ‘Wash and be cleansed’!” 14 So he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy.”
I thought of that last night when I was just blindly following whatever the Lord told Rachel. Also, the less control He gives me, the more challenging it is to be obedient. Just like when I was in the priesthood for 8 years, we took a vow of poverty, chastity and obedience. Everyone thinks that being chaste is the most difficult. Then after that, because we live in such a materialistically obsessed capitalistic society, they think that poverty is unbearable. But, actually the hardest thing to let go of is our will, through obedience. And it should be EVEN EASIER in this ministry because I am obeying GOD HIMSELF, not just some priest or bishop who is acting on behalf of the Lord. Last night brought all of this back to me. This is where the ‘hardness of heart’ that the Lord speaks about starts to dig in and spread out its roots and make you see everything through the eyes of ‘that’s not fair’ or ‘why would God allow this?’. This is exactly what I was referring to (I include myself) when I wrote the ‘long one’ about our childhood experiences affecting the way we see every day life and that it’s the hardest thing EVER, but we can change our behaviour by choosing to change the way we think. Rachel says it in her own way and I’m sure we’ve all heard her say to us ‘you have to make a decision’. This is exactly right in that we have to use our free will to change the way we think and see things. I was literally PETRIFIED last night. There are a few out there that have driven in these conditions for the ministry and even then you probably weren’t scared like I was. I have one finger reaching for the highbeam because it is pouring rain, it is pitch black on these country roads. I have another finger adjusting the radio, another finger adjusting the magnification of the GPS so I know when the turns are coming up because I’m either being blinded by oncoming lights or the fog and rain. It was only about an hour with these terrible conditions but when you don’t know how long it will last, it is almost unbearable. I was literally praying through the beads saying ‘even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil’. Then on the ‘Glory Be’ beads I just said ‘Oh My Jesus, forgive us our sins’. I found out later that around that time Rachel was being taunted and attacked by Satan himself and he was saying ‘go away, I cannot work with you here’. When I saw the red line on the GPS, which was Highway 7 (a federal highway), and Rachel said we can take it, I started saying ‘thank you Jesus, Thank YOU JESUS’, like I just won a lottery or something. I guess you can’t really believe it unless you are there because it seems so simple right? Its just driving, every body does it and it should be even easier than that because I am told exactly where to go? I guess this just demonstrates the invisible but palpable opposition from the enemy that we feel when we do this work and the need for all of us to pray for each other and pray against the spreading of the enemy’s grasp.
Another quick example of how ‘God’s ways are not our ways’ is when it comes to money and the effort that God goes through even just to save one soul. Here’s a perfect example… A while back Rachel had to go with Jeanne to Florida and Jeanne had a friend who literally gave their house up for free to use. Instead they ended up having to spend thousands of dollars on a hotel in Jacksonville, Florida because “God’s ways are NOT our ways”. A lot of the time, the money spent, is used as a collateral against the debt we owe God for ransoming His Son for our sins. There are many times like this where it doesn’t make sense in ‘our’ way of understanding and this is why obedience is so much more necessary than sacrifice and piety and any other virtue. In this ministry, of course sacrifice and prayer and fasting etc. are very important but because we are in such a dangerous time, obedience is the best way we can show the Lord that we are united to Him and His plan. Many times people come to Rachel and often it is just a simple response, ‘do the three prayers’. But we are too much like Captain Naaman (I include myself in this) who didn’t want to wash in the Jordan river because he wanted to do something ‘extra’. But often the response from God is just ‘keep doing the three prayers’. These days, the safest place for us to be is at home where our repetitive prayers ‘clean’ the house and make it the safest and most effective place to pray. We do not know who or ‘what’ will show up when we go to a prayer meeting or a healing mass etc. They are not as safe as they SHOULD be because all hell has broken loose. Places like that SHOULD be safe and they ARE safe but we don’t know what people bring with them when they go there. This is yet ANOTHER example of how the ministry teachings of the Lord seem to fly in the face of everything we have ever understood before but that is what the Lord is calling us to. He is calling us to discern but most of all to be obedient. We can’t always call Rachel to ask the Lord but when in doubt the Lord does lead us through the rosary, Mass, confession, and with the three prayers we can’t go wrong.
After reading this to Sheila and Rachel there was definitely more to add and to clarify:
In theory there is nothing wrong with going to prayer meetings and Healing Masses etc. but I cannot stress this enough: ALL HELL HAS BROKEN LOOSE. This is not just an expression! And things are much worse now than even 5 years ago. When you go to Mass or to a prayer meeting usually the environment is relaxing no? It is prayerful and we go there to ‘release’ our baggage and ‘junk’ and in result we open ourselves up. When we open ourselves up we are usually lowering our defenses as well. You cannot ‘open yourself’ and keep your defenses at the same time. For example, you can be sitting beside someone who is also opening themselves up, and they just came from doing yoga or just drove on a road that had lots of violent spirits and disorder. You might feel okay while you are there at Mass, but then when you come home, you wonder why you got so much road rage and are so disturbed that your child didn’t do the dishes. You might also open yourself up and YOU are the one who gives your negativity to the person beside you.
Sheila was reminded of last year’s Mass of Pentecost. She felt like the Holy Spirit came over her and felt euphoric and on cloud nine. Then she went to Rachel and told her ‘I received the Holy Spirit at Mass and I haven’t felt like this for a long time’. Then Rachel told her ‘I’m sorry but it was a deceptive demonic spirit that would’ve really harmed you’. Because Sheila was at Rachel’s shortly after this Mass, the Lord took it off of her before it really did any damage. There are tons of examples like this and that is why it is always better to be safe than sorry. I’ve said this before but St Paul of the Cross, who was a mystic himself said, ‘if you gathered 100 who identified themselves as mystics and prophets, there would only be 1 out of the 100 that is truly being used by God’. And St Paul of the Cross, the founder of the Passionists, said this over 300 years ago, imagine what it is like now!
Please don’t get us wrong. The Mass is the highest form of prayer and adoration is absolutely one of the greatest gifts the Lord has given us. But, we are just saying, to know what you are getting into and be conscious of the spiritual environment, wherever you go. If you are at work and you see back-biting and fighting, rebuke that spirit of anger and quarrelling and be constantly aware that this is all a spritual battle. Always put on the armor of God, wash yourself in the Precious Blood of Jesus. The more you can recognize the enemy and how he works, the better you can protect yourself and your family. And the home front is always the best place of defense. You can control the home environment more than you can any public place with your constant prayer.
You can go to all those places but you have to spend a lot of time in prayer and you can disperse those spirits yourselves through prayer. But you have to have a safe place to do this. A place that is cleaned ‘spiritually’ regularly and there’s no place like home. You have to truly be open to God.
Day 16 – April 14, 2018 – 5 days to go.
Yesterday we went to the Rideau Center, which is the downtown main mall. Just like we did the other day at the other malls, we had to walk through all the corridors and spend significant time covering each of the departments on each of the floor. The Hudson Bay had four floors so that took a long time. We rented a wheelchair at the guest services and Sheila pushed Rachel’s walker because it was a lot of walking and it was a long night. I checked my walking app later on and it showed 7700 steps. It’s a lot for me I can’t even imagine how exhausting it must have been for Sheila. We tried to rest a lot but we had to cover so much ground in only 4 hours before it closed. We did all the Bay four floors first and then covered a bunch of different corridors and then went to the Food Court. That was the highlight for me because I rarely get to have Chinese food from the Mall. Sheila had a hot dog and Rachel got to have a lamb souvlaki dinner from Jimmy the Greek! We stayed in the food court at least an hour and the Lord continued to work along with sending out his angels to speed up the work. We walked around after the food court through the three levels of Nordstrom’s, and then returned the wheelchair and drove a short time around the streets of downtown Ottawa to collect and disperse all the stuff from the mall and whatever ‘new’ stuff we collected while dispersing the mall stuff. After about an hour or so Rachel said ‘okay you can set the GPS to go home’. We relaxed and watched extra videos of Father Brown because we knew that we had to stay home on Sunday (today). He said ‘you will have the day off’, but I’m finding out now why.
The Lord is actually working now (Sunday afternoon) in her room first and then in the plaza across from our Hotel and the archangels are still chaining up the beasts that they dragged away from the mall. Around 1 am last night she was having this major attack and we had to turn the air conditioner on again and she had the feeling like she wanted to tear off her skin again. She had the same exact episode the other day when Joshua (Davy Crockett) was talking to her and wanted to relieve himself of this unforgiveness and anger. This suffering and sin has to be paid and in this most recent attack, she was still dealing with all that was collected from the mall. So, yesterday’s work is really continuing into today and that’s why we are room-bound (there is a storm outside as well). She sees in the plaza below that the archangels are cutting up this huge beast into pieces to be chained and dragged away into the underworld. She was also sick last night because Neptune was attacking her; YES, Neptune, the roman god of the water with the pitchfork (the Greek equivalent is Poseidon). In mythology, Neptune was given the water and was the ill tempered and had a violent disposition. Earthquakes and violent sea storms are associated with this roman god and they are real in the spiritual. I think there was a mention of this same type of demonic spirit, Neptune, when Rachel was with Jeanne and Aida in New York City. I think they took a ferry as well in the East River or Hudson River and I remember reading about Neptune. Rachel sees him like a mermaid but a man and much bigger. There is always more than just one of these types of demonic spirits or beasts. For example, if we say Neptune, that’s just our way of saying that it was a demonic spirit that controlled the waters and there are many of them.
Then all of a sudden God said to Rachel:
“Do you know how many pieces of the babies were thrown in the river (Ottawa)? There have been so many abortions in Canada because of the evil that started here in Ottawa. God was also showing her that there are pieces of adult bodies in the bottom of this river. Neptune was in control of this whole river.
Some of these beasts from the mall had the same shape like a smelt but they were as big as a bus. There were a few that were ‘gorilla-like’ in shape with black fur. There were so many other demons and curses and beasts and all types of negativity. I think it might be better to understand that there are different species within the evil kingdom. In our own world we have things like birds and apes and wolves and horses then a little lesser like insects and fish and then even lower like plankton and coral reefs and even lower like bacteria and amoeba etc. I think there is an evil version of all these things and that’s what Rachel sees when she says things like ‘there are demons and beasts and pools of negativity and tar and excrement etc.’
Okay, this is just a thought of mine of how to make some sense of the invisible and make an analogy. Sometimes she says that she sees Jesus talking and reasoning with the demonic spirit. The other day (from Day 11) when Jesus clarified about different beasts or demons, He said this:
Demons from hell you don’t reason with them you get rid of them as fast as possible; (my words – the archangels will put a net around them and then they drag them to the unknown. All under the direction of Jesus of course, these worst ones are from universe one). But, if they are demonic forces from universe two, then you can reason with some of them and it takes longer. Some times these things have to be chained up, or put in a net or both. When I asked her to ask the Lord if this was okay so far He said: “Do not forget, that I am the Way the Truth and the Life, says the Lord”.
God said, “only God can reason with these entities, it is not for humans. Not even to go near them”. I am trying so hard and getting so frustrated because this stuff is so vast. I cannot capture the breadth of God with my tiny narrow-minded perspective; and to boot, all my brokenness, which absolutely negatively affects the way I see and understand God. With all that in mind, I will say, bear with me as I try to make some sense of what Rachel tells us. This is a work in progress, but how I see it is that some demonic spirits, that can include familiar spirits, ALL of these can be reasoned with by Jesus. However, in some cases, if they are TOO EVIL or TOO violent then He will send them away instantly. IN other cases he will reason with them because they have some claim on a soul that Jesus is ADVOCATING FOR. Remember that the Lord is our Advocate against the accuser, the enemy. When Rachel speaks about ‘BEASTS”, as opposed to demonic spirits or demons, I think that is a lower form in the hierarchy of the evil ‘kingdom’ and those are just chopped up or chained up and then put in a net to be dragged away by the angels and archangels. You don’t really reason with them just like we wouldn’t go up to a wolf, tiger or bear and reason with it. And then the even lower forms like powders of cement or pools of negativity like, excrement, tar etc. these are rolled up like bales of hay and dragged away to the unknown. There are angels and archangels that are specifically built for the work that they do.
Thanks again for all the prayers…
Day 17 – April 15, 2018
Yesterday we had to spend the whole day in the hotel because of the weather (ice storm). The Lord was also using our hotel as a home base to go out and work. Rachel has been pretty sick the last few days since the mall downtown with a sore throat and cough and dizzy.
This excerpt is originally from the message dated November 17, 2015
God said this: “The purpose of these trips is to take away the demons, the negative forces, and to cleanse the Earth so that people can live more at peace. Sins are controlled by demons. It is the demon that makes you sin (if we don’t fight it off). The earth is too polluted right now and that’s why we have natural disasters. The world is too polluted right now and it takes a lot of work to cleanse it. That is why I have to send you around very often to cleanse roads, farms, towns etc., whatever is possible. That is why you have to work a lot. It has to be done because the enemy is controlling the world. The beasts are very big and are everywhere. How did they get big? Humans made them big. All natural disasters are caused because of sin. I, your God prevent many of them with your prayers, but the sin of the world, the sin of humanity, is too great.
God said this: “The purpose of these trips is to take away the demons, the negative forces, and to cleanse the Earth so that people can live more at peace. Sins are controlled by demons. It is the demon that makes you sin (if we don’t fight it off). The earth is too polluted right now and that’s why we have natural disasters. The world is too polluted right now and it takes a lot of work to cleanse it. That is why I have to send you around very often to cleanse roads, farms, towns etc., whatever is possible. That is why you have to work a lot. It has to be done because the enemy is controlling the world. The beasts are very big and are everywhere. How did they get big? Humans made them big. All natural disasters are caused because of sin. I, your God prevent many of them with your prayers, but the sin of the world, the sin of humanity, is too great.
Now Jesus talking:
My Father waits and waits for one soul to come close to Him. But, it is so hard to get one soul, one soul…one soul that He gets, the whole Heaven rejoices. But it is hard, it is hard because they love the world; they love what other people say; because that’s what they want, they want the worldly way. Not the Godly way. And my Father suffers, to see His creation, His people, that He created each and every one of humanity. But they go astray, they turn their back on him. And my Father, my Father especially when they do things that are really bad and sinful, my Father has to turn his head away from there. He has to turn away because he can't even look at it. That's how bad the sin is. They are so free of themselves (they think) that everything is right, that everything they do is perfect everything they do is fine. No! NO! Everything is NOT fine. My Father created everything pure. And everything has to be good. He wants honesty, He
wants love, He wants peace, He wants joy. But people don't get it. They don't get it. They want to go their own way and my Father, because He trusts in himself and stands by His word, and he wants people to have their free will, he will not change that gift of free will that was given. He will not jeopardize the free will. So He allows them to do what they want. But I say, just like my Father, wake up sleepers from the sleep. What a deep sleep you are in, people of the world.
wants love, He wants peace, He wants joy. But people don't get it. They don't get it. They want to go their own way and my Father, because He trusts in himself and stands by His word, and he wants people to have their free will, he will not change that gift of free will that was given. He will not jeopardize the free will. So He allows them to do what they want. But I say, just like my Father, wake up sleepers from the sleep. What a deep sleep you are in, people of the world.
But my Father, my Father in heaven, He waits on you people, to come forward to him; to cry out to him, to beg him to forgive you. But you don't even have to beg, if you really gave me your heart, because as soon as you turn to Him, He forgets what you did and he already forgives you; because he loves you with an infinite love. Yes, an infinite love. How beautiful is his Majesty, at the big throne. Yes, the last throne, where He sits, He is majesty; the Almighty God. Yes, the Father of all Fathers; the Father who created all things. He created hell, He created heaven, He created this earth, yes. And all the planets, everything you see, He created it himself. No one, no one helped him. Yes, he created the angels and archangels, that He’s is in control of them so they can help him but it's all under him. Everything is from God, everything. There is no mother Earth. There is no other religion. But it's only God Almighty. Because He is the one and only one who can heal you. Who can give you peace, love and joy and who can forgive you and who can take you to heaven? Only God. Everything is through him, by God Almighty. There is no other source. And every sin has to be paid, every sin. There is no sin that goes unpaid. Every sin has to be paid. Yes he loves you, but you have to repent. That's what it's all about, to repent and to turn to him. With peace love and joy. He waits for you, not just now but forever and ever,
Amen! Amen! Amen!
Today we are staying in again and praying all day because the Lord is still furiously working on the outside, the inside and all over the Ottawa area where we have driven before.
Thanks for the prayers.
Day 18-April 16, 2018 (four more days and we’ll be home!!!)
As I mentioned in yesterday’s update, we stayed in again because the Lord was working here and in the area. There was so much work going on here locally and others within the ministry family, were experiencing a chaotic day so we united our prayers for these intentions and all the intentions on the list. At first the Lord told us not to even open the door. It felt like the old days (my experience) in the 1990s and people use to talk about ‘the three days of darkness’ and how you couldn’t open your curtains or answer the door because demons could be impersonating someone you know in distress etc. We weren’t scared or anything but there was a sort of nervous excitement and adrenaline rush because we knew the Lord was doing vast amounts of work at a furious pace and with great intensity. Of course, even in these situations, I test the Lord and pleaded with Him. It was around noon when Sheila told me what was going on. Of course I pleaded ‘again’ with Him because I knew that the new coffee is put out around noon and I wanted to get the fresh batch, but if I can’t leave the room than I can’t get the coffee… He said I could and that He would protect me BUT, not to be more than a few minutes.
The Lord was taking Rachel, in the spirit (its called bi-location) to places that she could recognize because we had just been there within the last few weeks. The Lord has done this with Saint Padre Pio and other mystics etc and Rachel says that sometimes she’s aware of it and sometimes she is taken while she sleeps (she does however always daily give her will to the Lord so her free will is not compromised).
She would say things like ‘do you remember the park where the boy was taken, I’m beyond there, or remember the place where we went to the drug store for the hairspray etc.’ So, we wrote down as she was talking and the Lord was working. She described it like this: She said that Jesus was ahead of her working and God was covering her with His light and for the first time she saw, the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove was flying beside her. She has seen Him in the form of the dove many times but this was the first time she saw all three while working in this manner. And at this swift pace, the angels and archangels, also working at a furious rate, were ascending and descending at the direction of Jesus. There were quite a few jobs that the Lord was doing but I’ll just mention three specific jobs that we wrote down in the book for record and I’m also including it here in the emails (which will also be stored for posterity).
1. She saw a baby, a toddler, around 1 years old, with reddish strawberry blonde hair, crying and sitting on the street near a crossroad. The parents of this boy were separated and weren’t paying attention. It happened in 1992 and the boy was wandering in the front lawn and someone took him and then left him in the spot where Rachel saw him. He was run over by a car and killed and this is the spot where he was crying. Then Jesus put His hand on his head to comfort him. The boy’s name is Mervin. His angel picked him up and brought him to the hotel room. We later asked about his details and he is now with us as an adopted soul and the angel is rocking him back and forth and is wrapped in a blanket.
2. Then she saw a young man, 32 years old (that’s young for her I guess), who was killed in cold blood, murdered for no reason in Bon Echo Park. He was robbed of his life, the Lord said and the angels took him and put him on the path.
3. Now she was near the Kawartha highlands park (below Algonquin park) – 235 years ago, a shooting where 10 were dead and a few that remained hurt. They took one and cut out the tongue. They were caught by surprise. There were two Indians and ten white people who were the murderers.
I know this sounds absurd but if you believe that the Lord can do all things and that God is actually talking to Rachel and using her in a profound way, then hopefully you can get on board with this as well. Actually, I know that a few of the veterans in the ministry have seen her when she was being used in the spirit. Here’s one instance; this is the event that happened to Marion in her own words: “About 15 years ago I was to meet Rachel at a Charismatic Rally being held in a hall in downtown Toronto near the U of T. I had come on subway and was to meet her where the rally was being held. I waited and waited for about 5 - 10 minutes and usually Rachel is always on time and not late. There were two sets of swinging doors where most people were entering and I saw Rachel pushing one of the swinging doors entering and I know it was her because you can always tell it's Rachel by her hair. I started to walk towards her and then she disappeared. I couldn't understand what was happening and I just walked back to where I was standing waiting. Within another 10 or so minutes Rachel came in through those swinging doors, this time it was really her. I asked her first of all what happened, why she was so late and she said she was having a really difficult time getting there (downtown Toronto is always difficult, lots of traffic) and finding a parking spot. I then related to her about seeing her 10 or so minutes before she actually came in and she said that it was her spirit and I should have started to pray right away as she was having difficulties (lesson learned). I also learned at that point about bilocation and started to read up on it and found that many saints, particularly Padre Pio had this gift and that I am not the only one who has seen her in the spirit. In many cases it is because she has given them a message (that they asked her for) and they have either rejected it outright or have not acted on what was in the message.” end message…
I have never had this happen to me (steve) and I know it’s a rare occasion and that’s why I am shocked to share the next ‘vignette’. About five years ago, my brother Mike who is a manager at a grocery store, called me out of the blue. He said that he saw Rachel in the checkout line but only saw part of her profile and then saw her walking out the exit. He KNEW it was her, but didn’t have a chance to catch up to her or verify that it was her. When he told me I said, WOW, because I knew that Rachel had gone to her hairdresser for the afternoon and evening and there’s no way she could have gone downtown as well. She told me later that yes, God took her spirit down there to do some work and that it was a gift to Mike to witness it because he has such a good heart. I met with him for wings later that night but I couldn’t convey to him how unique that was but I think he must have thought (my nutty brother, this wacky stuff probably happens all the time). He knows better now…
So, back to the room…We continued to pray, starting from noon or so and watched a few Masses, then prayed along with at least four of the rosaries from the EWTN video on demand. Then we did the Divine mercy and the Three Prayers and then tried to document all the occurrences. We had lots of leftovers so we were okay and then around 8pm or so we asked the Lord this time which movie we should watch (I hate that people turn every noun into verbs now…like what did you Netflix…I facebooked him, I’ll ‘verse’ you in Wii…etc etc- yes I know I’m such a snob!).
The Lord wanted us to watch Minority Report with Tom Cruise and it was quite a telling tale of the peril of wanting to create an Orwellian Fascist state (we have it already now with the Tyranny of Trudeau who will not allow free speech of anyone who opposes his liberal agenda). The gist of the movie is about a ‘precrime’ unit that uses three ‘precogs’ who have gifts similar to Rachel and then the precrime officers arrest the people who are ABOUT to commit the crime (which are in the visions of these ‘precogs’ at least a day in advance). But, this introduces the dilemma of removing free will. By the end of the movie we see that people are NOT predestined and that we have a choice. This is probably what God wants to say to us when we say ‘Lord why are you allowing all this murder and abortion etc’. Then He can say to us, ‘watch Minority Report’, if I take away all the crime and evil, then I have to take away your free will away as well. One is inextricably connected to the other. If I don’t have a free will to murder than I don’t truly have a free will. This is EXACTLY why bad things happen, because people ARE free to choose. But, it is also the only way to truly love God, most importantly. He wants us to choose him above other good things (family, security, success, vocation) and to love Him with all our being. Okay, you get the point.
Today we have to go far…WEST. I pray for good weather and the grace to not refuse Him.
Thanks again.
We asked the Lord if He wanted to add or for me to remove anything? He just said ‘Make sure you keep all the documents”. Hew said “its fine to send it”.
Day 19 – April 17, 2018
I’m still reeling from all the terrible news of yesterday, so I write this update with a heavy heart.
I’ll get the more clinical information out of the way first but I will also it was one of the more difficult days to drive because a good layer of snow blanketed some of the country roads that we traversed yesterday. The difficulty was more because it was that we drove straight for about four hours with only one stop for gas. Then we only stopped one more time for a bathroom break and got home around 2AM. It was around 10 hours of driving with about 700 clicks done but the mood was tense and filled with anxiety and fear. It was probably the second longest journey we’ve been on but I didn’t dare try to bargain this time to shorten our drive. Most of the roads we went on were county roads, paved thank God, but very winding and each side had very deep ditches so I had to be ‘white knuckling’ it most of the time.
The mood was intense because while on one of the particularly perilous roads, Rachel could hear that the enemy was trying to talk to her. She just rebuked it but I believe she knew already at that point that it was satan. It was well into the 8th or 9th hour of driving and Rachel was hacking up a lung with her dry cough and sore throat and there was tension in the car as well because I wasn’t aware the enemy was attacking. Also, just a few hours previous, I looked in the rear view mirror after Sheila tried to get my attention. I could see that she had received a disturbing text and with tears in her eyes she said, “Sierra tried to kill herself”. Her granddaughter has been struggling with substance abuse and depression. Sheila just told us that she received a text from her daughter saying that the granddaughter tried on Saturday to take her life but was released from the hospital and is now recuperating at home. We ask for prayers for Sheila’s granddaughter and for all her family. For about an hour or so after hearing this news, we pleaded with the Lord and Rachel asked for a picture of the girl and put her hand over the phone and begged the Lord to fill her with His love. God the Father heard our cries and gave a message and addressed Sierra by name. It is a sacred and private moment but Sheila of course is open and pleads for help and doesn’t mind that I write this. The part of the message that I will quote that is for all of us is like this…”come to me, YOUR FATHER. I am the Father of ALL fathers. Come and turn to me at any time and I will be there with you. I will never abandon you. I love you and I will never leave you. Speak to me when you wake up. Speak to me when you eat. Speak to me during the day. Call upon me before you sleep”. I recorded it with my phone and hopefully one day Sheila can send it to her granddaughter to hear it for herself. Please keep Sheila and her family in your prayers.
When it rains, it pours. About two hours after this terrible news, I got a text from my niece saying that she slipped on the ice and fractured her tailbone and bruised her hip and was brought to the hospital in an ambulance. Please pray for my niece, Nicole as well and let’s not give up on this fight against a rebelling enemy, who knows he’s lost and is just trying like a fish on a hook, to thrash about in defiance.
Oh, I almost forgot. Even amongst all this stuff going on we managed to go through the tiny hamlet farm town that Sheila grew up in around 50 km north of Kingston. The town is called Marlbank and it’s one of those, blink and you missed it, towns. We’ve driven near it and surrounded it in some way at least ten times in the last 8 years but this is the first time we actually went into the town. I also included a few pics and a video (Ill try) of the earlier, more peaceful, leg of the journey. We went through much of the same first part of the journey that we did the night that I refused to do what the Lord wanted. The ski slopes are in a place called Calabogie. The video is almost in the exact area where Mario, the 13 year old adopted boy, presented himself. And we have a few other of just the ice and a panorama etc. Can be found here…
Today we have to go out and surround the entire Greater Ottawa Area so please keep us in your prayers. We’ll be home in a few shakes of a rabbit’s tale. OHHHHHH, by the way, thank God we were going slow on those country roads, because at least three separate times we saw a family of deer up close. And I almost ran over a dead wild turkey (it was huge), but this time I was going slow and had no problem going around it. We also saw a little rabbit in the distance as well. Probably wasn’t an angel.
Day 20 – April 18. 2018
So, yesterday the Lord bargained with Rachel. He said that if we work really hard today and tonight (Wednesday) and get it all done, we wouldn’t have to do the rest on Thursday and we could have it off to pack and get ready etc. We had to do a huge chain around the entire greater Ottawa area. We can’t go too much higher than Ottawa because the city is perched on the south side of the Ottawa River (famous for white water rapids etc) and the city of Gatineau in Quebec is right across from the downtown area of Ottawa. We have driven across the bridge into Quebec a few times when we circled the Parliament and Supreme Court buildings and it was documented the time I posted about the big black spider in opposition to St Patrick’s Cathedral across the street. This time, yesterday we went a little further north into Quebec and then took one of their main highways (148) which goes west for a while and follows the winding Ottawa River. We traveled west on the Quebec side for about an hour or so then there was a spot where the river narrows enough to have a road built (Portage du Fort). I was so skeptical all the way there because I thought we were going to have to take a ferry like last time. There is also a damn and a hydro plant I believe (don’t quote on me as Rachel would say). It was at this spot where we took some video and pics of some friendly deer that came quite close to the roadway. I even through some of Sheila’s muffin to one of them and he ate some but didn’t come closer for the other pieces. I guess blueberry is not his thing. He looked like more of a scone type. Anyway, once we got across we had to start heading east again to pick up the road that would take us on the south quadrant of our big square. We already ‘sewed’ the work by doing the top left half of the square and now we were going to complete the entire left side of the square down (you will see from the map and the lines drawn on it). The Lord used the word to ‘sew it up’ because many different chains were started and overlapped throughout the 20 days of driving. Also, we have driven in Ottawa and in this area many times and we never know which part is sealed etc. I don’t even attempt to understand why and when and how He does it. When He reveals a little at a time and I can try to find things in movies or analogies then I ‘attempt’ to explain it. There are times where I get a little ahead of myself and He says things like ‘its not for you to know, OR, its MY ministry not YOURS, why are you worrying’?
Before writing this update I called Canadian Tire to see if we could meet up with Sal (if we could go see the mechanic) today. He is not in!!!! AHHH. So, we will have to see him tomorrow on our way out of the city after we’ve checked out of the hotel. God willing, or else the 500-dollar added expense of the car, would have been for nothing. I’m sure the Lord can still use it somehow even if we don’t manage to meet up with him. If you recall, Sal the mechanic from Canadian Tire has an ancestor who was tortured many generations ago. God allowed all these circumstances with the car because we had to meet this man Sal. This was really important to the Lord because he is directly linked through an ancestral tie or ‘lineup’. Sal has the authority as a proxy, to forgive the man who tortured his ancestor because of the very fact that he is IN this man’s lineup. I hope that he goes along with it because it will also benefit him but that is a lot to ask of someone especially when all this sounds nuts and is completely foreign to a normal person. Let’s pray we have the chance to catch him and that he is open to it.
Back to the journey…So, we went south for about an hour and half or so then stopped for some snacks at Tim Horton’s and used up the rest of the gift cards (thanks again, you know who you are). I got an ice cream cone for the kids at the McD’s across from the Timmy’s because I reneged the night before. I should really look into getting a soft serve machine for my apartment, I wonder if it will be cheaper this way? So, at this point it was already around 10pm and we did around 4 hours of journey. I knew that if we didn’t keep it tight, we wouldn’t get back before 1 AM at least, so I was a bit of a fascist when it came to potty breaks and gas etc.
Maybe in the future I will refer to what I am about to say, but for now I can’t explain it or make any sense…but here goes…It all happened when I diverted on one of the roads and went off course. We were going parallel with highway 43 but a few miles north and at that point she saw both Mother Mary and Jesus descend rapidly right in front of the car and there feet were only about 1 inch over the ground. I’m wondering if they did that so I would shake out of my stupor and realize that I was on the wrong road. Even with nincompoops like me, they are still so undeservedly gentle. But here’s the part where we’ll have to stick a pin in it and come back to it another day. She said that she saw a tornado/cyclone type thing that was pure light, and it was moving around all over the land and sucking up all the darkness and negativity (she says now that it was pools of liquid tar and excrement and this is usually an indication of witches in the area etc.). Then here comes the cool part…She saw that the angels that were working on the right side, had blue capes and things on their feet that were color coordinated. All the angels that were working on the left side had the same type of apparel but in green. The only sense I could get out of it relates back to what the Lord said in the Good Friday message on the day we left:
“ I will be with you in the car. I am on the left in the front in the back of the car. Your angels and archangels will come with you for three weeks. Yes, I will be with you. The winning battle will be with us.
Go with peace, love, joy. I am with you. Every time you go out, many souls are saved. Many demons are expelled out of the world because of you. Do not worry. We will do the work. When 3 pm comes, think of me. That is my death. Yet I was dead, I am alive forever and ever. Amen.
I’ll see you at 3 o’clock.
I have with me 250 Archangels, plus 50 angels that were built especially for this battle so that is 300 in all so there is nothing to worry about my Precious One. No demons will be allowed to come near, so my Precious One, get ready and go. “
What came to my mind is one of the Avenger’s movie, where all the superheroes are doing their thing each in their own way, in what seems like chaos, but it is all orchestrated with symphonic-like coordination. Even as she told me what she saw, I knew that I didn’t have to understand it all at once and that I could mention it but with the supposition that I could always come back to it hopefully one day in the future. I have found that as a human being I want all my things going on in my life to have starts and finishes and everything be in a neat nice pile before I move onto the next thing. With the Lord, of course there is Supreme Order and a Divine Plan, but he is ‘above’ time and space and my frustration is that He doesn’t consult me when He does stuff! I’m almost NOT kidding here!
Anyway, as I suspected, we made the right hand side of the square and it was almost midnight. We then had to do the second half of the top side from right to left (east to west) and seal up or finishing the ‘sewing’ thread just over the bridge of the Parliament into Quebec where we had started. That was our way of ‘tying off’ the stitch so that it overlapped and the ‘knot’ wouldn’t be undone (yes I had to Google that also).
So, as I write this, I am aware that it is probably my last update other than maybe a few days later I will let you know if it worked out with the mechanic. Thanks for your support and your patience with my narcissistic ranting throughout these updates. I can honestly say, that even though intentions are never 100% selfless, my goal is for you to see what I see and be as caught up as I am because we are witnessing it first hand. This is NOT like Scientology where every step is paid for with a price and every nugget of knowledge is for the select few who will pay the high price for it. God wants us all to know everything that is revealed and He gives it freely. My frustration is like that of a person who sees an amazing movie and their best friend refuses to see it or when they see it they are underwhelmed.
This is going out late but we are packing right now and getting ready to leave tomorrow. Thanks again for all your support.
Rachel and the gang.
When we asked the Lord if it was ready He said ‘you forgot some things’. First, referring to the liquid tar, two witches from that area, came back with Rachel and when she woke up this morning (Thursday) the room was filled with darkness and that liquid excrement. Then she saw that cyclone thing of light swoop in and suck up all this evil stuff. Then she saw a big angel come in also and take away these two witches. In that same area with the witches, there was an evil spirit of a ‘medicine man’ who was doing evil things. Last night he was dispersed as well.
I think He added this because I mentioned before that if I go too fast sometimes, not all of the work can be done in that moment. Sometimes, the Lord has to escort it back where Rachel is and it will be dealt with throughout the night and next morning. And now we asked Him if it was NOW ready to go He said ‘Yes, its ready but he has to have more patience”.
Day 21 – FINAL UPDATE (April 22, 2018)
We left around 11:30am from the hotel and went to a Cora’s for a nice breakfast/lunch because I had a sneaking feeling it was going to be a long day. I wont blather on about what we ordered but I will say that Rachel was already deep into a serious cough/cold/flu and she had a SERIOUS FIT OF COUGHING while we were there. It was so bad that when I sprang into action to get her a hot water with lemon, when I returned there was a young woman crouched beside her who was offering help because she is a trained paramedic/first aid worker. It was like 5-10 minutes of violent coughing and tears were coming down her eyes because of the force. I knew it was a spiritual attack but what could we really do except pray under our breath and apologetically wave off onlookers as if nothing was wrong. We found out later that a woman that sat not too far from our table had a ‘vampire spirit’ on her. Rachel was trying to describe her to us but I could not recall everything and everyone because a person can only pay attention to so many details unless you are Jason Bourne. She said the woman had a very white face but at her neck her skin was normal flesh color. I gather she said this to imply that the woman was ‘aiming’ to look pale or goth?
Anyway, by 1:30 or so we arrived at the Canadian Tire in order to speak to Sal, the mechanic. If you may recall, the whole incident with me running over a dead raccoon and causing 200 dollars of damage plus us having to rent a car for two days ($240) was all incurred EXACTLY SO THAT WE WOULD MEET WITH THIS MAN. I hate to conjecture what else it would’ve had to be if I had not contributed to highway 41’s roadkill count??? I hate to say that maybe a fender bender, whatever? This was probably the best possible scenario considering He didn’t consult me! So, we just explained to Sal that he had an ancestor who is wandering the earth and ready to forgive the man who tortured and killed him. The man who did it was also remorseful and awaiting release. After giving Sal a few modern examples of how doctors ask you if you have cancer in your background, I said that we have genetic heredity and also a spiritual inheritance that never goes away because every sin has to be paid to the last penny. He surprisingly understood and agreed readily and said out loud ‘I forgive this man’. Again, because Sal has a direct ancestral tie or lineup with this victim from the past, he was allowed to forgive on his behalf and it would benefit him as well. So, the Lord said that He was happy with the outcome and we went on our way on the longest possible way home imaginable!
By the time we got onto highway 17 which goes up at the very tippy top of Ontario’s perimeter with Quebec, it was around 2 pm or so. Just like in the States where you have Washington DC as the capital, Ottawa is our nation’s capital and one of our military bases, Pettawa, is within an hour driving. Just like many of the military, FBI, CIA (Quantico and Langley) are all within a 100-mile radius of DC we have our main military base within a reasonable distance of Ottawa as well.
We have mentioned Algonquin park many times in our other travels and as you can see from the map, (I will hopefully illustrate) you can see that it is massive and you have to either go along the top of it or cut through it to get to a highway that will get us home. About an hour before we got to where Highway 11 meets our highway 17, just to the south of North Bay, the Lord said to Rachel to tell me ‘to not get worried when we get to highway 11 that I am going to get him home in good time’. He said this I imagine, because He knew I was going to blow my top when we arrived at Highway 11 and instead of heading south to go home, we kept going on towards Alaska! I asked her to ask Him when we could start turning around and head towards home she said that He was not answering. I got even more infuriated and stepped on the gas in defiance and went up to about 160 km/h. We arrived in Sudbury around 8:30pm or so and in my mind I was already calculating that it wouldn’t be til at least 4 or 5am before getting home and I was rebelling and lashing out at God saying ‘that’s ‘getting home in good time’? Anyway, we stayed there about an hour cause I gassed up and we stopped at McDonalds AGAIN! It was actually the best Angus burger I’ve had yet even though I spilled Sheila’s coffee on my right sleeve and then 2 minutes later spilled my Coke on my left sleeve. I wanted to cry just out of exhaustion and frustration. After typing in the GPS for home I was pleasantly surprised that it was actually only about 4 hours rather than five to get home because we could go down 69 instead of having to go all the way back to North Bay. We dropped Sheila off around 2am and then finally Rachel got home around 2:30 or so. Just on the last day’s journey we did 1000 kms and that put the total travel distance to 6000kms for the three week job. I found a picture that shows the spiritual battle but it has some rays that have green and blue and made me think of the ‘superhero’ angels from the other update.
I’m so glad to finally be back but we literally hit the ground running and life doesn’t stop just because we were away. Thanks so much for the prayers and for all your moral support as well.
God bless you all and keep up the prayers.
When we asked the Lord if it was ready to send He wanted to add some more but I am exhausted and can only do so much so He allowed me to just send it like this…

Vancouver - May 2016
Vancouver Trip
May 13, Happy Feast of Our Lady of Fatima
Hello Everyone:
Yesterday was filled with struggles and many miracles both big and small. To get to the airport on time to get Rachel’s wheelchair arranged and our seats adjusted was tough. Because I was going on the trip this time, I couldn’t drive Rachel to the airport so I asked my dad. After getting to my parents by 9:15, we left got Rachel by 9:30 than off to get Sheila by 10 and we made it to the airport by 11, exactly 3 hours before our flight. The accessibility people at Air Canada were as always extremely friendly and helpful and we found out that our seats were right in front of the midway bathroom. So, although we couldn’t recline our seats for bumping into a wall, the bathroom was conveniently right there. Both Rachel and Sheila preferred the aisle so we all alternated. It was a pretty uneventful flight except for the bad turbulence.
When we got to the car rental place we had three cool miracles. Somehow by mentioning the CAA membership that my dad belongs to, we got an additional 10 percent off. Also, Rachel got to collect a whole bunch of air miles points and the kicker, we got a free upgrade from a Toyota Corolla to a Toyota Camry!!
We started on our way from the airport to the hotel and the great miracle was, God let us go straight to the hotel without having to take a detour from the airport to SASKATCHEWAN AND ALASKA like usual. We then got settled into our dive of a hotel. I can’t believe that this world has gotten to a place where a ‘budget’ hotel still costs 200 bucks a night!!!! There is no microwave, no fridge, which for people who travel with Rachel know what a nightmare it is because we like to buy fresh fruit and meeelk for the coffee, nuts and cheese etc. We packed dependent upon the fact that they had a washing machine and of course only the dryer works!!! Anyway, there have been many more miracles happening than struggles.
We didn’t really get much sleep but we have to go out driving today and get working.
More updates as we progress.
p.s. on a side note, it was exactly 35 years ago to the day when Pope John Paul was shot in St. Peter’s Square (which was a prophecy revealed to the children of Fatima and it happened on the anniversary of Mary’s apparition of May 13.
Day 2 - May 14,
Yesterday we started heading in the inner city called yaletown and gastown and all these little areas within Vancouver city. He took us down to some nice areas within the city. He made us stop right near a park where there were tennis courts and a river. It was a beautiful area and we had no idea why we were there, probably just the usual to pray and get bad stuff out of there. What ended up happening was a ‘session’ that Rachel does occasionally to guide a person through their trauma. Just sitting there on a park bench. Both Sheila and I are, like every one else I suppose, traumatized by events in our life and God was using this opportunity to guide me through some healing. Long story short I was treated badly when I was in the Salesians (A religious order within the Catholic Church for 8 years) studying to be a priest. I spent one of those years here in Vancouver and I have a lot of good but especially bad memories of my time here. God was addressing this through Rachel. God cares so much about removing mountains of demonic strongholds in cities but He also cares enough to remove the mountains of resentment and anger and hurt in our souls from the damage done by others. He wants all of His children to be free.
The more you are involved in the ministry, the more opportunities you will have to be set free and live your lives the way God wants us to. I still have to let go of the fact that I am not called to the priesthood and that those years were a preparation for a much greater call to serve in this ministry. Anyway, I only share these things because they can be applied to most of our lives, most of us ask ourselves, ‘am I really doing what God has called me to do’? Am I living a fulfilled life? The problem these days is that the enemy has distracted us from even asking any questions at all!!! We are too busy chasing happiness through our smart phones or renovations. One of the enemy’s greatest success has been to get us to become too self-involved, selfie-taking, selfish people and not thinking about the others anymore. We put up walls around our hearts, firewalls around our computers and walls on our borders. And we leave no room for God to get in.
So, we went driving throughout Burnaby (a suburb of Vancouver) and ironically we ended up in a very highly populated Vietnamese area (she just came back from 2 weeks in Vietnam!) We then spent around 2 hours in a dollar store to take out a gigantic beast with long straight horns like a deer. There were a lot of kids and families in this area and it could have done a lot of damage and caused sickness and danger. Then around 6 pm we went to a restaurant called ‘White Spot’ for a birthday dinner for my very special daughter named Veronica. She is one of the spiritually adopted girls (3 years old) that joined the ‘clan’. Of course we had to spend a bunch of time there because many families go to this place and it needed to be spiritually cleansed. Because Veronica said to Rachel earlier in the day, ‘wait til you see what I’m going to choose for dinner Daddy!!? We had to ask the Lord where He wanted us to eat. He said, “As long as it’s in this area, you choose the restaurant”. So we looked it up on line and found the White Spot just 1 block away.
After a while we went driving throughout the area and stopped in a grocery store for some supplies for the room. This area and our situation remind me a lot of when we were in Pasadena California. It is warm here now already and it hasn’t rained in a long time. There are fears of forest fires and draughts here as well. We got home around 10pm and there was so much raucous and chaos going on because we are literally in the heart of downtown. We are right beside a dance club and there are four bars within 50 feet of the entrance of our hotel. We decompressed and watched some tv and tried to help Rachel because she gets really sick from picking up all the junk in the area. All that is important to know from this is that we need prayers desperately and Rachel says she can feel that there is NOT ENOUGH prayer support. Other times she feels there is enough but it is especially difficult in this situation because no one is in contact with the other members of the ministry so often like any other social phenomena, everyone thinks that the other will do it. I’m asking YOU, who is reading this, for your own sake, please don’t just say a 2 minute prayer and think it will suffice. I know that many of you ARE already praying but I’m trying to reach out to you others in the ministry that have really dropped off the face of the earth when it comes to anything spiritual, you know who you are, I plead with you to cultivate a prayer life. This is not so that Rachel can do her work, yes it helps, but it is so that YOU can be saved.
As I read this to Rachel, as usual for approval from God, I was worried that it might sound too judgmental or angry, He said “leave it as it is, very well done. People have to know, people have to know!!!”
Day 3 – May 15
We started a little later than usual yesterday but made up for it by not getting home until almost 1 AM. We drove for a little while and ended up at English Bay following the land as far as we could go from the most West end of Vancouver. We continued to do loops all around in those neighbourhoods and dipped down all around the University of British Columbia campus, which is another bay. Although it is hard work nobody said that we can't enjoy the views while we do it. We can see the beautiful range of mountains across the water, which lead all the way up to the Gulf of Alaska. After a few hours some of these kids showed up, these children that were adopted spiritually, and they asked for a big favour. The girl who was asking is an eight-year-old girl named Barbara, who came into the fold with her six brothers and sisters when we were on the 26th day driving trip two years ago (May 2014). She is quite outspoken and said "daddy are you going to have a birthday party for me like you did for Veronica?" (we celebrated Veronica’s birthday just the day before). So after being put on the spot for a while she twisted our arms to get her some chicken McNuggets and we got coffee as well. By this point we were already in the south end of Burnaby and had been driving for at least three hours already. Barbara asked again ‘Daddy, can you do me a big favour’, and we were all scrambling to guess what kind of food it would be or what kind of favour it would be. Jesus confirmed with Rachel that he would like this as well and we found out that it was stirfry. In my opinion I think God uses these children to entertain us and to keep us going but also to reveal His plan for the work that we have to do. Later that night we ended up at a restaurant called Cactus Club Café, I believe, and their specialty was the stirfry teriyaki bowl. So although they probably wanted to eat this stirfry
He had told us earlier that we had to stay at the restaurant for a while. One of the biggest struggles I've been noticing is that to be true to yourself and to be true to God and to do his work no matter what, there is going to be people who think the wrong thing about you and will persecute you. For example the work is extremely difficult but when it is nice and there are nice mountains to look up at or nice restaurants that He makes us go to eat, people might think ‘oh look at them they're just having a ‘vacation’ wasting money being frivolous’ and if I paint a picture that it's all suffering then people think ‘working for God is so miserable and they never have fun or they never enjoy life’. Do you see what I'm getting at? Rachel has an expression that they use from their hometown, it says ‘come here and I stab you, run away and I’ll shoot you’. One of the biggest struggles that Rachelle has created for herself was to always keep a brave face and never let people know that she's suffering and she says always ‘I am fine, I'm fine’ and then because of this nobody supports her because they think she is fine. I can assure you there has never been a trip while I've been involved in the last eight years where it has not been very close or has lead to debts on the credit card that have to be paid when she returns. God has said many times and in many messages ‘nobody can stop this ministry, it has to be known around the world and that when you are giving to the ministry you're giving to me not to Rachel’. I wish people could just get over the fact that God is in constant dialogue with Rachel, period! And it’s not so that He can do parlor tricks or impress people. It is ALWAYS so that people’s souls can be saved and so that people can be set free by knowing the TRUTH. So, my experience is that people have to get past the messenger part, and focus on the message! Yes I believe Rachel is gifted but she would be the first to stress that it is NOT ABOUT HER but about God and the message that He is conveying through her. If I were to draw an analogy, I would say that someone is sitting there holding their Iphone and instead of talking INTO the phone to the person on the other end of it, they are just staring at the screen dumbfounded and blinded by all the bells and whistles. And they are missing the whole point of the phone as a deliverer of the message but treating the phone as an END in itself.
So, if I can stress one thing out of all this rambling, it should be that you could never be in better hands than in this ministry. And also, yes it is extremely hard, extremely enduring, like running a marathon going to sleep and then knowing you have to do it again the next day; but there are these incredible moments of grace where Jesus says something to cheer us up and show us how much He is by our side and how much we are actually helping him preserve this beautiful earth He created. There is nothing that I've ever done in my life that has been as fulfilling as this and I can never ever say on any time I've helped that it was boring, ever!
I digress.
Continuing on….
So after a few hours at the restaurant we thought we were heading home but instead we headed South into Surrey, and then did a huge loop around this whole area. I was worried because were seeing signs for Seattle but at this point He made us head East again to go up and then head home. Oh, I forgot to say that before the restaurant but after the McNuggets, we had to stay an hour at the IKEA. This was her first time ‘cleaning’ an IKEA store. I pushed her in a wheelchair and we walked all around the huge warehouse both floors, and prayed so that whatever God needed to do He could do. There was such a spirit of sadness in the Ikea it looked like Rachel was going to cry. And it can’t be easy to have to go in a wheelchair when God gave her two legs to walk. It is very humbling for her as well.
We made it back home by around 1 am and tried to wind down.
Again we asked the Lord if we should send this exactly as it is… He said, “Perfect”.
Another amazing, freeing thing is that if we make any mistakes or write the wrong things, He will correct exactly what He wants…what an amazing God we serve.
More later…
Day 4 - May 16,
Yesterday we had to go on the skytrain which is their ‘subway’, but it is almost 30 feet in the air throughout the city and the boroughs of Burnaby, New Westminster, Delta, Surrey etc… God wanted us to drive for a while and park somewhere down the middle of the line to leave our car then double back to one end, down to the other and then back to the car. We had struggled so much to find a parking spot because there is construction everywhere and also the mall was closing soon. This incredibly wonderful concierge named Mo from the Holiday Inn Express near the Mall bent over backwards to let us park in his underground parking, (we were not staying at the hotel and had nothing to do with them, we just needed parking). He was so nice and we found out that God sent him to help us.
The train ride was pretty uneventful and took about 2 hours or so. I can’t write as much today (about may 16 that is…) because we have to get going; so, no fire and brimstone today, LOL. When we got back to the car God lead us back towards the hotel where we are staying (Howard Johnson, Granville street). As we were setting up the GPS or ‘PGS’ as Rachel calls it, God lead her to the name ‘Il Giardino’ near where we live. It is one of those really really REALLY fancy Italian restaurants where they paint the sauces on the plates and make it art. They use French words and have delicacies like bone barrow (yuck) and ‘osso buco’ is on the menu etc. We were really worried because one night there would blow the budget and we could get 3 meals somewhere else for that same price. And we have eaten at cheap places and nicer places here so far and everything has been so tasty! The great news was that, once we got to the ‘Giardino’, it looked closed, so I looked it up and found out its closed on Sundays. I parked across the street from it and we just had to pray about 45 minutes there and then by that time it was around 9:30 pm. Rachel got sick while we were there, because there were a few very powerful demonic spirits and beasts that ‘had to get out in the name of Jesus’.
After a major run around we found a McDonalds and guess what??? The systems were down… Have you ever heard of that? So, we couldn’t order anything because the computers were down. Ahhh, don’t you just love technology. So I found another McDonalds near and that was the one God wanted. There happened to be (in the spiritual realm) the soul of this evil man that murdered people with a knife. So besides taking this soul where it was supposed to go, God also fed these beautiful little kids (baby William had a birthday and Jacklynn helped her brother) with a Big Mac and French fries and they were swinging their feet and rocking their heads back and forth. They were so happy, and we were so happy to save money and be faithful to God’s work and the day was “very well done” as God said. Another thing God told us was ‘you can sleep in and rest, it is better you do the work with peace and love and get it done the right way”.
There are so many things to write down and not enough time to write it because we have to do the work. But, I just wanted to add this little tidbit. Yesterday we were too late for breakfast so we had chicken wings and French fries at the bar next to the hotel. Obviously God wanted this because there was a very nice young man originally from India who was our waiter that God wanted us to meet. The wings were fantastic also by the way. God does everything for a reason and it's always to save souls. After talking to this waiter (who happened to be from Bombay/Mumbai) and left when he was 3) for a little while we found out that he too is Catholic and is sort of active in his parish in Richmond BC. We were bugging him a little bit because he was wearing a Miami Heat basketball jersey while the Toronto Raptors just pounced them to go on to the finals. The important part I wanted to include was that once we started driving about half an hour after we left this pub, God told us that there is a soul of a man that wants to be known in the world. And also God wants this soul to be known because he was a martyr and died because he was faithful to God. His name is Basmantu, and was from a village outside of Bombay or Mumbai whatever it was called back then. It was around 175 years ago. He was murdered by a Mafia type group and not only did they kill him but they went back and killed his wife and four children. He is in heaven in an area where the martyrs go to be cleansed but he is sad because he sees that his wife is still in purgatory because she could never let go of what happened to her kids and her husband. God has asked us to go and speak to this young waiter at the pub and tell him about this murdered soul because he wants this young man to pray to Basmantu and he wants the story to be more known. God also told us that this young man from the bar is very special to him and he is a good soul. There are many lessons to learn from this event; like letting go and forgiveness and also staying faithful to God even among persecution and fear of death and that God cares about every single soul and He sees all the good we do but also our suffering. So we still have not had a chance to go back to the bar to speak to this young man but we will. Also we were talking about how we all have favourite Saints that we ask to intercede for us and Sheila said ‘I don't have one right now’. So God said for Sheila to take this Basmantu, to be her sort of patron saint. And if there's anything else we can learn from this it should be, “go Raptors go (the Raptors are the Toronto NBA team).
I asked the Lord again because everything has to be ‘okayed’ by Him, He is the CEO, Chairman of the Board, BOSS, He said “Very well done”. Also, I will fill in some of these details and put updates on the blog…whatever God instructs us to do.
Day 5 – May 17
Yesterday was a spiritual and emotional roller coaster filled with ups and downs. This was both literally and figuratively speaking since we drove through a set of mountain ranges. After leaving the hotel we drove a little bit through downtown and then headed across the bridge towards North Vancouver but then went west through West Vancouver and up through Horseshoe Bay and Lions Bay and all the way up to Squamish and then Whistler. The scenery was incredible and hopefully I can include some of the pictures if not I will store them on the blog when I have a chance. There was one main thing that I guess we were supposed to learn yesterday and are still learning because I have no answer to it yet. Let me explain… I pulled off the side of the road just before Squamish B.C. to take some pictures at a lookout point. This is about an hour before we reached Whistler BC, the ski resort known to many. Of course I was fumbling with both iPhones my iPhone 4 and Rachelle's big iPhone 6 and was clumsily trying to take pictures so that I could put them in the email and eventually on the blog because it helps us to have a journal to remind us where we've been and what we've done. You'll see the beautiful scenery hopefully in the pictures but around 10 minutes after leaving this lookout point Rachel started to describe this Indian that she was seeing in the spiritual. He was an Iroquois Medicine Man and had one feather up at the front and three feathers down at the back. At first I thought it was a soul that she was going to help and we were going to pray for but then he started saying to her ‘you have to go back you have to go back you're interfering with my work’. Once I heard this I had a queasy feeling and I knew something was wrong. She kept arguing with him and silencing him in the name of Jesus and telling him that he has no power in the Name of Jesus and he kept saying ‘you're interfering, I cannot work with you here. He also said ‘you're going to destroy what I've created over these years, (a century), you are trespassing on my territory. It took a long time to create what I have created here (this demonic soul influences many people in that area and he used many people to do this evil work). Then Rachel said ‘I won’t go back, I am NOT going back’. A little while later I started to record her once I pulled off the side of the road but much of this debate had already happened. Please click the link and it will bring you to the blog, that was created EXACTLY for this purpose:
Click number 3. medicine man in the ‘important media section’.
So I say it was an emotional roller coaster because by the time I got to Whistler I started to look for my phone and could not find it. We tore apart the rental car and all of our bags and I even tried to locate it with ‘find my iPhone app’. The only thing I could do was wait at Whistler until we did the job we had to do there and hope that it was still at the lookout point. We prayed and walked around for 1 hour and while we did this I was convinced that the only place it could be was at this lookout point. I know I took pictures when we stopped with both phones and I would never have put it down or left it on the car. When we got back to the lookout point, it was almost dark, but there was no trace of it. We all have this strong sense that this evil medicine man had something to do with causing interference and confusion and that's where the phone is lost. Rachel was very upset because she feels responsible but it's not her fault, we're doing God's work. I asked God whether I should wipe my phone clean and he said ‘not yet’. I'm not really that upset anymore because it was over four-year-old phone, and in dog years that's like 200 years old. But it is unsettling and sometimes we suffer so that good can come out of it. It is a price to pay when we do this work not just financially but especially emotionally and psychologically and spiritually. Even today, Rachel is still battling with this Medicine Man because God allows for him to be dragged back to wherever Rachel is so that through prayer and time he will go where he is supposed to go. Rachel is still convinced that this Indian is responsible for the phone disappearing.
We got home around 11 o'clock and went to the pub next door to have a hamburger and French fries for two of our kid’s birthdays (one of the children, Gerard is an adopted spiritual son of Sheila and my son is Robert). We had a feast for them and ordered desert to bring back to our room as you will see in the picture. Thanks again for the prayers and we really need them.
When we asked the Lord if the work we did today [yesterday] was done right He said, “It is complete”, referring to the job we did all day.
NB: As we are writing this update (around 2pm- Tuesday) – Rachel is closing her eyes and focusing on the Gate to Heaven and sees an archangel taking a demon out of me or around me that is attacking me while I write this and could be left over from all the attacks from yesterday. There is also a lot of negativity around because of the medicine man and all the ‘mother earth’ demonic spirituality that is so prevalent here. I bet both you and I would love to know where my phone ends up? The saga continues… I think we have to go on the buses today. Until the next time.
NBB: Also, if you’ve been paying attention to the emails, you will notice that 2 times I bad-mouthed Iphones or technology…well I guess I’m reaping what I sew!
Today we have to go back on the Skytrain-rail system and finish what we did not do the other day. We will need prayers badly because this route is twice what we did the other day and it took over 3 hours. Today we will celebrate Papa (John Paul) for his birthday, he would be 96 now if he was alive - born May 18, 1920).
Day 6 – May 18 (Happy Birthday Saint Pope John Paul II)
Vancouver is, in my opinion, one of the few places in the world where you can see such a profound juxtaposition between the pure, natural beauty of the landscapes and the depravity of poverty and bondage of the human condition. On our bus route yesterday we went through E Hastings Street, which I think has to be as bad as any city in the world for seeing people sprawled out on the sidewalk with heroin needles still sticking out of their arms. There is a police presence but not to prohibit drug use rather to make sure they don’t kill each other when they are strung out. It’s sort of an organized chaos. My heart never broke so much as to see the human wreckage all displayed for the price of a bus ticket across East Vancouver. Many of the people we rode with as well were ravaged by homelessness, loneliness and alcoholism. How the Sacred Heart of Jesus must bleed for these poor souls. Then within an hour or so we were across the bridge into North Vancouver where the median house price is probable 1.7 million dollars. I’ve been to Amsterdam, Munich, Chicago, L.A., DC, lived in; NYC, Montreal, Rome, Vancouver, Newark, New Jersey and have never seen this extreme of a disparity between the rich and poor. Don’t be fooled however, all three of us pick up spirits of sadness, depression and hopelessness even in the rich areas, and especially in shopping malls. This was very prevalent when we spent an hour in the IKEA a few days back which is in an affluent area. Loneliness and sadness are types of demonic spirits that do not discriminate between rich and poor, the color of our skin or sexual orientation. The discontent of people at large, is felt almost everywhere we go because most people do not turn to God. If they do it is just superficially, like when experiencing a family breakdown, bankruptcy or grave illness but their faith never has deep enough roots. I’m sorry for waxing poetic today but just thinking about the bus ride yesterday though that drug riddled area was almost like a trip down a street in Mexico where the drug cartels reign or an inner city street in Thailand where people are for sale like livestock. I honestly feel, the closer we get to the heart of God, the more He pulls the veil back to see how much His Sacred Heart suffers when He looks at our suffering. Lord Have Mercy on us all.
Yesterday was a fairly simple day of just taking different bus routes throughout the East end and North end of Vancouver. We went through smaller towns on the periphery like Deep Cove, Lynn Valley and the campus of Capilano University. The other day we drove thru Stanley Park but didn’t get a chance to see the gigantic fir trees. The bus tour took only around 4 hours or so and when we got back we ate at this little place near our hotel called Basil Pasta Bar. It was a tiny place but the food was made fresh while you wait and it was incredible. Maybe I’m just different on this trip but I find the food tastes better? I’m not sure that makes sense because Toronto has just as many or more, tasty restaurants; it must be a combination of God working on our hearts, and the beautiful scenery? Since we got back fairly early yesterday (around 8pm) He wanted us to watch a movie called Terminator:Genisys. It was all about how technology is becoming so streamlined and how it takes over our lives. The movie centers around stopping a company called Skynet and how it has become artificially intelligent and it reasons ‘to itself’ that humanity is its own worst danger and wants to unleash a nuclear holocaust that will eliminate all living things. The company kind of reminded me of Apple and how everything is on a cloud and all our technology is seamlessly integrated etc. It is kind of scary how the movie mimics reality. I wonder where my Iphone is right now? Maybe it’s on a cloud? Maybe God will reveal the purpose of this missing phone some other day?
Day 7 – May 19
Yesterday we had to finish the Canada line and the Millenium Line of the Skytrain. The other day we did the Expo Line of the Skytrain. This route brought us all the way south to the airport and then back up to the waterfront and then start the route all the way out through Burnaby and Richmond and all the way out to Surrey where I used to live as a Salesian (seminarian). We had a few scares and it was quite an enduring day. When we walked to the closest 7-eleven to get our day pass for the bus Rachel lost her balance on the street but recovered. Then when we got to the Waterfront Station to begin our routes, Sheila’s foot got caught in one of those rubber mats and she came crashing down on the ground. We were so worried because she is not exactly young and this work is difficult. Whenever we are on these trips, the enemy does not go quietly (just look at the medicine man who is still around pestering Rachel and causing trouble). These evil entities will protect their strongholds at all costs and we found out the next day that it was the enemy who tripped up Sheila. I know my first instinct was to be angry with God for putting us in a perilous situation that would endanger us but of course God supported her and helped her and she was not hurt when she fell. On the train I sat beside a guy who boasted about his cocaine use and fine whisky collection but lamented his seed sewing days of when he did everything under the sun. It made me very sad to see this scrawny shell of a man, who had been entangled in a net of vice and will most likely never be free of it. I know of people who go to Mass everyday and are seen as ‘good Catholics’ who are tormented by demonic spirits and most of us would never have known it unless God revealed it to Rachel. The enemy is not going to reveal himself unless he is specifically challenged and the more he remains incognito, the better chance he has of pulling that person down to hell with him just to spite the Creator with whom he swore he ‘will not serve’. Rachel is just telling me now that there were many spirits that we encountered and they were extremely strong. There were massive strongholds of lust, witchcraft, anger, drug addiction, poverty, fortune-teller, alcoholism, violent spirits (the type that could push an old lady to the ground), spirit of seduction, spirit of rejection, and many more. How a stronghold gets almost unbreakable is by people coming by and contributing to it. For example, lets take the spirit of lust, which is something that probably has a stronghold on almost every other corner of every city all over the world. Just a block from our hotel is a strip club that has these big sandwich boards saying “LIVE NUDE GIRLS” in here. We walked right by it last night without even realizing until these signs were right in our face. So, the more people go in there and frolic in their lust and feed it and nurture it, the more this stronghold grows. Just like a cancer spreading and metastasizing. Across the street from that place is a walk-in-live 25 cent ‘peep show’ (enclosed is a pic). So, the more these places are frequented, the more it is fed and it grows and then invites their nasty cousins over to stay with them. Their nasty cousins are things like spirits of addictions (vices to alcoholism, sex addiction, drug addiction, gambling, stealing etc) and even spirits of violence and then eventually the big ones come in like spirits of murder and suicide. Another illustration that shows this problem is that, on this corner where the two lust filled storefronts sell their wares, there most likely are car accidents at that intersection, and many other crimes and tragedies can happen as well. There is actual wisdom to the saying ‘you are defined by the people you hang out with and by what you spend your time doing’.
After the long journey on the trains we had to stay at the Pacific Center mall on Granville Street. We had our dinner at this mall and celebrated Pope John Paul’s birthday. We each got different food so that he and any other soul God invited could enjoy it. Sheila got a hot dog, I got Teriyaki stirfry and Rachel got a lamb souvlaki. Then later on I got flack from one of my daughters (Concetta) because I almost always give them a brownie when it is their birthday and they want some variety (I would only have known this because I was around Rachel and the spiritual children take this opportunity to speak). Be careful what you wish for. So we went to Cold Stone creamery attached to a Tim Horton’s and got a special kind of ice cream (pic included). We took the bus home and got back around 10 pm to do some laundry and wind down.
Today Sheila is still having some trouble with her already sore knee and thank God we will be in the car driving, and not on the bus. Now I will finish with a comment that would be filed in the section “God’s ways are not our ways”. I’ve been lectured before by family members and even I catch myself saying to Rachel sometimes ‘that doesn’t make sense, or what a waste’. What I mean is, for example, if we rent a car for 2 weeks and spend around 800 bucks, why for the love of God, would we go and get day passes on three different days, costing another 75 bucks to ride the bus, and train etc? Well, the answer will always be “God’s ways are not our ways”. We go with the buses sometimes because it might not be safe to go with the car. We go with the train because there might be a person (actually alive) that we are suppose to encounter that Rachel is suppose to take something out of them or they might get really sick or die if we had not encountered them. Then there are some places that are too difficult for the bus or train, like going up to Whistler would have been next to impossible on a bus on our schedule etc. All we need to know is to be obedient. We can only do it this way because God is in constant contact with Rachel, that’s why there is almost no one else in the world that can do this kind of work. We are in too desperate of an era and we have to just do our part so that God can preserve and save as many people and areas as possible.
Thanks again so much for the prayers and we are more than halfway through our journey. We really need the prayers. I need them too because I get really distracted while driving on these perilous winding roads going up the mountains and there is one less person praying (unless ‘Oh God, please don’t let us die’ counts as praying sufficiently. I am counting on you guys to be our lips praying in conjunction with us.
Happy Birthday to Papa
Day 8 – May 20
Yesterday we were driving thankfully, instead of taking the transit. Sheila has a bruise on her knee and elbow but Rachel had prayed over her the night it happened and said the negativity and the demon is gone. It will just take time for the soreness to go away. This is the price of this work. Everyone suffers, there is no life without suffering, but with our suffering we can unite it to His work and make it redeeming suffering. Not all suffering is redeeming. There are billions of tonnes of suffering that are not used because people do not join it to the cross. Anyway, we drove all around SFU (Simon Fraser University), which is up on the mountain in Burnaby a borough of Vancouver. Before that we drove a whole bunch downtown doing block after block for at least an hour. It was a fairly uneventful day for our standards. I didn’t take many pictures yesterday because my hands were busy holding the wheel (it’s a lot safer that way).
I appreciate the prayers because it is very hard for me to have any kind of regiment of prayer. I may get through a decade (rarely) without an interruption of “you were supposed to turn back there”, and then I get to start all over again. Thank God Sheila is in the back seat praying, sometimes catching a few zzzs but mostly praying. I know that it is difficult to accept or understand how this works but I will use my dad as an example. Dad, if you are reading this, I’m sure you won’t mind. My logic is that, if my dad has questions, and he has been hearing about this ministry and involved if only by third party for at least 7 years, than how much more difficult those who are only involved by reading an occasional email here and there. So, forgive me if this is too remedial or repetitive but its better to be clear and make sure that people don’t draw their own conclusions. Never, EVER, in our lives have we gone off driving on our own, choosing our own destination or our own way to get there. What I mean by this is, when we go driving, for the express purpose of ‘cleaning’ an area, God (almost always the Father), will tell Rachel where to turn at each intersection etc. Jesus is always in front of the car, doing the work, running out into the fields to the left and to the right, gathering souls that are ready to be put on the path to go where they are suppose to go. If they were bad souls than that path will lead them to hell, if they are good, then it will lead them to do their sufficient purgatory time, or go to heaven.
Jesus is THE WAY, literally! Just like Jesus said in the Bible, ‘I do the work that I see my Father do’. God is leading Rachel where to go, and Jesus does the work in front of the car. When we go on any trip, Jesus gathers all the required angels and archangels to do the work. Even times, there are certain saints that come because their specific prayer will be needed. That’s why on some emails you will hear the prayer intention or report say, ‘there were 14 or 16 archangels needed to chain up the beast to carry it away’. I’m sure that rings a bell. There are certain archangels that are built for certain work. Just like a carpenter will choose when a hammer is needed or when a screwdriver is needed.
So, again, it is always God, sometimes, Jesus, who tells Rachel where to go and where to turn. She needs lots of prayers because if there is not enough prayer, she cannot focus on Him and God will not force Himself to be heard, because He always respects our free will. Sometimes, it is a little more simple where He might say, ‘we are going to Kingston’ and in that case we can choose how we get there. I would say that most of the time, when we go driving for the purpose of removing demonic spirits, putting souls on the path, or removing stronghold in areas, the destination is not important but the journey is everything; if we drive too fast, than we have to go back to that area. It’s not that Jesus is not powerful or fast enough to do that work in that area that we went too fast, but rather that there was not enough prayer support for us to do that much work. If there is a big beast that has created a stronghold, then much prayer will be needed first for the archangels to subdue it, then chain it, then bring it in the air, usually in an open area, then drag it to the unknown. This is another reason why we go out driving, it is to drag a demonic spirit that may have been in a restaurant and bring it to an open area to disperse it and let the archangels do their job.
Our prayer only has a certain amount of value. That’s why we have to pray more and more because the needs are more and more. It’s like making soup! If you get more and more guests coming over, you can only put so much water in the soup before it becomes too watery! Like for example, if I say, “I’ll pray one decade for your intentions”. Well if ten more people ask me the same thing, then each person I pray for should in theory get a whole decade each or else every person gets 1/10th of the effect of that prayer.
I do believe however that God multiplies blessings especially when we are praying for other people’s intentions. I probably made that more confusing than clear. The great news is that we don’t have to understand all of this now and that we learn as we go. But, to go back to the original point, God is directing us in the car or bus or wherever we go. We would never just randomly want to travel on our own dime, to Vietnam or Warsaw, or Sault Ste. Marie. Even if it was more favorable like Rome, or London or Los Angeles, NEVER has Rachel ever chosen to go on her own will. Her Spouse, Jesus or her Father God directs EVERYTHING she does, in the small things and the large things. We go along for the ride because we get many blessings and because she needs the help. God wants to save us all, by using His own children to reach out to His own children. Unfortunately, many will perish.
Continuing on…
Around 9:30 pm or so, we were told by the Lord to go to a certain restaurant called Anton’s Pasta bar. The portions are ridiculous. We ordered one plate of spaghetti and meatballs and all three of us filled ourselves and still brought a whole meal home with us. It was very delicious and authentic and not expensive.
The Lord is ALWAYS working, He never stops, so even if it looks like we are stopping, because a body cannot go without food and rest, He is taking demonic spirits and beasts out of that family restaurant or any place that He makes us stop. That’s why many of the things that you will read about in these emails, will make you scratch your head. Again I remind you of the rule that ALWAYS applies, “God’s ways are not our ways”. He sees the whole picture, not us. I think the same way as probably many of you might, and I am with her all the time. I am questioning, not doubting, just questioning every time we go out there because that is in my nature. I believe, but because of my brokenness, I often doubt like Thomas, because of rejection or anger or fear, or whatever feels like taking over me that day! Just one more example and I will leave it at that. I might catch myself saying “Midland, AGAIN!!! You were just there like a month ago!!!” But, the reality is, if there was not enough prayer support on the last trip than it will have to be visited again. Sometimes, we go to Midland (its about 2.5 hours north of Toronto) and just drive for the day and night, and sometimes she will go with someone else and have to stay there for a week or two even. There are many, many speculations that I have about why she has to go back there so many times, but I am using it to show a teaching or reason why she has to go back to places. Another reason why she might have to return is that, for example lets call this Indian soul “little feather”. This soul was not ready to be set free 2 months ago when she was there last, but now he has suffered enough on the earth, wandering around and this repeat trip is to put ‘little feather’ on the path. And when God works, there are always 50 times more things going on than we see or even imagine.
What is essentially the only thing to take away from this rambling is: GOD IS IN CHARGE. PERIOD. In everything we do, in everywhere we go, in the timing of it all, He sees it all and arranges it all. None of us hear or see Him except for Rachel because she was born to do this and was changed at birth by God to be able to do this work. And even her, if she is overtired, and there is not enough prayer, the enemy will try to impersonate or fool her by bringing an impostor of a soul, but very quickly she sees it is a lie and casts it away. Don’t feel like you have to understand it all right away. Those who have been with her 20 years or so are still learning things everyday and there’s always something new to learn. I’ve only been with her 8 years or so and find that there is such a barrier between the way God works and the way we live our earthly life. It will be a struggle until we die and the only consolation is that the Bible is our mirror and wake up call that says, if you agree with the world and they love you, then you are doing something wrong; "If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. (John 15:18)
There’s a beautiful movie on Netflix called “Do you believe”. One of the main characters in this movie is a first responder/paramedic, who was being sued or fired for speaking about Jesus to a dying man, and his response was, “If you were accused of being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you”?
We asked God again and He said “leave it as it is but, send it as an email and put it on the blog”.