Hello Everyone,
April 5, 2019
As promised, we finally got the End Time booklet finished. We will be giving it out according to the honour system. Meaning, it will go out for free on the email list but the Lord does not want it posted on the blog. We have indicated in the "HELP" section of the blog that if you want to make a small donation to help out with the printing costs and tech updates, then send it the same way through Christina but indicate with an email to her or to me (gatetoheavenministriesnpo@gmail.com) where your donation should be directed (it's either traveling costs or tech costs). Thanks again.
A few suggestions regarding the blog. There have been a lot of updates and here's a hint of where stuff can be found.
1. There's a new page called Help.
2. The Latest Post section will be used for updates regarding the driving trip we just went on or will be used to put the updates while Rachel is away.
3. The HOME section will have the weekly updates and directions to navigate the other sections.
4. There were a few photos added to the Photo section
5. There were a few videos added to the sidebar section
6. The THREE PRAYERS were updated and are found in the prayer section.
7. If this is your first time checking out the blog there are tons of resources in the Apologetics/TOOLS section as well as great content in the CHECK THIS OUT page and even a message from Napoleon (yes THAT Napoleon) in the Important Media and Written Messages.
Thanks and God bless from the G2H team.