Hello Everyone,
I'm trying to come up with a better way for people to know what's going on in this incredibly important mission of the Gate to Heaven. At the present time the email is serving us well but only for minor updates and prayer requests. I hope that this blog, humble as it may be, will be the source for all the information that is necessary for us to literally save our souls. There will be prayers, hopefully saved as pdfs (if I can ever figure it out), videos, voice messages and other media linked to a GTH youtube channel, written messages from God and other resources that will help us all be in the front row seat watching as God rallies to save as many souls as possible in this very important time in history. I will accept any and all suggestions and hopefully could implement some of them but I need your feedback.
For now with any suggestions, complaints, questions or comments please email me at has asked Rachel many times to ask me to start this blog so that it may be a chance for people to discover and understand God's plan for us and how we can save our souls in this perilous time. When I first started to design and plan how the blog will be I begged God to tell Rachel what He wants it to say and what we should focus on. When I first wrote the introductory message I was too preoccupied with what people would think, whether they heard of this ministry or not. I was repeating things too much and being too apologetic and conciliatory and worried that every sentence had to be explained. The Lord gave Rachel a message about this and it applies not only to me and to this blog but is applicable to all of us and it exemplifies exactly why we need this very blog to communicate these crucial messages. The blog is a supplement to the emails of the prayer lists sent out periodically but is also more in depth and its purpose is to inform us about these teachings from God. I pray that God will continue to enlighten and guide us and that you can gain blessings from this new method of communication whether you have known of Rachel and the ministry a while or this is your first visit to the site.
I will also write an introductory post for those who are visiting this ministry for the first time so you will have the necessary background information.
Thank you for your time and please feel free to contact me with anything regarding the blog. Take care and may God continue to bless you,
Here is the first message God gave about starting this blog.
God to Rachelle (April 26, 2016)
Do not be afraid of what people say. It is not people you have to listen to but your Father in Heaven. Why are you repeating yourself? If they like it or not just put what the need of the ministry is. Money is a must, so my Special One can do my work (God refers to Rachel often as the ‘Precious One’, or the ‘Special One’). When they give, do not explain as if you owe them an explanation. No. You just put your need for the ministry.
People have to know it is not my Precious One that they are giving too, but to God Himself. What the people have to know is that my Precious One is overworked and has no time to rest. She really has no time to rest. A body needs rest and her work is night and day. She has no time to talk empty words. When there is time, there will be time. People have to stop running, stop talking, stop always wanting to be with someone.
Soon, my Special One, there will be time to do things and talk to the people on the website, blog, and whatever is in front of her. More important is that she does the books. There are many and she is not doing the books because now it is time to clean the roads, nature, homes, towns, cities, and countries… a little at a time. Then when the time comes, then it will not be as it is. It has to be this way now; disaster after disaster.
The SHAKE will come, but, with what my Special One does, it will be a lot less (the damage from the catastrophic ‘shake’ will be less because of the cleansing trips etc.), so her time now is to clean. It takes money and time and work and pray, pray, pray, so that when the shake comes, many will be saved. It has to be at least one third of the population that remains and God is providing it. It is a lot for my Precious One, but she has to do it. Why question? She does my work! Many today with their faults, their sins, with their wrongdoings, they come to God saying, “Lord Lord”. What a pity. What a pity. My Special One, people want to be put on a pedestal, they want to be the star of the show. But do they know they have to confront God one day?
God is saying unto people "stop talking, stop running, stop being on a pedestal, stop the jealousy, stop the pride, stop the rejection, STOP, STOP, STOP! Just PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!...and give yourself to God. So that God one day when you go to Him, God can say ‘well done my son or my daughter’. Farewell for now, it is,
Jehoveh Jireh, God the Provider (Genesis 22: 8);
Jehoveh Jireh, God the Provider (Genesis 22: 8);
Jehoveh Adonai, My Lord, My Master, (Genesis 18:3)