Hello Everyone,
May 1, 2020
Happy Feast of Mary Mother of the Church
AND St. Joseph the Worker.
What a great opportunity to update you this week on this very special feast of Mary, the Great Mother of Jesus and the Church and her spouse, St. Joseph the Worker, foster father of our Lord.
I was asking yesterday about what to do about dinner for tonight and whether to do something special like 'fish n' chips'. I asked the Lord if we could do something different. When Rachel asked the Lord, she gasped because she never eats meat on Friday and Jesus had said 'steak'! Needless to say, God knew ahead of us that there would be THREE wonderful reasons to celebrate today. So, Jesus wanted steaks but that was a little difficult to pull off well, so we ordered pizza and wings our usual go to take out choice. Today, we celebrated Sheila's granddaughter that was miscarried many years ago. We were celebrating her birthday and the wonderful surprise was that she was also entering thru 'THE GATE TO HEAVEN', this very evening.
Praise the Lord, thank you Jesus, for letting little baby Jessica be a saint who can now intercede for all of us.
All the souls that enter Heaven, by way of the work that God does through Rachel, (of course which is supported by all ministry members' prayers, sacrifices and generosity) become an army of Saints that never rest until we are all one day gathered with them in God's heavenly embrace.
Regarding the most recent Kitchener Mission, I know that we made an appeal just before Rachel left (March 27). We are happy to report that there was some response. We are about a 1/3 of the way and we are only asking to cover the hotel expense and not the gas, food or other G2H miscellaneous expenses. We are short exactly $2000 because we already collected $700, so we are off to a great start. I will quote one of our G2H ministry members who was one of a few that suggested the 'many hands make lighter load' principle. For example, they have said things like "if it was 2,000 all we need is 20 people giving 100 or 40 people giving 50 etc.". God has said on numerous occasions that planting a seed each month is advantageous for us and that God can use that seed to help get the process started to set free our ancestors or heal us directly or your family members. The rest is self explanatory.
Thanks again for your patience during this very difficult time. May I also direct you to the fact that the second last update for the Kitchener trip was posted in the 'Latest Mission' and if you like there is a beautiful Novena of Mary, Undoer of Knots that you can begin whenever. To get to this Novena click HERE:
(Any prayer type link will also be saved in the 'Prayer/Devotions' section.)
By the way, thanks to all your solidarity to God's work (on this recent trip to Kitchener) there are now 260 souls that were put on the path and 5 of those souls are now children adopted and part of the greater Gate to Heaven Family.
God bless you and keep up the prayers during this difficult time.
(Yes I know I missed my calling as a graphic designer/artist).