Friday, November 15, 2019

Hello Everyone,
November 15, 2019

Sorry we missed last Friday but we were working on helping out a soul who just recently passed away and we were writing everything out so that his suffering would not be in vain and that maybe his family could benefit from this suffering and the faith of his grandmother.

So, this week we posted three additional messages or summaries of events that have happened in the last few weeks.  There are so many more than what we post but for practical reasons we can't possibly work on all of them and also some are private and not meant for everyone else.  As I am writing this I am not aware if I will have problems uploading some of the videos showing how much Rachel suffers when she intercedes for these souls, in this case it was while praying over Corsica a few weeks back.  I cautiously mention this because every single time we get together to work on this, the enemy constantly throws flaming arrows at us that manifest in my laptop crashing or the ministry computer acting up or sometimes it's just the enemy causing arguments and tension.  If it doesn't make it this week you can find them in the 'video' section in the next week or so.

Thanks and we all appreciate your patience and kindness especially in your prayer of intercession for all the members of the ministry and the intentions of all of those associated with God's great outreach called, the Gate to Heaven Ministry.

Again, to find the three newly posted documents you look up at the pages above and go to the "Teachings (check this out)" section on the top left side of the screen.  Or if I have totally botched the directions...just click HERE

If you've made it this far I'm just letting you know that we added a video in the right column section where you can see the other videos as well.  This addition is from Fr. Mark Goring, a Companion of the Cross priest who has been on TV masses and is a great, down to earth preacher who is in love with the Lord.  This video is about a Eucharistic Miracle.  ENJOY!

We have also merged two sections called Important Media and Written Messages because they overlapped.  Also we now made room for something a little lighter where we will feature music or videos or any media for the week.  If you want to know what was added please always refer to the left column section called "Latest Content Updated". 
Thanks very much