March 29, 2019
It's been a week now since the blog was updated and hopefully you will have a chance, one of these days to check out the content. The reason I put so much stuff is because I catch myself wasting an hour or more here and there watching golden buzzer videos, animals being rescued or sports highlights on Youtube. I thought, 'why not provide more than enough content to choose that if people wanted to 'waste'/pass the time, then at least they won't feel guilty after an hour goes by. They will actually grow closer to God, have a life affirming moment with their technology and feel connected to the work of the ministry at the same time.
A few updates:
1. Thanks to everyone who gave so generously towards the trip coming up. I am not in charge of the accounts so I have no idea if we are halfway, all the way or whatever. Thank you and just as Mother Angelica used to say 'please keep us between your gas bill and your electric bill'! So if you feel you want to give towards the trip please continue to do so by emailing Christina at I know this is like 'beating a dead horse' but, way back a few months ago, we asked the Lord if we could try raising money for the trips from GoFundMe or crowd sourcing. If you think of it, if roughly 8000 people gave one dollar this trip would be paid. But God said "no, just send it to those on the email."
2. HERE'S A NEW OPTION. There may be some that don't feel comfortable giving towards the trips (for whatever reason or reservation) but maybe they want their donation to go towards the updating of the blog, printing costs, making the books (for example the 'end time' booklet coming out soon), prayer CDs, even purchasing religious articles in bulk to be sold on our blog, and other ways that we can generate ideas for fundraising. This was also one of the suggestions I received after the appeal for help went out last month. For example, like in SHARELIFE you can choose if you want your donation to go towards family counselling, pregnant teens, or the seminary etc. To be competitive with the lure of the world I am aware that we have to up our game. I know that we have to upgrade our manner of communicating God's message and although some of the tools we are using to accomplish this are ten year old but we make it work. I have much of my own equipment from the past (microphone, software, camera, cables etc. ) and we make due but we still lack a few things. At the moment, we need a sound card so that we can record Rachel and others praying the rosary and maybe we can use this cd to generate support as well. We also need to upgrade the memory and possibly the video card of the ministry computer; or else we will not be able to edit videos and update the blog in a manner that will be competitive and attract people to conversion. The enemy has billions at his disposal to pull them away from God. All we need is one candle to dispel this vast expanse of darkness we now find ourselves in. If there is anyone who feels called to contribute towards or 'sponsor' any of these two proposals please contact me (Steve) at All donations however, will still be delivered in the same manner through Christina.
3. Since last Friday we have so much new content in the Apologetics/TOOLS, a few videos on the side bar and other little gems spread out here and there. This last week Rachel had to visit two different homes and both places needed deliverance of demonic activity. We also had to go driving once and Rachel had to leave the house a few times and this is really hard on her. Thanks again for the prayers and she really appreciates all manner of support especially the prayer when she has these terrible things attacking her. Thanks again and God bless you.
Just for some side bar entertainment check this clip from:"the Day After Tomorrow"
(thank you to those worried about copyright infringement. I removed the video but all that remains is a link that brings you AWAY from the blog and onto the actual youtube site so we should be fine. I will look into copyright uses just in case because it will be helpful to have the clips here for educational purposes but we can't take unnecessary risks. I'll let you know the results...)
This clip is a perfect example of what it's like to be in the ministry. Often Rachel and sometimes us as well, have to give devastatingly critical messages of eternal life and death significance to friends, family and even strangers; and just like in the movie, most people don't heed it. In the movie, Sam warns them but at least 80% of them don't listen to the warning, even though he said he had 'inside knowledge' cause his dad was a high ranking climatologist. And yet they chose to listen to the policeman and all of them perished within a few hours in the storm.
This is why I say, from what I've learned in the ministry, that obedience is more important than sacrifice, prayer or anything else because obedience shows God true love and devotion. Especially in this 'apocalyptic' time where many come as deceivers and it is difficult to discern because these false 'prophets' have gifts and knowledge. I remember coming across a quote from St. Paul of the Cross (founder of the Passionists) and although I paraphrase, basically it said, 'if you gathered 100 'so called' mystics in a room, you could disregard as false, 99 of them'. He himself was a mystic.