Monday, February 17, 2025

Teaching from Today 

Family Day - February 17, 2024

Please pray for baby Allie (name changed).  The family is not on this group text or on the email list so I am not breaking any confidentiality.  I know, I can hear it, even in my own head... ‘but it’s not fair its only a baby its not guilty’.  Most of the time I think that very same thing.  But, we are all born with original sin and also we inherit the ‘lineup’ (the accumulation of spiritual debt caused by the sins of our ancestors).  But it goes both ways and we can also benefit from an ancestor that is a prayer warrior.  In this particular case there was an ancestor that this baby has a direct lineup with going back 5 or 6 generations.  This baby’s ancestor murdered 3 people.  Those demons (attached to the murderer and to that event) have the permission to cause pain and suffering on the surviving members of anyone who has a connection (lineup) with the one who committed the sin/murder in this case.  The more direct the connection, the more dangerous it is.  Each sin has to be paid to the last degree or the last ‘drop’, as Rachel says and it will keep going down the line until it is all paid.  You hear her say often “everything has to be paid to the degree of sin”. 

 Let’s take for example if, after we die, the suffering we have to endure in purgatory or hell, is a snake biting us a certain amount of times per hour.   When God allows us to pay money to make up for sin it does not remove the snake but rather it might dull the teeth or lessen the amount of times they are allowed to bite which is taking the power away from its mouth.  This, in result will lessen the suffering.  I believe this is the principle behind ‘indulgences’.  In our time, we give so much honour and have such a preoccupation with money and status so the best way to remedy this sin is to sacrifice some of our money.  In reality, God has taught us through Rachel that God accepts as payment or restitution; prayer, sacrifice, fasting and almsgiving and in many cases the more the merrier.  But let’s face it, how many of us are going to pray 5 hours a day to make up for it.  Some satanists will pray 5-10 hours a day and witches will study and do their evil things all day and we roll our eyes if God asks us to spend 20 mins doing a rosary.  You can’t have it both ways.  You can’t complain about having to spend the time praying and then when God offers a backdoor resolution by letting us make a sacrifice of money (percentage of income) and we complain about that as well.   In reality, we don’t have bulls or oxen in our backyard to make a ritual sacrifice.  Put yourself in God’s sandals…Yes that’s going to upset people but we need to hear it.  

Also regarding the department where we or an ancestor would do the suffering (being bitten by a snake), God has angels designed exactly for that circumstance/department that will make sure the snake cannot bite any more than it is allowed.  Sorry to go on but, we have to take advantage of every single opportunity to get this into our heads.  It has to be drilled into our heads over and over with allegories, vignettes and metaphors because it is so foreign to everything we understand by worldly standards; and don’t think it sounds any less crazy or is any less perplexing, to those of us working with her on a daily basis.   Remember what the great prophet says, “God’s ways are not our ways.  For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord (Isaiah 55).

 Look what a judge awards to a successful plaintiff who sues someone (defendant) for causing harm…the judge awards them money or sentences the defendant to pay ‘pain and suffering’ or restitution.  The family related to those 3 people who were innocently killed (by the baby’s ancestor) could also say, ‘this is not fair’.  In a way spiritually speaking, the suffering we go through can be seen as the restitution and making amends for the wrong that our family did against the victims family.  It is so hard to make this make sense but this is only coming to my head now.  Much of my time and mental energy is spent trying to make what God reveals to Rachel understandable and relatable, so that we can avoid perpetuating this cycle of sin and injustice.  God is infinite in his Justice, Mercy, Love etc. and we have seen more than enough proof to know that Rachel is an 100% empty vessel and not allowed to be used by the enemy only by GOD HIMSELF.  Just keep those two facts as a comfort and don’t let the enemy make you question it just like the serpent put it into Eve’s head ‘God didn’t REALLY say you can’t eat from that tree did he”?

The more you harbour these rebellious thoughts, the harder it will be to respond generously when God asks something difficult from you.  It is the enemy that wants us to question God’s Goodness and Justice.  Thank you so much for your time and God bless you…

We also welcome questions or concerns regarding this or other teachings/messages and can do follow op posts or youtube videos addressing it.  Please compile them or send them however you like to

This has been read to Rachel and was approved by God.

God responded “Yes you can send it out and there is MUCH MORE to be explained”.

Have a Blessed and Holy "Family Day" (for us Canadians)

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Hello G2H Family,
February 8, 2025
Feast of St. Josephine Bakhita - Pray for Us

Big Big News coming up and there is so much going on.  Please keep up as best as you can with the email updates that come out weekly.

Remember that even if you don't see the name of the person you want to pray for there are so many of us who pray constantly 'for the intentions of the ministry, for all those in the family and anyone associated with those in the G2H family'.  As long as we do our duty and pray, God will use it where it is needed most if we surrender our will to Him.  

Before I direct you to the link for the next G2H Youtube Teaching Series, please, please, please, we are begging you to provide some feedback.  There is no point if we just continue to make videos and teachings on whatever comes to mind but better if there is some intentionality and if it serves the needs of those who are in this G2H family.    What we are asking is if you have any questions or need clarifications about anything that was said in ANY of these previous youtube teaching series videos, please email Steve or Fred at: 

Please mention the particular video that you are referring to if it is something specific you want clarified.   Or even if it is a word or concept that she uses like 'lineup' or 'cleaning trip' or anything at all.  We do realize that this is a completely foreign language and world and is mostly beyond any comprehension but we do our best to understand it and apply it to our lives.  

Of course we ask the Lord which topics He wants covered but it doesn't make sense to keep moving forward if whatever we have already done was completely missed or misunderstood.  Just like any teacher would say to their class 'please ask whatever question and there is no such thing as a stupid question'.  Also, if you have a question about some particular word or concept or teaching, there's a very good chance that others will have these same concerns.  Thanks!  We are reaching out to you in this manner also because we cannot gather like we used to when we had Healing of the Family Tree prayer day or movie night etc.  We are trying to create a 'virtual' gathering place whether it occur through emails or through the updates or by youtube videos.  When we write up an update about the 'driving trip' it is in some way an attempt also to bring you into the front seat and be a part of it.  When we do daily updates on her trips it is because we want to include you into the action.  We might even attempt to have a 'podcast' type video where there is a second person who can interact with Rachel and ask questions.  We will just keep trying as many things as possible until people are given the Truth that God wants revealed uniquely through this ministry.  Unfortunately we are so limited with time, people and have almost zero resources other than what we bring to the table personally.  We are trying everything we can as far as fundraising and hopefully we will try some new things soon as well.  

Please, if you have any questions, concerns, need clarifications, or want to suggest anything email us:

thanks so much and God bless you. 

For this weeks video please click the yellow link below: