Thursday, April 2, 2020

Hello Everyone,
April 2, 2020                                                 
(Feast of St. Frances of Paola and
the 15th anniversary of JPII's death)

Here's a video updating us the why and how of the next Mission Trip to Kitchener Ontario.

Thanks for your patience and please feel free to pass along a link to this blog so that many will know the source of the Corona Virus and how to fight against it spiritually and physically.

The words of the prayer that God asks us to pray while Rachel is away fighting the good fight on our behalf:

“God, please tear down any stronghold.  Only Jesus Christ can wash, with His Precious blood, the air, the ground, the people.  Please, Lord, I know it is a short prayer but I know you can hear it.  Please help control this Covid-19, to go away, we beg you Lord.  And we thank you for doing so.  We love you so much.  We all ask forgiveness.  Thank you Lord.  Amen."