Thursday, September 26, 2024

Hi Everyone,

October 6, 2024
"Let the little children come to Me".

Here are two more videos below to add to the GTH Youtube Teaching Series .  They are a little long but people have asked for more teaching so, feel free to watch, or not; hope you enjoy.

While we have your ear we are also very severely behind and low on donations.  We please pray that you are open to what God may put on your heart when you see the next appeal for donations coming soon.  The biggest priority of course is a future hotel bill of $2700 USD that Rachel will need on a trip to Rhode Island from November 26-December 12.

I know people struggle with the idea of giving money for trips but this is a reminder that Rachel has zero desire to go to these places except that God is sending her to every single place she goes and it is ALWAYS for the salvation of souls.  The biggest priority of course are these trips but if you prefer to give towards something a little more to your liking, we need a sponsor of $168. 37 for the CAA auto membership.  In God’s scheme cleaning the land and putting souls on the path is top priority but if you prefer also to make a difference in a secondary way, we could use donations towards tech equipment to make the videos better quality (microphones, lighting etc) and also web site fees and other projects.  We know that it is very difficult these days to hand over money and not ‘see’ any return, but God ALWAYS promises that you can’t outgive God.  We are trying to set up fundraising methods because we cannot count on donations for trips or for the regular functioning of the ministry.  Rachel gives ALL of her money towards ministry expenses and we are very behind and I cannot even order basic supplements and vitamins and medicinal things and household needs because every month we are behind at least 300-400 dollars.  The last time we made an appeal for monthly donations only two people took us up on this request back in May with $25/mo. but have already quit.  The Saturday cleaning trips that Rachel does every week is about $300-400 a month and over and above all her income and any additional donations we give her.  At this point, besides the generosity of her family, the only steady funds that come in monthly are from a few that make less than 20,000/yr. so God is unfortunately forced to work miracles every single day just to keep things afloat.  

Also, a very important thing to add is that we are pleading with you to give some feedback for these videos.  Is there some part that doesn't make sense? Is there a specific topic you want covered? Is there a word she uses that doesn't quite make sense?  Please use the following email to give constructive advice on what topics you want covered or questions you’ve had about previous videos or anything in general about any of the teachings of the GTH ministry.  Also, if you have ideas about fundraising etc. please get in touch.  We are in the process of setting up an online store to sell various books and merchandise just to generate funds to keep Rachel faithful to what God asks of her.  However, establishing a non-profit, getting a business license and selling on Amazon, all these things cost hundreds if not thousands to set up.  

Please if you have any comments, even if its ideas on how to fundraise or spread this ministry please, please, please, give us feedback at this email:
Take care and God bless and please keep Rachel and all the work in your prayers.  Remember that all your intentions are prayed for, on a daily basis, and also remember that if you are reading this, then it is YOU that are called to this ministry to help God save humanity.   Yes, God can do anything even turn a stone to money.  But in God's great love and mercy He invites us to help Him to carry out His will.  In doing so, it allows us to work towards purging our sins and make sacrifices on behalf of our family and ancestors. We do of course owe God a percentage of our income in gratitude as well and the ministry is the front line of what God is doing in the world right now.  Most people think that someone else will do it.  We assure you that there are only a maximum 40-50 people out of the entire world population (8 billion) who receive this email or know of any GTH ministry and are the only ones who have this incredible supernatural opportunity to work hand in hand with Jesus and His bride Rachel, to help bring as many people to Christ before it is too late.  In the spiritual life we are either moving forward or backward, there is no neutral, no coasting.  God wants to know are you in?  Or not? We are either helping his ministry or hindering it.  Of course, prayers are absolutely critical, but God has said numerous times that we need volunteering, sacrifices, fasting, prayers and of course financial sacrifice to break the chain of sin that keeps us and our ‘lineup’ (ancestors) in bondage.  Most of us reading this cannot give the time necessary to work out our salvation through prayer and volunteering, so God allows us to still be a part of it by helping financially.  God asks us to put our money where our mouth is.  
We asked the Lord if He wanted to change anything or add and He said "send it as it is".

Here are the video links that lead you to our Youtube page and please give some feedback regarding topics that are confusing and issues not covered etc.

(Please click the yellow title to get you to the video)

God's Ministry and Eucharistic Miracles