Hello Everyone,
January 3, 2021
Happy Feast of the Epiphany!

There are a whole bunch of files that have been sent out in the last few months and they will be posted as usual in the front section. However, we have added a new section now called 'Library' that will be a repository or storage place for all the files regardless of what the theme is or when they were given to Rachel. Before, we would place the messages on different web headings and they were things like; a remedy or recipe against witchcraft, and we had others that were 'teachings' or 'testimonials' or even prayers etc. I asked the Lord, since it is HIS MINISTRY and the blog is by extension HIS as well. Most of the larger aspects of the blog and content always has to be okayed by the CEO, JESUS that is, and although I often make mistakes, it is not a reflection on Him but rather it shows that God respects our free will and is not a micromanager. So, with this in mind it was my idea but God probably put it in my head to have a separate section for a library or 'cloud' if you will, so that the documents could be stored and more easily located in the future.
Thanks for your patience and we have just asked the Lord and He said that I can continue to post the messages in their sections but ALSO, store them in the new section called "Library".
So, for example this week we will be posting a message about a remedy for those who have had witchcraft on them. I will be posting it (storing it) in the "Messages" section but will also be saved in the Library section.
Thanks for your patience and Happy Feast of the Epiphany.
P.S. please be patient as the blog needs a pretty sizeable overhaul and it will take weeks if not months to go through all the content and reorganize it.