Friday, May 24, 2019

Hello Everyone,
May 24, 2019
Happy Feast of Mary Help of Christians

As a quick reminder, we posted exactly two weeks ago and made a reference to a series called “Touch” (Netflix) that Rachel and gang have been watching on and off for the last few months.   If this message is too cryptic or not give enough background then I suggest going back and read the blog post from May 10 just below this one.

So, as we promised from that last post, we are including the first message from God and the second message which was from Pope John Paul II.  Both of these messages were in regard to Rachel being struck by the kid from this show and how he is being used by God as one of the "36 Righteous Ones". It will make a little bit more sense if you have read the previous post and once you read the actual transcription from the message. I find that with most messages that are typed out it's always an effort in trying to make sense visually out of something that was spoken in a dialogue whether it is from a saint or from God directly.  This is the case because God does not enlighten Rachel's mind to see words written on a tablet or something but for ease of transmission God just speaks to her and that is why all the 'written' messages are best case translations of what was dictated to Rachel from God.  Ummm, of course as you know we write very differently from how we speak…let me think, wait, ummm, ya.  Obviously that was just a demonstration of the difference.

Just a heads up, we ask in advance for prayers for a few things that will be happening in the near future. Of course we will put it in the email but in case you don’t catch it until too late, it's better to try two requests rather than one.  For starters, tomorrow, Saturday, Rachel, Sheila and myself will be going to one of Rachel's aunts to pray at her house and visit then after that going for a quick visit to meet with Rachel’s sister.  Please keep this aunt of Rachel, Rosina, in your prayers as well.  She happens to be the youngest sister of Rachel's father Luigi.  And now an even bigger request is for the weekend after this one, which will take place May 31 until June 2.  We will be driving up to Midland, Ontario, then do whatever God asked us to do, all day Friday, Saturday and hopefully God willing, come home Sunday night.  Just a heads up we're asking now and on the prayer email in advance for prayers since most likely, there will not be any updates because it's only a three day trip and we will be extremely busy. Also the only one who can really use a computer/phone is myself and Saturday afternoon I will have to drive back to Toronto for a wedding for a few hours and then drive back up to Midland so we will not have much free time. Thanks again for the prayers and for understanding. If I may I also ask you to pray for my hand that it heals in time for the trip. I've had at least three fractures and a few sprains in the thumb and wrist area over the last 10 years and it makes it excruciatingly difficult to drive and impossible to text and type etc. Right now I'm using a dictation program and that is the only reason I am able to do this blog post right now.

Thanks again for the prayers and for your understanding and if you know anyone in cottage country or anyone a little bit north of the GTA pray for them as we pass their area and pray for Canada in general, because the moral fabric is literally disintegrating at the seams.

For the visual PDF file of the two combined messages - click here ~~> PDF
                                                                                                                       (a new window will open!)
For the audio file of the second message from JPII - click here ~~> JPII - MP3

(as a bonus for this feast of May 24, you can click this MP3 of a song that was written for Mary, Help of Christians.  She is the Patroness of the Salesians of Don Bosco ~~> MHC- MP3